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Available Reviews
Lunar Rescue (Arcade)

Lunar Rescue review (ARC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

In 1979, Americans' fascination with space was at its peak. The year marked the 10-year anniversary since man first stepped foot on the moon, and the country couldn't have been more into aliens and UFOs. Whether you were watching movies about them or playing the classics such as Space Invaders, interest in aliens was blooming faster than the speed of light.
retro's avatar
Chicken Run (Game Boy Color)

Chicken Run review (GBC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Movies usually makes lousy games –at most, decent. Don’t worry; Chicken Run is no exception. It isn’t a decent game –rather, it is a lousy game. The repetition in this introduction can as a matter of fact be observed throughout the whole game.
siegfried's avatar
Tecmo Cup Soccer Game (NES)

Tecmo Cup Soccer Game review (NES)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Once upon a time, grew a boy, in Japan, called Tsubasa Ozora. Tsubasa would ever since his birth act differently from his peers. Indeed, while his buddies would relentlessly talk about their favorite comics, movies and girls, Tsubasa would remain alone. It should however be said that Tsubasa was not really alone. He would spend a lot of time with his best friend. His best friend was a ball, a football (soccer).
siegfried's avatar
Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition (PC)

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition review (PC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Does Unreal Tournament, widely considered as one of the best first-person shooters around (if not the best!), even need to be introduced? Hell, for many, UT is even much more than that (i.e. the best FPS around). When Unreal was released, it did what many games hoped to do, but almost always miserably failed. It caught gamers’ attention, and caused them to show interest in a genre they once ignored, or maybe even despised. I personally never cared for first-person shooters before that glo...
siegfried's avatar
Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VIII review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 17, 2003

Final Fantasy VIII is a game you'll love and hate. Where you may love the sci-fi premise, you may baulk at the love story. Where you may hate drawing magic from your enemies, you'll love the customisation of the Junction system. Where you may love the realistic character designs, you may not like the hero, Squall. Where you may love the abilities you can teach your Guardian Forces, you may not like summoning them. Where you may love Final Fantasy VIII, you may hate it.
jerec's avatar
Super Mario World (SNES)

Super Mario World review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 17, 2003

As gamers, we all have a certain game that stands out among the others that we've played. There have been dozens of games that I've played through, but in only one of those I can remember how to beat every level. If I couldn't play this game for ten years, once my punishment was up, I'd still be able to pick up the controller and enjoy it, even if it isn't challenging anymore. That game is Super Mario World. A lot of people begin these reviews with a nostalgic story of their fond memories...
asherdeus's avatar
SimEarth (PC)

SimEarth review (PC)

Reviewed on December 17, 2003

Imagine if you will, a newborn planet. It is completely covered in flame and magma. Billions of years pass by in mere seconds, and this lava has hardened into rock. In the blink of an eye, many billions of years have passed once more, and your world is now covered in oceans. Single celled organisms begin to emerge and multiply in the vast oceans. Volcanoes erupt, creating the first continents. New species evolve, and many emerge out of the oceans to become land-dwellers. Forests now begin to cov...
jerec's avatar
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance)

Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 16, 2003

In 1995, an unlikely legend was born. Still riding on the success of the blockbuster hit from four years earlier, Super Mario World, and the popularity of other classic titles such as Super Mario Kart and the various NES hits, it didn't seem like there was much more the Mario series could do to further its legend. Nintendo decided to pull another Super Mario Bros. 2 - to take a chance by going down the strange, unbeaten path once again. Why not go way back in Mario's history...
retro's avatar
Fear Effect (PlayStation)

Fear Effect review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 16, 2003

At the nexus where Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Blade Runner and Big Trouble in Little China meet, there is Fear Effect (FE), one of the toughest, darkest and most lurid survival horror outings to arrive late in the Playstation's career. In FE you control a team of three mercenaries, the intriguingly named Hana, Glas and Deke, seeking out a runaway girl in a neon-lit future Hong Kong with plans to ransom her back to her millionaire Triad-leading father. Awful complicatio...
bloomer's avatar
Maze Craze: A Game of Cops And Robbers (Atari 2600)

Maze Craze: A Game of Cops And Robbers review (A2600)

Reviewed on December 14, 2003

Maze Craze. That's something I've never had. I've never been a big fan of mazes in video games, especially the ones that are timed. It's too easy to get lost, and many are hard enough to have you pulling out enough of your hair to detect a growing bald spot within minutes.
retro's avatar
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Game Boy Advance)

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 10, 2003

For years, the taller of the brothers Mario has been getting the short end of the stick. He's had a few starring roles over the past decade, but honestly, when was the last time you played Mario is Missing? Was there ever a first time? My point exactly. More recently, he relieved a mansion of its ghost infestation problem, but not out of any inherent sense of heroism like the one his brother has. For God's sake, he was shaking like the last leaf on a tree in autumn the whole time! Now tho...
snowdragon's avatar
Tagin' Dragon (NES)

Tagin' Dragon review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

When you eat warm food, you feel warmer, especially if it is a juicy, mouth-watering sirloin steak you just took a bite out of.
snowdragon's avatar
Pesterminator (NES)

Pesterminator review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

With a name like Kernel Kleanup, how can you lose? Easily, that's how. For one thing, the dorks at Western Exterminator and Color Dreams didn't even spell it right. It's Colonel, not Kernel. And he must think he's got that rat right where he wants him, what with the hammer cleverly hidden behind his back and all. Still, a wave of familiarity will hit you like a brick in the face even you've never played this game. How so? Well, odds are you've probably seen this guy on the Mossimo shirts from ba...
snowdragon's avatar
Gyromite (NES)

Gyromite review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

When Nintendo came about from its humble foray into arcades to raise a home console system, they felt this strange need to categorize all their games for you. You had the Sports Series, the Adventure Series, even the Programmable Series, and so on and so forth. Each of their conveniently labeled genres lived up to their silly monikers and earned Nintendo a spotless reputation. What is startling but not altogether surprising to find out now, however, is that most of these games have aged like che...
snowdragon's avatar
Mr. Gimmick (NES)

Mr. Gimmick review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I've played some mighty weird games in my tenure here as a reviewer. One allowed you to swim through a sea of milk and featured an evil tapir as the final boss. Another placed you in the role of a blue blob whose primary line of offense consisted of projectile vomiting his nucleus at his aggressors. Still another game allowed you to grow a raccoon's tail and use it as a flying implement whenever you collected something so simple as a leaf. Granted, that last one turned out to be massively popula...
snowdragon's avatar
Urban Champion (NES)

Urban Champion review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

In 1984, Nintendo was the luckiest company on the face of the gaming planet. With Atari taking a shameful nosedive into oblivion, Nintendo had a clean slate on all fronts. After moving the foundations of the arcade scene, Nintendo seized the opportunity to make a boatload of games that everybody could enjoy. There were games for the sports enthusiast, games for the new rising breed of platforming fans, and enough quirky small packages of miscellany to keep all gamers on their toes.
snowdragon's avatar
Taboo: The Sixth Sense (NES)

Taboo: The Sixth Sense review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I suppose it's not fair that I went into Taboo: The Sixth Sense with a predisposition to dislike it. Then again, it's reasonable not to expect much from a non-game whose sole purpose is to give you the most obtuse answer possible to any given question. Taboo falls into its own special category along with a handful of other games designed solely to piss off the average gamer, because it's not a game. It's a short, five-minute activity that was poorly passed off as an exciting product that could h...
snowdragon's avatar
Seicross (NES)

Seicross review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I have no idea what this game is really about. All I know is that of the four games that came with my $2 NES, it was the only one I had never heard of. The label on the cartridge is standard 80's artistry - rides on hovering bikes sideswiping each other on a futuristic landscape. It elucidated little of the mystery within save for rudimentary aesthetic details. Hesitant though I was, I knew it would have to be the first game I tried out. After a short session of rigorously blowing on the pin con...
snowdragon's avatar
Mach Rider (NES)

Mach Rider review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

As we in the States sit down this coming Thanksgiving to realize the convenience of our bountiful possessions and remind ourselves what terminally insane relatives we have, my mind turns first to video games. I am thankful for the sweet escape they provide from the pressures of reality, and that I have a wide array of genres to choose from when I am bored. I may want to beat the tar out of a few of my enemies with a little Street Fighter or save the world with my awe-inspiring platforming skills...
snowdragon's avatar
Guerilla War (NES)

Guerilla War review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Think back to a time when a shoot-em-up game could more accurately have been dubbed a blow-em-up; a time when violence in video games was the last thing on Joe Lieberman's mind; a time when a game didn't have to go through a million metal detectors only to become a pathetic distilled version of its original powerful self that could barely stand up on its own two tank treads. Yes, the glory days of the NES played host to a number of action-packed games where if you were carrying a souped-up machi...
snowdragon's avatar

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