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Available Reviews
Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)

Ninja Gaiden review (XBX)

Reviewed on May 26, 2005

Ninja Gaiden is a superior piece of software. It resembles nothing so much as an exquisitely engineered piece of machinery, and that's both Ninja Gaiden's majesty and its weakness: it works so exquisitely, but it often feels more like a collection of well-oiled parts than a videogame.
careless_whisper's avatar
Devil May Cry 2 (PlayStation 2)

Devil May Cry 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 26, 2005

Super Mario Bros. is the first videogame I ever played, and I loved it. I’ve conquered other electronic worlds, but you always remember your first time. Mine happened to be with the seminal effort that turned the slumping mid-80s gaming scene on its head.
careless_whisper's avatar
The Punisher (Xbox)

The Punisher review (XBX)

Reviewed on May 26, 2005

The last time Frank Castle was in the video game limelight was in 1993; he and Nick Fury beat the crap out of countless thugs and finally brought down Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin. It was one of Capcom’s finest work and an easy arcade classic that captured the gritty world of the Punisher well, without having to resort to over the top violence.
goldenvortex's avatar
Dragon Force (Saturn)

Dragon Force review (SAT)

Reviewed on May 23, 2005

Sequels can be a mess and remakes can teeter on the edge of a needle between outstanding and horrific. While I’m adamant about never begging for anything, I surely wouldn’t be opposed to send a request letter Sega’s way asking them for a re-introduced version of Dragon Force. Of what few epics the Saturn actually produced—most of them being Roleplaying/Strategy games—Dragon Force is the only one that, in my opinion, could go head to head with Shining Force and hold its own. Coming from me that’s...
True's avatar
Mortal Kombat II (Game Boy)

Mortal Kombat II review (GB)

Reviewed on May 22, 2005

Much like its console counterparts, the Gameboy version of Mortal Kombat II improves on pretty much everything the first did. However, Acclaim wouldn't be Acclaim until they go completely blind and look past two very distinct problems. The engine isn't too thrilling, either.
shinnokxz's avatar
Max Payne (Mac)

Max Payne review (MAC)

Reviewed on May 21, 2005

The pallid light bursting from my Macintosh was the only thing my burning eyes were registering at this ungodly hour. It was 4 AM. This time belonged to the street urchins, the disease flowing through the bloodstream of this audibly dying monument to good old American ingenuity, know-how, and monstrous excess. It made my head spin just thinking about all the pests I had exterminated the past few days, with the help of two friends I kept very close to my side. In thigh holsters to be precise. The...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (Genesis)

Mickey's Ultimate Challenge review (GEN)

Reviewed on May 21, 2005

The Kingdom of Beanwick is in turmoil! The sky is rumbling and no one knows why. Could this be the end of the world?! While the citizens are too busy not caring, Mickey and Minnie try to get to the bottom of this by going through a number of simple-minded puzzles. Only then will they be able to face Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (what? Minnie's name is absent from the title? I smell discrimination!): another puzzle!
dementedhut's avatar
May Club (PC)

May Club review (PC)

Reviewed on May 21, 2005

Hajime Kudo is a glass half-empty kind of guy. He’s just graduated from university and already landed a decent job, so it seems he’s on his way to enjoying a carefree bachelor lifestyle. But that’s precisely the problem. Convinced that beginning his career without a companion will doom him to eternal solitude, Hajime resolves to spend the totality of the next month and a half on one singular activity: finding a girlfriend. He will not eat. He will not bathe. He will not be merry until meet...
woodhouse's avatar
God of War (PlayStation 2)

God of War review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 20, 2005

God of War is a game that channels the pitiless wrath of ancient Greek gods and warriors. The ads ominously proclaim that “a new myth will be written in the blood of the old,” and I’ll be damned if the designers of this game haven’t gone out and done just that.
careless_whisper's avatar
Ten Pin Alley (PlayStation)

Ten Pin Alley review (PSX)

Reviewed on May 20, 2005

Let’s just admit—right now—that we don’t play sports games for the story. While some elements of an intriguing nature could be placed into some of the bigger genres, even Solid Snake couldn’t add any plot to a bowling game. While that’s known and accepted, we instead try our hands for the entertainment and the realism of a sports game—even if it is bowling. If this is a well known fact—that the more realistic and down to earth a sports game is the better—then someone needs to tell ASC the makers...
True's avatar
Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation)

Metal Gear Solid review (PSX)

Reviewed on May 18, 2005

Near the end of Metal Gear Solid, Liquid Snake, the terrorist leader who's (deep breath now) using a captured secret nuclear-armed prototype mech to blackmail the U.S. government into, among other things, sending over the remains of his father (AKA "Big Boss") to be used to repair the DNA of his army of clones and achieve his father's dream of an impregnable fortress from which to begin world domination (whew!), describes his plot to retrieve his father's remains as an example of the "sel...
deadtrees's avatar
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PlayStation 2)

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 18, 2005

Oh, it starts out promising. Chat with a barmaid with toned abs and silicone implants (good implants, mind you), and then take a giant-rat-killing job in the town sewers to get back at the thieves who robbed me of every last coin? Sign me up! And wow, Tolkien-land never looked this good! I've seen malls that weren't as clean as these sewers! And great Caesar's ghost! the water in this game flows and ripples and splishes and splashes just like the water in my bathtub does! PlayStati...
deadtrees's avatar
Hitman: Codename 47 (PC)

Hitman: Codename 47 review (PC)

Reviewed on May 16, 2005

Much of Agent 47's life is shrouded in darkness. His life, limited to the day of his awakening from a deep sleep, is incomplete and mysterious. All that can be recalled is escaping from a damp hospital prison and following a cackling, crazy voice from a man he never knew--his father.
masterzero99's avatar
Shining the Holy Ark (Saturn)

Shining the Holy Ark review (SAT)

Reviewed on May 16, 2005

I don't like to hang onto most games after I've beaten them. While everything loses its luster after time, I have no qualms about keeping nearly every "Shining" game ever made. Shining the Holy Ark is just another example of why I never trade them in for something new and why I continue to play them long after the system is geriatric. Although this game returns to its roots and pits you against monsters in a first person style (Much like shining in the darkness) you won’t find yourself missing t...
True's avatar
XIII (Xbox)

XIII review (XBX)

Reviewed on May 15, 2005

For the last several years, comic books have been slowly making a stronger impact on the more popular of medias. DC and Marvel characters alone have caused a recent wave of blockbuster hits and even comics with smaller cult followings, such as Spawn and Hellboy, have created quite the stir on their own. The recent success has sparked a race to see which company can cash in on this growing trend. Activision scored Spider-man, Eurocom is the latest developer for Batman, and Superman has been whore...
evilpoptart937's avatar
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 (GameCube)

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on May 14, 2005

Dragonball Z: Budokai was a major disappointment; only the most hardcore of hardcore Dragonball Z fans could look at it and say: “Boy that sure was fun!” It pushed forward some innovative ideas about how a 3-D Dragonball game should be played but it ruined it by dropping these glass ideas on jagged rocks. However, we can now put those troubles behind us and play Budokai 2, a game that fixed all of the originals problems with a few swift strokes. The fighting was more interactive, the story mo...
goldenvortex's avatar
Archer Mclean's Mercury (PSP)

Archer Mclean's Mercury review (PSP)

Reviewed on May 14, 2005

About 14 years ago, there was a fantastic game about called Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, which was one of the only sport simulation type of games that I've ever liked, thanks partly to its sense of humour and believable AI, but thanks mostly to the fact that it was fun to play. Not long after it came out, there was a sequel - Archer Maclean's Pool. I'd never heard of Archer Maclean before, but I always assumed he was a well known pool player, and the makers of the game had seen fit to attach...
gazgt's avatar
Stretch Panic (PlayStation 2)

Stretch Panic review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 13, 2005

Many people aren’t even aware that a company named Treasure exists, but its unique, refreshing games have garnered a small but fervent fanbase. The name Treasure is appropriate, because most of their games are just that—offbeat gems that too few experience. Games like Mischief Makers, Gunstar Heroes, and Radiant Silvergun are revered by some, but unknown to many.
careless_whisper's avatar
Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)

Metal Slug 3 review (XBX)

Reviewed on May 13, 2005

Fascist military regimes are stalwart figures of evil oppression They can kick ass, and look good doing it. Submarines, tanks, fighter jets, countless soldiers, and fortresses of doom all come standard. Put a good one in a videogame and it’s hard to go wrong. The first Metal Slug, as a matter of fact, rode to glory on the back of a Nazi-like army led by a goofy Sadaam Hussein doppleganger.
careless_whisper's avatar
Ikaruga (Dreamcast)

Ikaruga review (DC)

Reviewed on May 13, 2005

A collage of emotion pours from your body the first time you witness an insurmountable wall of bright, glowing bullets looming closer and closer to your ship. The bullets are so packed together, the metallic background disappears, and all you can see is a school of menacing bullets.
hepatitisx's avatar

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