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Available Reviews
Super Monkey Ball 2 (GameCube)

Super Monkey Ball 2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on November 08, 2003

One of Gamecube's launch titles, Super Monkey Ball, was a surprising success and Gamecube owners were pleased to learn that a new Monkey Ball game was on its way to the Cube, supposedly featuring more challenging levels, better multiplayer and rehashed graphics and gameplay. It sadly doesn't exactly stand up all of those expectations.
wishingtikal's avatar
Jak II (PlayStation 2)

Jak II review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 05, 2003

You remember Jak & Daxter, don't you? Of course you do. In case you don't, let's recap.
kieran's avatar
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (NES)

Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom review (NES)

Reviewed on November 02, 2003

Ever why the Ninja Gaiden series died? There's probably a few reasons for it, mainly company related, but Ninja Gaiden 3 certainly did not help the cause. It's the worst of the 3 Ninja Gaidens by far, as Tecmo tried out these new ideas that just were not suitable for Ninja Gaiden games, as therefore the series bombed. It's still not a horrible game, however, and I enjoyed it for the most part. Just don't expect a high-quality Ninja Gaiden game.
psychopenguin's avatar
Captain Skyhawk (NES)

Captain Skyhawk review (NES)

Reviewed on November 02, 2003

The NES had a wide variety of games released over the years. It is my opinion that no system out there could ever match the wide variety of games released for it. Captain Skyhawk is one example of this. It may seem like an ordinary vertical scrolling shooter, but once you sit down and actually play it and get deeper and deeper into the game, you will discover that looks can indeed be quite deceiving. This is totally unlike mostly any shooter released during the timeframe. Each mission is differe...
psychopenguin's avatar
Battletoads (NES)

Battletoads review (NES)

Reviewed on November 02, 2003

I am sure there are a few readers out there reading this that glared over the other Battletoads reviews and found them to be informative but focused too much on one thing: challenge. So, I figure I'll just get it out of my system early and move on with what makes this game so good. Yes, Battletoads is hard. Really freaking hard. There you go, you now know what you are getting yourself into when you play this game.
psychopenguin's avatar
College Football USA '97 (Genesis)

College Football USA '97 review (GEN)

Reviewed on November 02, 2003

Sports games really evolved when the Genesis was introduced. No longer were games with four teams and no modes acceptable. Now, sports games required a variety of game modes, teams, etc. College Football USA 96 was the first college football game ever released, to the best of my knowledge, and while it was a solid attempt, it didn't really feature a ton of game modes, plus it has problems delivering a solid and fun gameplay experience.
psychopenguin's avatar
Ice Hockey (NES)

Ice Hockey review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Back in the day, sports games were different. Most of them were realistic to a point, but also took a lot of liberties with the game to make it, well, fun. There were no marathon season-long campaigns, name-brand players or realistic physics, just arcade-style action sometimes only very loosely based on the sport it was meant to represent.
alecto's avatar
A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES)

A Nightmare on Elm Street review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Anyone who knows me knows I put two movie series above all others: Predator and Terminator. But everyone also knows that I love the Nightmare on Elm Street series, and still consider the original to be one of the finest movies ever made. It had everything needed to be an effective horror movie, along with the most effective villian and plot ever assembled for a video game. The idea of an evil child murderer getting revenge for the people that killed him by haunting their kids while they sleep is...
psychopenguin's avatar
Major League Baseball (NES)

Major League Baseball review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Baseball games on the NES were a dime a dozen back in the day, but only one sported the official MLB license. Finally, there was a game out there that didn't make you play as the SNK Crushers or Team A. Now you can play as the San Diego Padres, or Atlanta Braves, or for the sadomasochists out there, the New York Yankees. This was really a high selling point of the game, and I'm sure it sold a ton of copies based on this valuable license alone.
psychopenguin's avatar
Baseball Simulator 1.000 (NES)

Baseball Simulator 1.000 review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

In my current quest to play and review every baseball game ever made on the NES, I stumbled upon a game called Baseball Simulator 1.000. Of course, I didn't think much of it at first. I just thought it would be another hapless attempt at making a baseball game. Most of the games I had played at the time were really not that good. Fortunately, Culture Brain actually managed to make a deep and satisfying gameplay experience that I rather enjoyed, as they actually went back to basics and made the g...
psychopenguin's avatar
10-Yard Fight (NES)

10-Yard Fight review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

There are some games out there that just make me wonder what the hell the developer was smoking when they decided to make it. 10 Yard Fight, an early attempt at a football game, is a perfect example of this. If you can look past the lack of game modes, bad graphics, and fact that it's really hard to do anything positive in the game, you will still end up looking at the worst football game ever made. I'd like to apologize to NCAA Gamebreaker 2004 right now, because at least that was somewhat of a...
psychopenguin's avatar
Super Metroid (SNES)

Super Metroid review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Putting into words how great of a game Super Metroid is, is a difficult task. Back in the sometimes gloomy, sometimes upbeat days of 1994, it was rare to find a game that had both a breathtaking adventure full of thrilling gameplay that also featured an enchanting storyline (most other adventures used the worn out damsel in distress tag instead of something original).
retro's avatar
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Back in the blazingly arid days of the summer of '96 when the glorious Super Nintendo was reaching its end and the Nintendo 64 was right around the corner, Super Mario RPG showed its role-playing face to the world.
retro's avatar
Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)

Super Mario All-Stars review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Fans of the Super Mario Bros. games for the NES rejoice! Super Mario All-Stars is one game that almost every Nintendo fan absolutely had to have when it first came out. I already had all three of the classic platformers for the NES, but I still wanted it just as bad as anyone. Why did everyone want this game so bad? Easy, because it has Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros. 3 all in one cartridge! It also has a game that most people (including myself) hadn't ever played c...
retro's avatar
Street Fighter II Turbo (SNES)

Street Fighter II Turbo review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

StormyWeather980: Streets of Rage 2 is my favorite fighting game of all time.
retro's avatar
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (SNES)

Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

There were a lot of great platformers for the Super Nintendo, and Mickey Mania is one of them. Mickey Mania is not only a great platformer, it has something a little extra for anybody who's a huge fan of the old Mickey Mouse cartoons.
retro's avatar
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES)

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

The film industry has become notorious over the years for making movie sequels that hardly ever live up to the original. Predator was an instant action movie classic in the late 80's, and it deserved a superb sequel. What did it get? A boring, terrible piece of crap follow-up that doesn't even deserve the title, Predator 2. Other great movies, such as Batman, had an impressive sequel or two, but movie makers just wouldn't leave the series alone and let it remain in good standing. Instead, they d...
retro's avatar
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Donkey Kong Country review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Isn't it amazing how a picture can take you back to the good old days when you didn't have a worry in the world, or drag you back to a depressing time that you wish you could forget? No matter what the current times or surroundings were, capturing them in a photograph can preserve the memories forever. When images of Donkey Kong Country come to mind, I see not only the first SNES game I ever owned, but also a revolutionary platformer that is impossible to forget.
retro's avatar
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)

Disney's Aladdin review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

While a lot of Disney movies have had a plot that was pretty farfetched (i.e. The Jungle Book, Sword in the Stone, Dumbo), Aladdin's story was one that could actually happen in real life. Aladdin, a poor boy, is used to being a thief in order to get food and to live to see the next day. He meets and falls in love with Jasmine, who just happens to be a princess, and his world is completely changed. Aladdin for the Super Nintendo follows the same storyline as the movie, so yep, it's yet another on...
retro's avatar
Biker Mice From Mars (SNES)

Biker Mice From Mars review (SNES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Don't you just love it when you accidentally discover something? It's a hot summer day and you're walking down the street or swimming to the bottom of the deep end of the pool as your ears clog up begging to be popped and you find a few dollar bills. It's only a few bucks, but you feel as hyped as a millionaire because you can now buy yourself an ice cream cone or maybe even a video game off of eBay.
retro's avatar

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