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Available Reviews
Mouse Trap (Atari 2600)

Mouse Trap review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

A sneaky little mouse and three furry cats are all hungry. All the mouse wants are a few pieces of cheese, but the cats would rather have a living creature for lunch, such as a mouse! Each of the three felines are extremely greedy; they don't want to divide a mouse into thirds; they all want the entire feast for themselves, so they all go their separate ways in the twisting maze.
retro's avatar
Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)

Moon Patrol review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

There are some things that I'm automatically drawn to simply by their name and look. When I first read the title of a book called ''The Ultimate History of Video Games'' and saw its cover, it shot straight to the top of my must-get list right away. Growing up, I always wanted to be a meteorologist, until I found out how much physics, calculus, and chemistry that I'd have to take. Anything that had to do with weather, especially tornadoes, was always a major turn on for me.
retro's avatar
Missile Command (Atari 2600)

Missile Command review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

In Missile Command, you control a sort of spaceship that resembles a flashing, horizontal line, or cursor. Your job is to control the various missiles and other spaceships by moving your cursor of a spaceship around the screen and using it to plant loads of bombs in the right places in order to kick some major missile and alien butt. Move your flashing line where you anticipate the oncoming enemy being in the next 1-3 seconds, and then press the button to make your station at the bottom-middle o...
retro's avatar
Megamania (Atari 2600)

Megamania review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

When we think of things that make a video game different from most others, we typically think of something to do with its gameplay. There are always exceptions, however, and Megamania proves that. Space shooters were a dime a dozen back in the Atari 2600's heyday; they were standing on top of the world and still looking up. That was back when the majority of gamers actually enjoyed fun games that had a basic premise, no music, and graphics that were nothing to brag about.
retro's avatar
Mario Bros. (Atari 2600)

Mario Bros. review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Unless you know your video game history, you probably thought that Super Mario Bros. for the NES was the first game that featured the unstoppable duo of Mario and Luigi. However, Mario Bros. for the arcade was actually the first title that featured the two Italians. The game was also ported to other systems, such as the Atari 2600, before Nintendo fans ever got to see the two mushroom-eating, Bowser-defeating icons.
retro's avatar
Lock 'N Chase (Atari 2600)

Lock 'N Chase review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

There are not many video games in the history of the industry that have had more clones to come after it than Pac-Man has. None of them seemed to have the worldwide success that Sir Chomps-A-Lot, I mean Pac-Man had, but tons of clones tried to steal some of the limelight. Lock 'N Chase was one of those games. It's a clone and a half, but it does have a few noticeable differences, believe it or not.
retro's avatar
Kangaroo (Atari 2600)

Kangaroo review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

When a child gets taken away from its mother, about 99% of moms would just cry all week and call the police, but not kangaroo mothers! Hell no. The bad ass Mother Kangaroo puts on a pair of boxing gloves and sets out on her short-lived journey to save her baby at the top of the screen.
retro's avatar
Kaboom! (Atari 2600)

Kaboom! review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

I haven't seen many video games that have a title that describes the gameplay as well as this one. Kaboom! (it actually has an exclamation point in its title) features a crook who calls himself the ''Mad Bomber.'' He's dressed in pinstripes, a bandit's mask, and he has a sad frown stuck on his face. He has a fetish for dropping bomb after bomb after bomb from the top of the screen to the bottom, in an attempt to make them fall down and go KABOOM!
retro's avatar
Jungle Hunt (Atari 2600)

Jungle Hunt review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Sir Dudley Dashley's wife, Lady Penelope Dashley, has been kidnapped. As you might guess, it's up to Mr. Dashley to do all he can to rescue her. Soon, Sir Dudley Dashley came in contact with a letter that states that a group of Cannibals are planning to cook his wife into an Englishwoman broth, and then eat her as a soup (nasty).
retro's avatar
Jr. Pac-Man (Atari 2600)

Jr. Pac-Man review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

I'll never forget that particular trip to Toys R Us back in either 1988 or 1989. My parents drove me to the store, which was an hour away, so I could run to the video game aisle like I always did and take in the views (in my eyes, there were no other sections inside the store), and possibly make a purchase. But this time was different. We actually went to Birmingham just to eat out at Red Lobster, but since Toys R Us was right across the street, they subsided to my complaints to simply go there ...
retro's avatar
Ice Hockey (Atari 2600)

Ice Hockey review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Without a doubt, Ice Hockey is the best sports game for the Atari 2600, in my opinion. I own Football, Bowling, Basketball, Home Run, and Ice Hockey, and I can say that in every way, it is on the top of the pack looking down at the others and laughing.
retro's avatar
Hunt & Score (Atari 2600)

Hunt & Score review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

People like finding things that they know are somewhere around, but that are hidden. Just think about it. We all grew up playing hide 'n seek with friends when we were a kid, and when we were forced by our teachers in elementary school, one of our favorite kinds of books to check out were the Where's Waldo ones. You could also throw more classic games, such as Go Fish or Marco Polo into this list somewhere.
retro's avatar
Home Run (Atari 2600)

Home Run review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

In the game with the basic name of Home Run, you get to play games of America's favorite pastime: baseball. There's only one question that needs to be answered: Will it prove to be lame, or will it hit a home run?
retro's avatar
Gopher (Atari 2600)

Gopher review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Gopher was made in 1982 by U.S. Games, a subsidiary of The Quaker Oats Company. Why a company that's related to a company that makes oatmeal is making games, is beyond me. Keeping in mind that I like oatmeal, I jammed the cartridge into the Atari 2600 Jr. and decided to play it anyway. What did I find? I found an average game that just might be worth the dollar I paid for it at the Dixie Land flea market.
retro's avatar
Galaxian (Atari 2600)

Galaxian review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

What was up with all those developers making video games in which you control a ship or cannon of sorts at the bottom of the screen and move it left and right to shoot down legions of aliens that never run out of stock? The more I think about it, the more I think that those developers got so damn tired of hearing all these real life people crying out that they'd been abducted by aliens, only to have sexual experiments run on them before they're set back down on earth that they decided to place e...
retro's avatar
Frostbite (Atari 2600)

Frostbite review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Life is harsh in the arctic. We humans can't seem to find a way to live in parts of the world simply because it's too damn cold. Certain species of animals can amaze us in their ability to live in or adapt to the bone-chilling temperatures of places like Antarctica, where no human dares to make their home. Apparently, since they're so used to not seeing any people in their territory, they hate us, and they'll do anything to make us go home or die, whichever happens to come first.
retro's avatar
Freeway (Atari 2600)

Freeway review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Activision was one of the most prolific companies back in the Atari 2600's heyday when it came to making great, unforgettable games. Among the Activision classics for the 2600 are Pitfall!, Kaboom!, Fishing Derby, Megamania, Frostbite, Seaquest, H.E.R.O., Keystone Kapers, Stampede, and of course, Freeway.
retro's avatar
Fishing Derby (Atari 2600)

Fishing Derby review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

I haven't ever been a gamer that was a huge sports fan (yes, fishing is a sport), but I always enjoyed most of Atari's tries at the genre. At first glance of the back of Fishing Derby's box almost two decades ago, I was impressed by the graphics at the time, and the game looked like it would be fun. But, I didn't have the money to purchase it and my parents wouldn't subside to my whining, and I never saw the game on a store shelf again.
retro's avatar
Donkey Kong Junior (Atari 2600)

Donkey Kong Junior review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

I've read a few messages about some people blabbering on about how Donkey Kong Junior for the Atari 2600 wasn't a faithful port from the arcade. I can't really say what I think about this issue because I haven't ever played the arcade game of Donkey Kong Junior. But I know one's a pretty fun game for the Atari 2600.
retro's avatar
Donkey Kong (Atari 2600)

Donkey Kong review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

I'm sure everybody that is even somewhat familiar with video game history has heard about the classic game of Donkey Kong at one time or another, which was the very first game that featured either Mario or Donkey Kong.
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