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Available Reviews
Theme Hospital (PC)

Theme Hospital review (PC)

Reviewed on December 31, 2005

Theme Hospital is the kind of game one could own their entire life and never complete. In fact, I’ve restarted this sim almost every year since its release and have yet finished. The creativity alone keeps me coming back for seconds, but, regrettably, I always rediscover what turned me away in the first place. This is a title that could be installed, uninstalled, and even reinstalled, but the concluding level would forever remain elusive.
evilpoptart937's avatar
Castle of the Winds (PC)

Castle of the Winds review (PC)

Reviewed on December 30, 2005

Castle of the Winds is an archetypal Rogue-like dungeon-crawler, a forgotten relic of the bygone shareware days. Charmingly straightforward like other games of its ilk, it dispenses with trivialities like a convoluted plot, rich milieu, and stunning visuals. Briefly put, it’s about killing things.
viridian_moon's avatar
Battalion Wars (GameCube)

Battalion Wars review (GCN)

Reviewed on December 29, 2005

To be honest, my Game Boy Advance SP, once a knight in shining (quite literally, at last!) plastic, has seen little to no activity in recent months. In a sense, then, I can actually relate to the poor thing, but I digress.
Knux's avatar
Spider-Man: Web of Fire (Sega 32X)

Spider-Man: Web of Fire review (32X)

Reviewed on December 29, 2005

Occasionally, you’ll hear about some nerd who shelled out their life savings on a certain rarity, something that they’ve been hunting down for years and have saved every single penny that they’ve earned so they could purchase this rarity. Now, when I hear about some bum who has burned away a small fortune on a video game, it stupefies me, especially, when the title that they’ve picked up turns out to be an absolute crock.
goldenvortex's avatar
Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox)

Halo: Combat Evolved review (XBX)

Reviewed on December 29, 2005

Halo was the first must-play game on Microsoft's XBox, and to this day is is still seen as one of the best, if not the best game on the system. It is still refered to as the system's "killer app", and a model FPS four years later. You can't say that about many games.
Halon's avatar
Super Mario 64 DS (DS)

Super Mario 64 DS review (DS)

Reviewed on December 28, 2005

I’m not Nintendo’s #1 fan, but I’ve found myself siding with them more and more; the majority of gamers seem either increasingly hostile or increasingly indifferent to their efforts. I liked Mario Sunshine, I loved Wind Waker, and I could see Circle of the Moon just fine.
careless_whisper's avatar
Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VIII review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 28, 2005

Wake up...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Hitman: Contracts (Xbox)

Hitman: Contracts review (XBX)

Reviewed on December 24, 2005

47 is a bona fide BADASS. In the short time it's been since he became an assassin, he has ignited a gang war in Hong Kong, faced a jaguar in the jungles of Columbia, had the BALLS to kill someone being escorted by U.N. troops, and went up against 132 ninjas just to ruin one man's shit. But even the baddest of badasses have their off days. This is apparent at the beginning of Hitman: Contracts, where a mission goes awry, and you witness 47 fleeing to his hotel room, half-dead.
dementedhut's avatar
Pariah (PC)

Pariah review (PC)

Reviewed on December 23, 2005

Pariah should have been a contender. It could have done something special, because it was developed by the creators of Unreal Tournament 2003 and features a tight graphics engine and some cool customization options. But it isn’t special, because ultimately, it’s a generic and bland first person shooter that does absolutely nothing to capture the player's imagination. Pariah’s star, the boring Doctor Jack Mason (who secretly wishes he was as cool as Half-Life's Gordon Freeman), trudges through va...
asherdeus's avatar
Evil Dead: Regeneration (PlayStation 2)

Evil Dead: Regeneration review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 23, 2005

The Evil Dead series is one of those things you either get or you don’t. You either love it or you hate it. I, personally, love it. I even sat through “Bubba Hotep” because I’m a huge fan of Bruce Cambell. Sorry if I’m talking about things you’ve never heard of, but I just assume that a majority of people who would want to buy this game already know what Evil Dead is. Sadly, even the most loyal of fan boys are going to be disappointed with Evil Dead: Regeneration. I’m afraid to even imagine the ...
True's avatar
Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64)

Wave Race 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on December 20, 2005

There have been times when I've picked up a gaming console at launch, fully expecting the best experience it could deliver. When the Super Nintendo launched, we received Super Mario World along with Pilot Wings and F-Zero on day one. Even that had seemed impressive to me. However, when the Nintendo 64 fell into greedy U.S. hands, everything fell into place. There was Mario in 3D for the first time, Pilot Wings had received a breath of fresh air, and most importantly of all, two months later a no...
Calvin's avatar
Kirby: Canvas Curse (DS)

Kirby: Canvas Curse review (DS)

Reviewed on December 20, 2005

If anyone has imaginative mascots, it's Nintendo. What, with Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi, Nintendo has proved time and time again that they know their creativity from their connectivity. In Kirby's case, he was apparently designed after a swelling marshmallow. This time he happens to be a circular, pink puffball, chubby at all sides with the ability to expand in the air, suck hard, take the form of his opponents, and now he's been magically transfused into a ball. However, this past summer,...
Calvin's avatar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 19, 2005

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series is one that will live forever in my mind, whether referring to the comic book series it originated from, the awesome movie trilogy, or the great early video games. Turtles in Time was the second Turtles game to be released in the Arcade, and while not living up to the expectations I had after the stellar original, it was still a fun game to play through, albeit on the short side. Konami didn't make matters much better when it was released on the Super Nint...
psychopenguin's avatar
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (GameCube)

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones review (GCN)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

Everyone wants to take something back. They want to rewind that one crucial moment of their life where the school bully threw them in a dumpster, sentencing them to a lifetime of torment from their peers, or undoing that time where they were pantsed in front of the cheerleading squad. Or maybe they had initially hoped that their brief stroll across the rooftops of a dusty desert city hadn't ended in a miscalculated jump into the gnashing teeth of some kind of rooftop-mounted wheat-harvesting dev...
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Xenogears (PlayStation)

Xenogears review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

Two tailors arrive at a palace. Sly and scheming, they offer to spin garments for the Emperor out of a fabric so delicate that it appears invisible to all those too dull to appreciate its inestimable quality. The Emperor pays them and gives them the gold thread they request. When the tailors come to fit the fabric, they drape the “clothes” over the Emperor and place him before a mirror. The Emperor, sweating bullets now, seeing nothing but unwilling to make a fool of himself, says, “Yes, this is...
denouement's avatar
Spartan: Total Warrior (GameCube)

Spartan: Total Warrior review (GCN)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

Creative Assembly is a company somewhat well-known solely for their Total War series of historic RTS games on the PC; arguably some of the better RTS’ around, the Total War games rank only under Starcraft and Europa Universalis II in the hearts of many. As such, it cast doubt in my mind when I learned that those crazy Brits were planning a console-bound manly brawler rendition of Ancient Greece. It was multiplatform between all three systems. Multiplatform games usually suck, with...
yamishuryou's avatar
Kirby Air Ride (GameCube)

Kirby Air Ride review (GCN)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

In the past, there have been several great racing game spin-offs for popular game series. At the top of ladder, are games like Diddy Kong Racing, and Super Mario Kart. When Kirby's Air Ride was announced, all of the pieces seemed to be in place. Who wouldn't want to play a racing game featuring everyone's favorite Star Warrior, Kirby? The idea of racing through the world on a warp star, and copying enemies' abilities to use against your opponents sounded great. Unfortunately, the game was disapp...
sayainprince's avatar
Trauma Center: Under the Knife (DS)

Trauma Center: Under the Knife review (DS)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

Trauma Center is one of those staple games that becomes pretty much a household word if you're talking about the DS. At first, it's pretty hard to tell why - it looks like a hentai game that tries to make the touchscreen look useful. While it is a blatant example of Nintendo whoring out the DS's touchscreen to all takers, Trauma Center manages to be one of the best games for the system, and is definitely unique - if only for the fact that instead of killing random people, you're saving their liv...
timrod's avatar
Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Animal Crossing: Wild World review (DS)

Reviewed on December 18, 2005

I'll be the first to admit it: I fell head over heels for the cutesy charm of Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. Its simple, yet meaningful tasks paved the way for a digital experience unlike any other video game I've ever played. Upon hearing of a DS version in the works, I was simply elated. Portable fossil unearthing, fruit planting, and house customizing action sounds excruciatingly irresistible; and it is, for the most part. A couple flaws keep this one from transcending the original (al...
Linkamoto's avatar
Demon Chaos (PlayStation 2)

Demon Chaos review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 14, 2005

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
guts's avatar

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