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Available Reviews
Well of Souls (PC)

Well of Souls review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Any hardcore fans of Everquest and Asheron's Call can stop reading now; you won't like this game. However, if you're thinking about purchasing those games, you might want to give Well of Souls a test drive. It provides a massively multiplayer game for the gamer who has a life, and doesn't want to spend money recklessly.
sgreenwell's avatar
Rayman Advance (Game Boy Advance)

Rayman Advance review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Still a better game than quite a few others, the developers need something to immerse and involve their players and they need it quick, I'm losing my patience.
maxh's avatar
Spyro: Season of Ice (Game Boy Advance)

Spyro: Season of Ice review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The levels have been designed so you can visit any part of the them you want at any time, it's real 3-d freedom (Almost more free-roaming than the playstation games).
maxh's avatar
Street Fighter 2010 (NES)

Street Fighter 2010 review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I have played alot of NES games and this one has got to be one of my all time favorites. For starters, this is the first game I can ever remember playing. It's a great game and I'm astonished how fun it is playing it again and again. I have grown up with the Street Fighter Games. As a matter of fact, Street Fighter II was the first game I owned, and I've played alot of them. This game is absolutely no let-down to the series, even though it is forgotten. It isn't without it's problems, but it is ...
aganar's avatar
Tweety & The Magic Gems (Game Boy Advance)

Tweety & The Magic Gems review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

it's not all bad and shows promise, but is ultimately designed with complete contempt for the gaming public in mind.
maxh's avatar
NHL Hockey '95 (Game Boy)

NHL Hockey '95 review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I am a huge fan of the NHL, and as a child my parents would not let me have a Super Nintendo or a Nintendo 64 (took some convincing but I have both now). This left me with no real systems to play an NHL game on, because there was practically none for the Classic Nintendo. So I asked for this game for my birthday and got it. As with all sport games, you have to memorize a password after every game to continue playing that season, and that always leads to me losing interest to a game fast.
ratking's avatar
Track & Field II (NES)

Track & Field II review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Konami once again tried to make a brand new sports category. I can't say they succeeded exactly, but they made a pretty good game. It would've been a classic if not for a couple of small flaws and one major flaw. In this game, you can choose to train or go to the Olympics. In the Olympics you have 3 events a day, and you must qualify in them to proceed to the next day. When you start you chose a country to represent. Then you proceed to the games.
aganar's avatar
Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy IX review (PSX)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

What prompted me to buy this game? Perhaps it was my longing for another great story from Square. Because that's what most Square RPGs are, a story, with some new gameplay devised thrown in for good measure. Another reason was the return to ''Old School'' Fantasy, not the modern fantasy of VII and VIII. (Which has it’s own charm, mind you) I was willing to put up with the random battles and leveling up, but was very surprised when neither were really that bad. Thanks to this game, I am now ...
mortis765's avatar
The 3D Battles of World Runner (NES)

The 3D Battles of World Runner review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Remember back when Square was a no-name company struggling to survive. This was before Final Fantasy. This was when they made ok games that not many people knew about. This was actually a good game. It surprises me that knowone remembers it.
aganar's avatar
Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (SNES)

Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Double Dragon with the Battletoad engine. Meh
aganar's avatar
Hogan's Alley (NES)

Hogan's Alley review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I only own two Zapper games, Hogan's Alley and Duck Hunt. Hogan's Alley is easily the better of the two, and it is probably the best Zapper game period. I mean, how can you not like a game with Mafia characters, and the ability to shoot cans. It is rediculous and entertaining at the same time, plus you don't have to worry about the mafia getting you back when you shoot one of them like in real life.
ratking's avatar
SimCity (SNES)

SimCity review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I usually always rate games based on how it was when they came out, but since newer versions of this game have come out which are far better, I may be a little mean to it. Don't get me wrong, its a great game, but after playing 2000, its hard to play it and like it as much.
aganar's avatar
The Final Fantasy Legend (Game Boy)

The Final Fantasy Legend review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game was the first type of Final Fantasy Game I ever had. I loved it sense the start, even though I lost the game. Sooner or later I will rebuy this game because it is one of the best games ever made. Now some believe that this game has no relation to the Final Fantasy series, and in truth they are correct. This is actually part of another series (SaGa) that was given the Final Fantasy name in America. Either way Square had added another game to its famous title, and one that is deservin...
ratking's avatar
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNES)

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Street Fighter II was my first Super Nintendo game. I got it when I was very young, but even then, I still enjoyed it as much as I do now. In a simple word it was a masterpiece. The pure definition of what a fighting game should be. Until Resident Evil 2 and Street Fighter Alpha III I go as far as to say it was their best work.
aganar's avatar
Super Bomberman (SNES)

Super Bomberman review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Even for an SNES game, Super Bomber has probably the best multiplayer ever
aganar's avatar
The Sims (PC)

The Sims review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

To have the oppurtunity to marry your one true love and have children. To own a bachelor pad with your friend, and enter the dating service. To get your dream job and become an international spy, an Astronaut, or even a superhero. This is what dreams are made of, and Sims lets you work your dreams in this simulated world.
ratking's avatar
Super Double Dragon (SNES)

Super Double Dragon review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

One of the best beat’em ups up to date
aganar's avatar
Final Fantasy II (SNES)

Final Fantasy II review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

When I first started playing this game I had already played through its sequel Final Fantasy III, and believed it to be the greatest game ever. I, however, had not played this game yet and was a little too early in that decision. Final Fantasy is everything Final Fantasy III had and maybe more. I dearly love this game, for it gives you a complete package with a memorable storyline, a perfect gameplay system, and just a feel that would become present in many Final Fantasy games to follow. Besides...
ratking's avatar
Super High Impact (SNES)

Super High Impact review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game is pretty why can't I stop playing it?
aganar's avatar
Breath of Fire II (Game Boy Advance)

Breath of Fire II review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I was fortunate enough to find this copy for rent for my SNES as a wee lad, and much time was spent, and what a good time it was.
nf's avatar

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