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Available Reviews
Altered Beast (Arcade)

Altered Beast review (ARC)

Reviewed on June 24, 2004

As I pick through the mind of retro gamers and those who dig “old school” I have never found a fan of Altered Beast. “Boy! That game stinks!” is usually the response I get and when I defend it I get something like “What the **** are you on?” It seems, now the mist has well cleared and the cobwebs have now settled on this archaic action classic and most people are now ready to forget it, despite Sega’s attempts to re-launch it on more up to date systems.
goldenvortex's avatar
Mega Man: The Power Battle (Arcade)

Mega Man: The Power Battle review (ARC)

Reviewed on June 24, 2004

Mega Man: The Power Battle was a fighting game in the arcades featuring the Blue Bomber, his friends and the cast of unforgettable “men” from his various other hits on the NES and SNES. It contained a selection of bosses from the series and threw you in numerous confrontations against these with the ability to play as Mega Man, his bro, Protoman and their rival/ally Forte, whom I had never heard of until I played this game as to be honest I ain’t a huge Mega Man fan.
goldenvortex's avatar
N2O: Nitrous Oxide (PlayStation)

N2O: Nitrous Oxide review (PSX)

Reviewed on June 22, 2004

Balance. In the end, that is what it is all about. Nothing more, nothing less, than balance.
cheekylee's avatar
Uniracers (SNES)

Uniracers review (SNES)

Reviewed on June 22, 2004

Picture this in your head, if you can. A Unigod, who rules over the Universe, creating anything he wants. Eventually, he got bored, as I imagine a Unigod would if he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. One day, he meets a beautiful young princess, and tries to think of the weirdest possible thing to create, to not only squash his boredom but to impress her.
karpah's avatar
AFL Live 2004 (PlayStation 2)

AFL Live 2004 review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 22, 2004

I will admit right off the bat, that I have never been a big fan of sports games. I love watching sports, but playing them never interested me. Nevertheless, I decided to purchase and play AFL Live 2004, because the idea of a new game based on my favourite sport intrigued me. I do own AFL '99 for PC, and thought it was okay, but I wanted to play a newer, console version, in the hopes that it would be executed better.
karpah's avatar
Kingdom Hearts (PlayStation 2)

Kingdom Hearts review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 22, 2004

Kingdom Hearts was supposed to be one of those rare perfect games. Square, the undisputed king of RPGs, and Disney, everyone's childhood sweethearts, working together to create a gaming masterpiece that was supposed to appeal to the child in us all. Sadly, it's fallen far short of this hypothetical mark.
karpah's avatar
Parasite Eve II (PlayStation)

Parasite Eve II review (PSX)

Reviewed on June 20, 2004

I still remember the day I heard about this game called Parasite Eve II. A friend of mine was selling it for five bucks, and seeing as I had just purchased a Playstation and had only one game for it, I thought, why not. I think I got a pretty good deal right there, that day.
karpah's avatar
X-Change (PC)

X-Change review (PC)

Reviewed on June 20, 2004

If in earlier days, or perhaps even now, you were like most young men -- and all you ladies out there, I’m guessing you weren’t -- you probably at some point wished yourself a girl. That’s right -- a frilly dress-wearing, tea party-hosting, Nancy Drew-reading girl. Well I’m here to disillusion you and hopefully break you of those twisted desires, because if X-Change is any indicator -- and knowing the reputed mystical insights possessed by your average Japanese game designer, it probably ...
denouement's avatar
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic review (PC)

Reviewed on June 19, 2004

In that familiar galaxy far, far away, some 4000 years before the long-ago events of the two Star Wars film trilogies, the Republic is threatened by a Sith army led by Darth Malak. Its fate lies with the sultry yet sour-mouthed Jedi Bastilla, who possesses a potent ability called Battle Meditation that allowed her to kill Malak’s former master Revan. She’s not doing so well as the game opens, though, as a Sith armada destroys her vessel and forces her to hide out on Taris, a decaying urban world...
denouement's avatar
Ardy Lightfoot (SNES)

Ardy Lightfoot review (SNES)

Reviewed on June 19, 2004

It's not difficult to see why companies often make platformers starring cute mascots. After all, making a lovable talking animal is far more easier than making, say, a lovable angst-filled teenager. Mario, despite being an overweight plumber with approximately zero charisma, is nonetheless one of the most recognizable icons of video gaming. Platformers are also quite easy to develop; they may add new abilities or introduce new elements, but you could still get by perfectly with the run-and-jump ...
lurkeratlarge's avatar
The Queen of Heart '98 (PC)

The Queen of Heart '98 review (PC)

Reviewed on June 18, 2004

Watanabe Seisakujo is an interesting Japanese company. Obviously an impassioned collection of individuals, they seek to pay tribute to games that they admire. Apparently, some of those games are of an adult nature, as the group tends to borrow their favorite female characters to use in their own games… their own fighting games. Watanabe Seisakujo aren’t alone in their desire to see cute girls beat each other senseless, though, as all their creations have achieved at least cult-level recogniti...
woodhouse's avatar
DoDonPachi (Arcade)

DoDonPachi review (ARC)

Reviewed on June 18, 2004

What is DoDonPachi? If you answered ''a shooter,'' you are wrong. Go home, go directly home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
snowdragon's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 18, 2004

Have you ever gotten the urge to run over the old lady that decides to cross in front of you? How about beating up that wierd looking guy and stealing his money? Well, with the next installment of the Grand Theft Auto series, you can.
heroofthewinds's avatar
Heavy Barrel (NES)

Heavy Barrel review (NES)

Reviewed on June 17, 2004

The overhead run 'n gunner is a genre that never quite came to fruition on the console front. The pioneering Ikari Warriors series, despite having three separate outings, could not overcome the dreadful archetype that defines it. Guerilla War seemed to get everything right, only to turn around and commit an unpardonable sin - players would infinitely re-spawn upon death, so if they wanted a challenge, they would need to imagine their own handicap. Unfortunately, Heavy Barrel...
deathspork's avatar
CIMA: The Enemy (Game Boy Advance)

CIMA: The Enemy review (GBA)

Reviewed on June 17, 2004

He lurks the hallway, with a silent breath that if heard could draw daggers. He has no fear of a dark death, having seen his master brutally murdered by his laughing nemesis, the would-be destroyer of his people. What he waits for, is what will allow him to keep his promise. His honor, his pride, his life, his friends are all at stake.
yamishuryou's avatar
Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)

Ninja Gaiden review (XBX)

Reviewed on June 17, 2004

ender's avatar
Amagon (NES)

Amagon review (NES)

Reviewed on June 17, 2004

When Nintendo released Super Mario Brothers, a new age of video gaming began. Players controlled the cheerful plumber as he traveled on land, in caves, underwater and through castles in his quest to rescue a beautiful princess from the foul dragon Bowser — and loved every glorious second of entertainment that game provided.
overdrive's avatar
Wally Bear and the No Gang (NES)

Wally Bear and the No Gang review (NES)

Reviewed on June 15, 2004

Few games invite self-parody from first impressions as readily as Wally Bear and the NO Gang. You may have bad or frustrating games, such as Hydlide or Action 52, didactic efforts with a legitimate streak of imagination such as Bible Adventures, or funny ones aware they're a bit simple. But a bear on his skateboard, out to convince other animals with lower self-esteem(their words) that drugs and gangs are a bad idea seems naive. Or perhaps it's just trying to market itself to naive types. In oth...
aschultz's avatar
Serious Sam:  The First Encounter (PC)

Serious Sam: The First Encounter review (PC)

Reviewed on June 14, 2004

I can honestly say that only a few things have ever actually hurt my brain. One thing that I remember as a brain-hurter was when my friend Chris and I took apart this really old TV and broke a tube inside it that was labeled as dangerous. Suffice to say, I have worn glasses ever since. Another thing that made my brain hurt was Chemistry. Never knew what was going on in there, but after an hour and a half of learning it, my brain felt like it got sucker-punched by Muhammad Ali. The only thing els...
asherdeus's avatar
Myst (Jaguar CD)

Myst review (JCD)

Reviewed on June 14, 2004

If you've ever heard someone scrutinizing Myst, you've probably witnessed some loser running to its defense with an inane comment along these lines: “Well, it's really good for what it is.” What is Myst exactly? I'll synopsize the whole game for you: You take a pointer and you click around while collecting clues. Is there something revolutionary and pioneering that I am missing here? Call me ignorant, even go to the extent of calling me a condescending fool, but I'm lost on why people find this ...
Sclem's avatar

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