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Available Reviews
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (Xbox 360)

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie review (X360)

Reviewed on January 13, 2006

As I stood in front of the Xbox 360 section at the store, King Kong’s menacing mug shot on the cover of Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (what a terribly messy title) stood out amongst the covers of the other games on the Xbox 360. His sharp white fangs immediately grabbed my attention, and his angry eyes did a great job of pumping me up for the disc he was so preciously guarding. I was really excited when I got the game home; anticipating ripping and tearing thro...
asherdeus's avatar
GunValkyrie (Xbox)

GunValkyrie review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 13, 2006

You know what we need more of in video games? Hot, flying chicks with big guns that get naked at least once during the game. Yeah, yeah, we have Steam Hearts, but we need more, damn it! Well, someone over at Smilebit thought it was a groovy idea to have hot, flying chicks with big guns in a video game, and they ended up making this title: Gunvalkyrie. You'd think having hot, flying chicks with big guns in a video game would be enough, but they went the distance; they've included gi...
dementedhut's avatar
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS)

Feel the Magic: XY/XX review (DS)

Reviewed on January 13, 2006

You bought this game? Are you crazy? You absolutely are not! You just made the best move in your whole life. This game will be the game of the year. Now Feel the Magic is a really unique game, and it really takes use of the DS’s abilities like the touch screen and microphone. This game was released late in the year of 2004, and was created by the Sonic Team, which is known for some great games.
mslpanthers's avatar
DDR Extreme 2 (PlayStation 2)

DDR Extreme 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 13, 2006

I used to walk by those kids playing Dance Dance Revolution and I just could never figure out how those kids could go so fast and move their feet quicker than anyone in that game. I would never play it for I was to embarrassed, but then I saw the version for my house and I just had to have it. I used this game for a workout and for fun so lets talk about it.
mslpanthers's avatar
Mohawk and Headphone Jack (SNES)

Mohawk and Headphone Jack review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Over the years I’ve played a countless amount of bad videogames. In the matter of fact I’ve played so many terrible ones that I don’t have the slightest clue of which one is the worst. But Black Pearl’s Mohawk and Headphone Jack is the ultimate example of a great game gone bad. It has traits that have made games in the past awesome, but they are butchered so badly to the point that the game is unplayable. It just might be the game that comes in dead last. And that’s saying a lot.
grassroots's avatar
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix (GameCube)

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

It was only a matter of time. Mario has infiltrated a great number of wacky genres in his quest to spread the empire of Nintendo, and it was indeed only a matter of time before he started shaking his ass on the dancefloor.
atra_vortex's avatar
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (PC)

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge review (PC)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Freedom is the taste of grog early in the morning, that fuzzy feeling you get making nobles walk the plank and even the joys of countless veneral diseases as you play with the cabin boy. Not having to worry about hygiene since there is no such thing, fencing with cutlasses that can not cut anything but may score you a mean tetanus infection, and saying Arrr! a lot. Who did not wish, at least once in their lifetime, to become a pirate?
darketernal's avatar
Lady Sia (Game Boy Advance)

Lady Sia review (GBA)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Even being a girl, I tend to avoid "girls-oriented" games, but when you see something like Lady Sia, it's hard to resist. A fantasy world, a blond chick with a ponytail, a sword, magical powers -- and that's all it takes to catch my attention. The plot is essentially on the standard side, Sia being the princess of a mythical continent invaded by the T'soas, a race of big humanoid rats. Her so-called allies of the neighbouring kingdoms betray her, so she ends up having to save the land on her own...
wishingtikal's avatar
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (PlayStation 2)

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Poor Konami. When they designed the PlayStation game, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, did they have any idea that all of their future vampire slaying epics would have trouble living up to it? Hey, it is possible. SOTN is gold; a masterpiece, a testament to the gods of creativity and platforming goodness.
atra_vortex's avatar
Killer 7 (GameCube)

Killer 7 review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Killer 7 is a game that I had my eye on since it was first announced. A highly stylized schizophrenic contract killer game from the guy who has had his hand in the better parts of the Resident Evil series? Yeah, it was always an exciting prospect. As development continued, it became apparent that the gameplay would be unconventional to say the least, and a lot of the gaming press got spooked and turned their backs on Killer 7 before even giving it a chance. As a reader of various publications th...
atra_vortex's avatar
Indigo Prophecy (PlayStation 2)

Indigo Prophecy review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 12, 2006

Indigo Prophecy is a game that I have had a good feeling about for a long time. A similiar anticipation would have been Killer 7, in that both games promised to be highly original and new play experiences. Another thing that Killer 7 and Indigo Prophecy have in common is that both titles were given less than spectacular reviews from the popular gaming press. Most reviews didn't tear the games apart, but neither of them were received as warmly as anticipated. In the case of Killer 7, I ignored so...
atra_vortex's avatar
Guitar Hero (PlayStation 2)

Guitar Hero review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 10, 2006

Simulations - even Guitar Hero - are seen as fake. While most genres are judged on creativity as works of "fiction", most sport and rhythm-based games are "non-fiction" and are judged on how close they come to the real thing. Dance Dance Revolution and DrumMania use interactive peripherals - a dancing platform and a drum set. But watch people play DDR by stomping their feet on directional arrows and it looks like they're doing step aerobics; or, watch DrumMania experts fever...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends (DS)

Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends review (DS)

Reviewed on January 09, 2006

Nintendogs is, if you will, a virtual pet simulator. It lets you choose your very own companion among quite a large selection of different dogs. You can name it, walk it, play with it, wash it, pet it, teach it tricks, enter it in competitions... and pretty much everything you can do with a real dog. The game is perfectly fitted for the DS, making brilliant use of all of its features.
wishingtikal's avatar
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (SNES)

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 08, 2006

Lufia II is extremely underrated. It never got much attention and developed only a minor, almost insignificant group of Internet followers. While the oblivious cognoscenti of SNES videogames praise games like Chrono Trigger and FFVI as life-altering trips, Lufia is pretty much ignored. Why? Maybe because it was released too late. Maybe its simplicity didn’t satisfy most fans, most of whom were used to very complex plots. We could argue this all day but we just can’t run away from t...
make_me_dance's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 08, 2006

How does one write such a review? How does one begin? We can start by declaring this one of the three best games available on the SNES. Its game mechanics are all but flawless, creating a smooth and exciting game that never slows down or gets boring. We can compliment the somewhat unique design, the essence of which was never quite captured by the numerous clones it spawned. And we can gush over all the little cool things, like the epic story and excellent rendition of the Overworld theme. ...
mariner's avatar
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES)

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 04, 2006

To be fair, I only played DKC3 because I wanted to complete the trilogy. It’s quite ironic that I actually had the nerve to pick up this one, considering how unimpressive I found the previous title. However, after I played through the first nonchalant levels of DKC3 and had same impressions that I had last time around but as I delved deeper into its offerings, I found DKC3 to be a quirky platform game that surpassed its younger brother by taking the good of DKC2. They then reinforced that wi...
goldenvortex's avatar
Mega Man X: Command Mission (GameCube)

Mega Man X: Command Mission review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Mega Man has always been, traditionally, a side scrolling platformer which involved shooting other robots with your arm cannon until they explode. There have been few exceptions to this formula, and Command Mission is one of them.
gmsephiroth's avatar
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (PlayStation 2)

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

There’s a saying about rockstars that I think applies to everyone in a creative field; it’s better to burnout than fade away. Perhaps it’s time for Neversoft to step aside and let someone else carry the torch. Preceded by Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1-4, Tony Hawk’s Underground (THUG), and THUG2, American Wasteland is the seventh in this renowned skateboarding franchise, discounting cross-console remakes. After the outcries against the lunacy of THUG2, American Wasteland promised a return to the root...
pup's avatar
Tech Romancer (Arcade)

Tech Romancer review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Capcom has always been a company to produce excellent and well known fighting games, like Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom. But every once in a while, the folks at Capcom will release a game that is released quietly and with little fanfare, and dies out without so much as a whisper. Tech Romancer is one of those games. Even though it never became a popular title like most other Capcom fighting games, this game is a fun alternative that will surely empty your pockets. Tech Romancer is a giant...
gmsephiroth's avatar
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 (PlayStation 2)

WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Smackdown, first released on the Playstation console almost six years ago, has become THQ's flagship wrestling franchise. Since then, the game has been released annually, like traditional sports games. Last year's game, the original Smackdown vs RAW brought many new aspects to the table that shattered all predecessors,. Smackdown vs RAW 2006 promised to do the same. However, as great as the game is, it takes as many steps backwards as it does forwards.
sayainprince's avatar

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