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Available Reviews
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS)

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence review (DS)

Reviewed on February 11, 2006

I know what you’re thinking: you’ve played this game ten years ago, and after a half-dozen more incarnations across numerous platforms, including the complete makeover on the Nintendo Gamecube, why should you bother with the latest re-released version of Resident Evil? Well, let’s get to that, shall we?
trojanman's avatar
The Legend of Oasis (Saturn)

The Legend of Oasis review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 11, 2006

A long time ago, on the island of Oasis, two men were at war with each other, Reharl and Agito, with the help of armlets. Agito had the Silver Armlet, and used it to do very, very bad things, while Reharl had the Golden Armlet, which had the ability to summon different spirits, and used his to stop Agito from doing any more very, very bad things. In the end, Reharl defeated Agito, and the inhabitants of Oasis lived happily ever after. The En..... that is, until now. Ordan, a badass-looking old d...
dementedhut's avatar
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PlayStation 2)

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 09, 2006

Everyone was talking about it. “Dragon Quest VIII is going to be the best RPG of the year” and “Dragon Quest VIII is finally coming out. I can’t wait.” I was thinking “Awesome. What the hell is Dragon Quest?” Then slowly, after seeing a very unique slime bounding around on one of the commercials, it dawned on me: Dragon quest is Dragon Warrior, the old school "heal more, hurt more" epic that made me love RPGS in the first place. I was in the car the next moment...
True's avatar
SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs (PlayStation 2)

SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 09, 2006

How can I write a review for a game that I’ve spent over 3,000 hours playing in the span of nearly two and a half years? How I write a review for a game that I know inside out and probably much better than the developers? Well, I tell you how freaking good it is, that’s how.
enders_shadow16's avatar
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Xbox)

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 08, 2006

There was a time when the name Tony Hawk was synonymous with a great game that offered hours of fun gameplay. Those times are long gone. Now, the Tony Hawk games, much like the man himself are fading away with age.
enders_shadow16's avatar
The Ninja Kids (Arcade)

The Ninja Kids review (ARC)

Reviewed on February 08, 2006

According to a few religions, we are on the brink of the end of the world. Supposedly, humanity is nearing Judgment Day, the Apocalypse, the End of Days, or however else the day is named. The human race will die out, letting the blessed ascend into the great arcade in the sky while the sinners are cast into a dark and fiery oblivion. The world as we know it would cease to exist, an unfathomable and bleak future for everything else that survived. Sounds like fun, right? Caught in the midst of suc...
disco's avatar
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (PlayStation 2)

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 07, 2006

The Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank series come to mind when most gamers think of the best platformers over the last few years. Along the way, the Sly Cooper series somehow didn’t get as much attention. The original Sly Cooper was a fun concept that was executed well, with a good story and some engaging characters. The sequel came along and added to the formula to make it much better. With the latest installment in the series, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, the developers at Sucker Punch have ...
amlabella's avatar
Half-Life (PC)

Half-Life review (PC)

Reviewed on February 07, 2006

When Valve had first released Half Life, the FPS genre was dominated by games such as Quake II and Unreal. Soon thereafter, Half Life rose to stardom, leaving its rivals in the dust, and becoming one of the most effective shooters ever released. But what separated Half Life from the rest of the pack during that era in which the FPS genre was still slowly growing in popularity? Sure, they all incorporated ugly aliens, gargantuan monsters, powerful firearms, and LOTS of gibs into an action-packed ...
masterzero99's avatar
Condemned: Criminal Origins (Xbox 360)

Condemned: Criminal Origins review (X360)

Reviewed on February 06, 2006

I think we can all agree that the Xbox 360 launch was disappointing. There were decent games to play, but nearly every game on launch day was either a port, franchise, or licensed property. The system was billed as unique and original, but none of the games on it were, outside of Kameo and Condemned: Criminal Origins. Games like Perfect Dark Zero and Need for Speed: Most Wanted are certainly entertaining titles, but they don't offer anything really new outside of a fe...
asherdeus's avatar
WRC: World Rally Championship (PlayStation 2)

WRC: World Rally Championship review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2006

Rallying is one of the most demanding and dangerous motor sports on Earth, involving some of the world’s best (and bravest) drivers battling against horrible weather conditions, tight roads and slippery surfaces. The World Rally Championship takes place throughout the year in fourteen of the world’s most diverse and beautiful locations, from the snow and ice of wintry Sweden, to the dust and dirt of the scorching Kenyan Rally, its an extremely exhilarating, yet potentially life-threatening car s...
timmyvermicelli's avatar
Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360)

Call of Duty 2 review (X360)

Reviewed on February 04, 2006

Introduction - The only World War II first person shooters I really ever got into were the original Medal of Honor and Medal of Honor Underground on the PS. Those games were great for their times. With each passing year, WWII games kept hitting the market through the Ps2 era, but I was never inclined to play them because they seemed like the same rehashed games. Thus, I was a little skeptical at the first announcement of Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360. The thing that really changed my mind was ...
enders_shadow16's avatar
Madden NFL 06 (Xbox 360)

Madden NFL 06 review (X360)

Reviewed on February 04, 2006

Introduction – I have always been a football junkie, and every year I have always preferred the Madden series. So when I heard it was being released the Xbox 360 with next-generation graphics I was genuinely excited. I remember how good the Madden 2001 was as a Ps2 launch title. So, I figured Madden 06 would deliver the same way on the first of the next-gen consoles. It turned out, that Madden 06 really isn’t next-gen.
enders_shadow16's avatar
JFK Reloaded (PC)

JFK Reloaded review (PC)

Reviewed on February 04, 2006

Here's a buzzphrase we are all familiar with: "Murder Simulator". Remember all the political hubbub and the general brouhaha surrounding video games in America's tender Post-Columbine period? This phrase in particular was thrown around more than the others to show soccer moms how depraved little Billy's games have gotten lately. Games haven't gotten any cleaner, and poverty-row developers haven't gotten tired of deliberately courting controversy to secure free widespread ad campaigns for the...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo 64)

Donkey Kong 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on February 04, 2006

Back in the day, Donkey Kong was content with kidnapping damsels and tossing barrels at plumbers. Thankfully, starting on the Super Nintendo console, he picked up on a new habit: Starring in exciting platform games. In truth, he was only playable in one of the three Donkey Kong Country games, but that's besides the point. What is important is that time has shown if you create a platform game in which the playable cast consists of monkeys, and the bad guy is a pirate, scientist, or boxer -- depen...
sayainprince's avatar
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PlayStation)

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 04, 2006

A boy on a quest, an attractive love interest, and a world in peril certainly aren’t original RPG themes, but Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete contains all these clichés. Originally for the Sega CD, and later making appearances on the Gameboy Advance and Sega Saturn, this dated game shines on the PSone for a variety of reasons despite the lack of any real innovation. Honestly though, can you expect anything other than old-school goodness from a classic originally released back in 1992?...
djskittles's avatar
Blitz: The League (PlayStation 2)

Blitz: The League review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 03, 2006

I’m not a big football guy. I couldn’t tell you where the “pocket” is or what to use an “eye formation” for. I don’t know the difference between a fullback and a halfback. That's the reason I absolutely loved Blitz: The League. Blitz makes no attempt at providing all the complexities of other football games, but rather creates entertainment through brilliant simplicity.
True's avatar
Contra: Shattered Soldier (PlayStation 2)

Contra: Shattered Soldier review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 02, 2006

In a generation where 2D games belong to Gameboys, DSs and PSPs, it’s always nice and refreshing to see a 2D game on a home console. After making an attempt at 3D gaming (and failing horribly), Contra returns to form in Shattered Soldier. Taking notes from Contra on the NES, Super C and other 2D Contra games, Shattered Soldier also hits the nail on the head, with a wide array of weapons and controller throwing difficulty. Ladies and gentlemen, our bad boy is back.
hex's avatar
Puyo Pop Fever (DS)

Puyo Pop Fever review (DS)

Reviewed on February 01, 2006

I first experienced Puyo Pop on the GBA years ago. I don’t know what made it so captivating, but lining up multicolored balls of goop was incredibly addictive. The campy storyline and goofy characters only managed to pull me into the game more. I embraced these nostalgic feelings as I loaded up Puyo Pop Fever. My thoughts were filled with happiness, glee, and even expectation (feelings I rarely get from video games these days). These feelings were crushed instantly by the music tha...
asherdeus's avatar
Buzz! The Music Quiz (PlayStation 2)

Buzz! The Music Quiz review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 31, 2006

If you’re a student in the UK, chances are that you’ve come home drunk on a Saturday night and found yourself watching Quizmania on ITV. For those not in the know, Quizmania is a four hour long game show that runs on throughout the early hours of the morning. It is the true epitome of crap television, just as Buzz: The Music Quiz is for video games.
goldenvortex's avatar
Meteos (DS)

Meteos review (DS)

Reviewed on January 30, 2006

Planet Meteo is a big bully! While other planets all live in peace and harmony, this evil planet has a chip on its shoulder. More than just a chip, actually. Meteo has bricks on its shoulders. Multi-coloured bricks, called meteos, that the planet sees fit to hurl into the galaxy. And not just randomly, either. No, these bricks are launched at other planets where they pile up until the planet is engulfed in a mountain of them. When this happens, the meteos go nova, and the planet is destroyed.
cheekylee's avatar

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