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Available Reviews
Gundam Battle Assault 2 (PlayStation)

Gundam Battle Assault 2 review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 15, 2005

A Gundam battle is about fast-paced combat, on land, under sea, in the air. It is about incredible acrobatics, intense gunfights, heated duels. It’s about firing away with beams and bullets from afar, then closing the distance and hacking the enemy to pieces with a few slashes of the beam saber.
lasthero's avatar
Fisher Price: I Can Remember (NES)

Fisher Price: I Can Remember review (NES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

I Can Remember.
psychopenguin's avatar
Dragon Warrior II (NES)

Dragon Warrior II review (NES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

It's really amazing how Enix's first two role playing games turned out. The first one, Dragon Warrior, was full of holes and flaws and yet still turned out to be one of the more enjoyable games ever released for the NES. The sequel brought along new ideas and fixed up some of the many flaws found in the original. You would think that this would mean that Dragon Warrior 2 is a better game than its predecessor, but then, what would be so amazing about that?
psychopenguin's avatar
Dragon Warrior (NES)

Dragon Warrior review (NES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

THE RPG REVOLUTION STARTS!!!!1!!1! But is it a good start?
psychopenguin's avatar
WWF No Mercy (Nintendo 64)

WWF No Mercy review (N64)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

It's no secret that I am a huge wrestling fan. Despite the fact I have suddenly become disinterested due to the stupid storylines and lack of any sort of continuance, I still enjoy watching wrestling. There has been a sudden explosion of popularity in recent years for the ''sport'', therefore, it comes as no surprise that a ton of wrestling games have been released lately. While each of them have their own qualities and flaws, I think it is safe to say that no wrestling game has ever come as clo...
psychopenguin's avatar
Circus Caper (NES)

Circus Caper review (NES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

For Christmas one year, I wanted my mom to get me either Super Mario Brothers 2 or Double Dragon 2. You know, a simple decision, they both have 2 after them, etc.
psychopenguin's avatar
Breath of Fire III (PlayStation)

Breath of Fire III review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 14, 2005

Sometimes, a game just shouldn't be made. An idea is executed sloppily, and the developers know it. However, they also know that the game could probably sell millions of copies no matter what kind of crap is thrown into it, so they end up taking a chance and releasing the shoddy production anyways. Capcom is the king of doing this, and their most disastrous example of this low-ball marketing plot is Breath of Fire 3.
psychopenguin's avatar
Amplitude (PlayStation 2)

Amplitude review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

Saying that the rhythm genre has been barren is an understatement. It is already fall 2005 and nothing has grown from that musical tree. Just like leaves, the industry has left the genre to wither, gently plummet to the ground, dry in the heat of the sun, and deteriorate into indistinguishable grains of mulch. I pine for the days of genuine button-mashing dexterity and wind-in-my-eye concentration as I remember a game still golden after two long, agonizing years… Amplitude.
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Haunting Ground (PlayStation 2)

Haunting Ground review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

Your vision slowly creeps in on itself, black murk seeping in and covering your gaze. A vision that rattles every few seconds from your heart pounding behind your eyes. Everything is blurry. Your palms are drenched, and each sound that echoes in your eardrums resemble footsteps coming towards you. Your focus flicks back and forth, because every time you look one place, you swear you see something in another. You’re in a state of panic, defined by the dictionary as: A sudden, overpowering terror,...
True's avatar
Super Mario 64 DS (DS)

Super Mario 64 DS review (DS)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

Eight years ago, the game that gave new meaning to the term "3D Game" and redefined the platform genre, Super Mario 64, was released to the world on the Nintendo 64. The game was well-received, and as most will tell you, it was extremely fun. However, one of the most complained about issues, was the lack of Mario's green-hatted brother, Luigi. It does seem rather ironic, that on the DS reincarnation of the game, amongst many new additions and features, is the ability to control Luigi. And indeed...
sayainprince's avatar
God of War (PlayStation 2)

God of War review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

Now if you watch TV, read magazines, or visit any game related site, you must have heard of God of War; A game that came out of no where, and gained prestige, like a snowball rolling down a hill. It was advertised to deliver an insanely violent, and overtly sexual experience, with deep and fluid gameplay. God of War, is a rare game that not only lives up to the hype it receives, but completely shatters all expectations for it by delivering one of the best experiences in gaming, in the last three...
sayainprince's avatar
Sudeki (Xbox)

Sudeki review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

It's rare, that you find a good role playing game without the word "SquareEnix" written somewhere on the box. Sudeki is one of these. It doesn't take the role of a traditional RPG, but an Action RPG, however. It is the first role playing game to hit shelves, for the XBox game console that's actually worth looking, in my opinion. And by this, I mean to actually play, because although Climax has obviously thrown scantily clad girls, with large cleavage in, to attract certain male gamers, there is ...
sayainprince's avatar
Madden NFL 06 (Xbox)

Madden NFL 06 review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 13, 2005

In 2004, EA's bold disregard towards its biggest competitor, ESPN 2K5, made many wonder why the most dominant franchise in video games would act so ridiculous in the face of competition. Even after making incredulous claims, EA went out and bought the rights to the NFL, effectively erasing any chance another company would take a shot at Madden's throne for quite a while. With all eyes watching this year's rendition, Madden attempts to reassure its long time fans, and at the same time innovate...
Linkamoto's avatar
Nanobreaker (PlayStation 2)

Nanobreaker review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

If you could take a sci-fi story line, a cyborg he-man character, and throw in some Castlevania 3-D fighting style in it, what would the baby come out like?.....pretty ugly. I think that is the only description that you could give Konami's Nano Breaker. Anybody who enjoyed Lament of Innocence would expect to be in for a treat, but ladies and gentlemen Igarashi left you at the end of a cliff ready to fall off. I think you would be better off falling off the cliff, then having to play this game fo...
alucard517's avatar
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest review (NES)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

I hate Simon's Quest.
psychopenguin's avatar
Mega Man 6 (NES)

Mega Man 6 review (NES)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

It's no secret that no one really likes Mega Man 6 as much as I do. One look at any review of it would be proof of that. I think the reason for this is simply that the over saturation of the Mega Man series toyed with people's emotions, because there is no way this is a bad game. Sure, it may just be more of the same stuff that the previous five games in the series provided, but if you take a minute and stop to think about it, you will realize that Capcom actually added a lot of new stuff that p...
psychopenguin's avatar
Predator (NES)

Predator review (NES)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

Predator is one of my all time favorite movies. Featuring a group of tough army soldiers sent to a Central American jungle to kill Colombian drug smugglers and who then proceed to run into a huge problem not of this earth, it was an incredibly fun and action-packed movie. It also featured one of my favorite enemies ever, The Predator, who was just too bad ass for words to describe. When I heard there was a NES game for it recently, I was estatic. Finally, I could get a chance to play one of my a...
psychopenguin's avatar
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Game Boy Advance)

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is about a princess named Eirika who must save her continent from the Grado Empire, which has recently started up an odd policy of kicking all their neighboring countries’ asses for no good reason. Through her quest, she must reunite with her missing twin brother, unravel the Grado Empire’s darker plot, and stop an age-old evil from resurfacing and covering the world in eternal darkness. Starting with only her rapier, her wits, her trusted companion, Seth, and her ...
lasthero's avatar
Seven Samurai 20XX (PlayStation 2)

Seven Samurai 20XX review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2005

I have this tendency to get a little obsessive over theatre; I don’t just watch a movie, I watch a movie. I note the little details, the subtle nuances of each character, try to guess what gets their motor motivated. I picture the setting and imagine what it would be like to live there, factor in things the movie barely even implies. I’ll view a fight scene in slow motion, homing in on every movement, looking for authenticity, marking impacts, counting the blows dealt. I like to look at t...
lasthero's avatar
Tekken 5 (PlayStation 2)

Tekken 5 review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 11, 2005

Namco finally gets its act together in Tekken 5. Taking a back-to-basics approach, Namco has returned to the combat fundamentals of Tekken 3 in response to the mixed reactions towards Tekken 4. Experimenting with position changes, a narrative dialogue, and walled environments, Tekken 4 felt out of character. To offer some leniency, its failures were a necessary sidestep toward the development of Tekken 5, which rightfully removes the position changes, incorporates narrative dialogue, and deempha...
draqq_zyxx's avatar

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