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Available Reviews
X-Change (PC)

X-Change review (PC)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

Amongst H game fans, no title polarizes opinion like X-Change. It’s purportedly the top seller in Peach Princess’ catalogue, an assertion supported by the company’s willingness to fast track the localization of its sequels and spinoffs. Many people will shell out good money for these subsequent efforts because they so enjoyed the premise of the first - to see how the other half lives. They love this gender switching adventure, seeing the illusion of a male’s sexual promiscuity grafte...
woodhouse's avatar
DDR Extreme 2 (PlayStation 2)

DDR Extreme 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

7:30. The crowd shuffles out beneath the dimming lights. The booths at the DigitalLife convention begin to empty as Sunday closes upon DDR NYC 2005. Long, long faces stare blankly where the competition once stood, where a mere video game enraptured in flashing lights and metal led its followers on a stepwise dance that held an audience mesmerized. Yet beneath this memory of flowing color, of wonder and rebirth, a worry creeps from behind. It whispers from the shadows cast by the towering arcade ...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Fire Emblem (Game Boy Advance)

Fire Emblem review (GBA)

Reviewed on October 27, 2005

Fire Emblem, the first Fire Emblem to arrive to the U.S. What I bet most of you don't know is that Fire Emblem is actually a long series of RPG Strategy, this is the seventh Fire Emblem. The game is similar to Advance Wars, except that you don't have a million soldiers. Let's start from the very beginning.
younglink91's avatar
Chiller (Arcade)

Chiller review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 26, 2005

Firstly, let me ask you something:
goldenvortex's avatar
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES)

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom review (SNES)

Reviewed on October 25, 2005

Would you believe this was my first SNES game? And also my first RPG? Hard to believe, considering it's not all that popular. But it was, and I quite enjoyed it. I was practically obsessed, and the Lufia series is still one of my favorites. Looking back, though, I find it hard to believe I could stand it. The game, so promising in story and direction, is almost unplayable. Which is extremely sad, because it is a charming, well thought out idea that deserves far more respect than this game...
mariner's avatar
Monsterseed (PlayStation)

Monsterseed review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 25, 2005

They could see me coming. They always could. Waft an unknown RPG in my direction, and watch as the saying "a fool and his money are quickly parted" is proved correct. I'd never heard of Monsterseed, yet there it sat on the shelf, looking cheap and purchasable. I bought it. God help me, I bought it.
bside's avatar
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PlayStation 2)

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 24, 2005

To think that Midway would take Mortal Kombat to a new 3-D adventure, you would have to be crazy right? Well not all would say that with their new release Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks. Everyone is use to the old style of 2-D flat screen fighting, but there are those who wish to take the characters to a new level. Fighting Scorpion on a flat screen is only fun for so long, but imagine fighting him in a new 3-D realm where he has total control over his arena. There were limited possibilities on mak...
alucard517's avatar
Pokemon Red (Game Boy)

Pokemon Red review (GB)

Reviewed on October 22, 2005

It's no surprise that this game was as successful as we all know it to be. To me, it's obvious that Nintendo has something special here, something that could (and quite clearly did) make everyone fall in love with these cute little critters. After all, the game's certainly not popular on its own merits. Despite the rash of high scoring reviews, it's pretty obvious that the game has some serious flaws in it. Yet that hasn't stopped it from being a success. Heck, it didn't even stop me from t...
mariner's avatar
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GameCube)

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 18, 2005

When the first shots of Double Dash were released to the world, it looked as if it was going to add something fresh and inspiring to an often tired out genre. The premise of having two drivers and the usual Mario Kart craziness was a sure selling point. I tend to dislike most racing games due to their dull drag down to realism. If I’m going to play a racing game, it’s going to have something that allows me to shoot down other racers with over the top weaponry, move through creative courses at ...
goldenvortex's avatar
Yoshi Touch & Go (DS)

Yoshi Touch & Go review (DS)

Reviewed on October 16, 2005

Admit it. When you bought your DS, you looked at the plastic stick thing, and wondered just how much use it was actually going to be, didn't you? Oh, sure, the rec room in Super Mario 64 DS was good fun, particularly the catapult Wario minigame. And maybe you even played Wario Ware : Touched too, but you probably thought that was about as far as touch-screen gaming was going to develop on this new console. A nice gimmick, a lovely extra, but ultimately not really an evolution in g...
cheekylee's avatar
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 (Dreamcast)

Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 review (DC)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

I can't believe I bought this compilation over Cannon Spike back when they were both new. I guess the allure of owning 12 "classic" Sega games got to me. I figured I would have more fun with a collection of mostly old-school games than I would with one title going for the same price. I was wrong. And here I am, four years later, writing a review of Sega Smash Pack Volume 1, and regretting overlooking a game that is now hard to get and probably going for twice its original retail pr...
dementedhut's avatar
Silent Scope 3 (PlayStation 2)

Silent Scope 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 12, 2005

Transitions can be a wonderful thing in the gaming world. Making the jump from Arcade to home systems can mean not having to drive all the way to the mall in the snow because you need a Mortal Kombat fix; it means no longer pumping quarter after quarter into Tekken because some punk kid manages to barely scrape a win past you every time. Domesticating decent arcades can pay off, but sometimes transitions can completely ruin a good thing.
True's avatar
WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! (Game Boy Advance)

WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! review (GBA)

Reviewed on October 11, 2005

WarioWare Inc. is a drug. Don't mess with it, kids, or it'll mess with you. It might seem 'cool' or 'hip,' but you'll enjoy the pretty pictures and catchy sounds at the expense of your sanity, dignity, and smug sense of moral superiority. It's like a white-frocked mind doctor, dangling rudimentary aptitude tests in front of your gaping eyes and rewarding you with funny pictures whenever you respond as hypothesised. And you'll obey, giggling and drooling like the witless goonchild that you...
autorock's avatar
Sonic Gems Collection (GameCube)

Sonic Gems Collection review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 10, 2005

Gems Collection picked up where Mega Collection left off. The original compilation featured four of the top Genesis titles and a slew of not so great games. This one changes things by collecting some of the lesser-known games as well as a small selection of the better Game Gear titles. With the first ever console ports of the superb Sonic CD and the surprisingly entertaining Sonic Championship, this collection proved to me a lot more valuable than the previous Mega Collections, due to the fac...
goldenvortex's avatar
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut (GameCube)

Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 10, 2005

DX takes the original Dreamcast title Sonic Adventure, mixes it with some basic graphical brush ups, some old Game Gear games and a new mission mode to help ensnare gamers who missed out on the original adventure in 2000. Those who finished it back then will be disappointed, unless you really enjoyed it.(Emphasis on the “really.”) Truth be told, it does take the original game and adds on a heap of extra playtime by throwing all of these missions and Game Gear. It just sucks that n...
goldenvortex's avatar
Atari Anthology (Xbox)

Atari Anthology review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 09, 2005

Damn, now THIS is a collection! 18 arcade classics and 67 Atari 2600 titles for a grand total of 85 games to choose from? INSANE!! They could've stopped there, but oh no, the developers went the extra mile; you'll also get a crap load of extras like scans of all the game's instruction manuals, promotional flyers, an interview with the creator of Pong (PONG!), and much, much more. And it's all yours for the super, duper low price of $20!!
dementedhut's avatar
Pinball (NES)

Pinball review (NES)

Reviewed on October 08, 2005

What a stupid, stupid game. It’s pointless, it’s repetitive, it’s old, it’s simple, it’s unrealistic, and it’s short. If I wanted to play pinball, I would play pinball, right? Or I would at least play a game that simulates it well. Why would I want to dig up this old fossil? Stupid, right? Perhaps. I keep telling myself that, but something inside me just doesn’t listen. And I keep playing it. And playing it. I shouldn’t though. It’s not really a good game. Or at least it shouldn’t be. But it is ...
mariner's avatar
The Legend of Zelda (NES)

The Legend of Zelda review (NES)

Reviewed on October 08, 2005

This review is not unbiased. This review will not try to claim that a critical look at every factor can tell you exactly how good the game is. Because it doesn't matter. Any minor quibbles or technical limitations are lost in the glorious essence contained within this cartridge. For in this cartridge lies the origins of the only videogame franchise I truly care about. And just as importantly, it contains the heart and soul of this Zelda franchise, far better than any of the other games. It...
mariner's avatar
Ninja Spirit (TurboGrafx-16)

Ninja Spirit review (TG16)

Reviewed on October 07, 2005

Herodotus writes that on the eve of battle with the Persian army, the Greek hero Dienekes was told that the Persian archers were so numerous that the mass of arrows, when they launched their volleys, blocked out the sun. Quite undaunted by this prospect, Dienekes responded: "Good. Then we shall have our battle in the shade." The boldness of Dienekes is shared by Moonlight, the hero of Ninja Spirit, though he faces more swords than arrows. His father murdered, Moonlight undertakes a missio...
denouement's avatar
Jurassic Park III: Park Builder (Game Boy Advance)

Jurassic Park III: Park Builder review (GBA)

Reviewed on October 07, 2005

Have you ever had the notion to create Jurassic Park? A place where there's adventure, excitement, and the chance for innocent civilians to be gobbled up by ancient reptiles. Surely, the anticipation of seeing extinct, rarely viewed prehistoric monstrosities coming back to life is of some interest. I'd be willing to pay to watch a Tyrannosaurus stalk its prey and maliciously feast upon their guts like they were Kibbles 'n' Bits. Well with the help of Konami, there's a park management sim for all...
evilpoptart937's avatar

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