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Available Reviews
Age of Empires III (PC)

Age of Empires III review (PC)

Reviewed on March 20, 2006

I play real-time strategy games like I used to play with Legos. I build up a lot of structures for no real reason whatsoever, then I pull them all apart and start over again. I have very little interest in combat in most RTS games. I just like building up cities and managing my populous, which most players consider the boring part of RTS games. Because of this, I’ve found a lot of the newer games disappointing because they’re so combat-oriented. Sure, micro-management isn’t always that fun, but ...
asherdeus's avatar
Divine Sealing (Genesis)

Divine Sealing review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 20, 2006

Divine Sealing is hilarious, but it’s not meant to be funny at all. In fact, the game contains no humorous qualities whatsoever. However, after you’ve driven yourself to the edge of sanity by ploughing through its offerings, you’ll find yourself laughing at a number of things. You’ll snigger at how the game tries to fuse two opposing genres together and fails on both levels, you’ll giggle at the game’s pathetic attempt to bring hentai to a home console and lastly, you’ll smile over the fact that...
goldenvortex's avatar
Black (Xbox)

Black review (XBX)

Reviewed on March 16, 2006

As I walked away from a pile of fiery rubble with dead soldiers scattered about (originally a heavily-guarded canal), I heard the darnedest thing come out of my guy's mouth:
dementedhut's avatar
Kingdom Hearts (PlayStation 2)

Kingdom Hearts review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 15, 2006

I put off playing Kingdom Hearts for three years. When it finally wandered into my collection, my brother asked how I—a person who considers Metallica soft rock and thinks watching Ultimate Fighter is a good way to relax—could play Kingdom Hearts. Eyes red, fingers blistered and zombified from a lack of sleep. That’s how I played it. I seriously couldn’t put it down. I don’t know how this game escaped my attention for three long years, nor am I sure if the friend who lent it to me will ever get ...
True's avatar
F-Zero GX (GameCube)

F-Zero GX review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 12, 2006

I don't care too much for racing games. I have a car; why would I need to pretend to have a different one? However, my car can't break the sound barrier. Nor can it hover above roads that twist, defy gravity, or are built miles above the Earth. So while Gran Turismo would make me yawn, F-Zero always piques my interest. Not only is it different in terms of style, but different in terms of gameplay. Nintendo and Sega, thankfully, understood this, and it shows in F-Zero GX. Fast, furious, an...
mariner's avatar
Pride FC: Fighting Championships (PlayStation 2)

Pride FC: Fighting Championships review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 09, 2006

In the past, MMA has always been viewed as a violent and barbaric sport, but with its new breed of fighters and an increase in popularity has brought the sport to the spotlight. Even though MMA is superior to boxing in many regards, boxing continues to dominate as the most popular fighting sport. MMA has it all, bone crushing knees, arm breaking submissions, vicious slams, deadly kicks, and jaw dropping techniques. Put a boxer in a street fight with a MMA fighter, and the boxer will lose the m...
galactus21's avatar
Arabian Fight (Arcade)

Arabian Fight review (ARC)

Reviewed on March 08, 2006

When compared to greats such as Streets of Rage 2 or The Punisher, Arabian Fight just doesn’t make cut. It tries very hard to push forward new graphical innovation that, to be fair, are rather original for its time but falls completely short by giving us fighting engine so basic that it makes the original Golden Axelook like Forgotten Realms: The Demon Stone.
goldenvortex's avatar
Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)

Doom II: Hell on Earth review (PC)

Reviewed on March 06, 2006

The Space Marines were never trained to battle the endless streams of hellspawn pouring through the interdimensional rift inside their Mars base. Doom told of exactly that. You're the last one, the very last Space Marine standing between the people of Earth and eternal damnation. What felt like a massacre before was merely a warm-up to nothing less than a full-blown war between good (you) and evil (them)! It's Hell on Earth, literally.
johnny_cairo's avatar
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (PlayStation 2)

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 02, 2006

I’ve learned a lot of things about games strictly from reading reviews. I’ll share. Chrono Cross is doomed to be argued until the end of time, someone will always try to put a new spin on Metal Slug no matter how many times it’s been reviewed and everyone loves Zelda games. I’ve also learned Tony Hawk “fans” are whiners. So many have spouted things as “This series is in a downward spiral” and “The Sky fell for me” and “What Happened to the lava?” Hmm. That’s a cute s...
True's avatar
True Crime: Streets of LA (Xbox)

True Crime: Streets of LA review (XBX)

Reviewed on March 02, 2006

Imagine a kung-fu flick that has car chases, shoot outs and stars a cop looking to uncover the mystery of his lost father with gangster rap overtones. Now, imagine you could actually take control of this wacko combination and play it. True Crime is this interactive kung-fu flick, and it’s as entertaining as it is strange. Which is definitely a good thing.
hex's avatar
Sword of the Samurai (PC)

Sword of the Samurai review (PC)

Reviewed on March 02, 2006

The coward Kobayashi trembled at the sight of my gleaming blade. What's more, I told him, flat out to his face, that he was a pathetic wretch descended from a long line of dung haulers. A prouder samurai would not take such an obvious insult without a duel to the death, but not Kobayashi. His servants could only stare in disbelief at what was going on in this quaint garden teahouse. History was being made. My stoic glare cut deeper than any knife, yet internally I could barely contain my giddine...
johnny_cairo's avatar
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare (SNES)

The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare review (SNES)

Reviewed on March 01, 2006

It’s a well known fact that most games based on The Simpsons turn out to be rather poor. You only have to look at the rather pathetic efforts such as Hit and Run and Simpson’s Wrestling to get that point proven. However, if you go back a decade, you’ll find the selection of Simpsons games to be (well, let’s not be too hasty) rather sufficient. With an excellent 2-D beat-em-up on the arcade and Bart’s Nightmare, a rather original collection of mini-games, it certainly looks like Simpson’s titles ...
goldenvortex's avatar
State of Emergency 2 (PlayStation 2)

State of Emergency 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 27, 2006

After I played the first few levels of State of Emergency 2, I sat down and thought about the game. I came to the conclusion that from a Spider-Man perspective (goofy but fun), I kind of liked the game. Then I decided to read through the attached press releases that came included with my review copy of the game. They called the game’s storyline “gripping” and made it out to be as serious as cancer. From this more Schindler’s List perspective (serious and depressing), the gam...
asherdeus's avatar
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney review (DS)

Reviewed on February 26, 2006

As a child, adults would commonly ask about a child’s aspirations in life. Certainly, nobody would answer that they aspire to be a garbage disposer or a manager at a local fast food chain. Most answers would consist of being lawyers, doctors, psychologists, etc. Unfortunately, as children grow up their lack of effort in school also diminishes. Not everyone can be a lawyer or a doctor, but luckily for those that couldn’t get into law school, Capcom has decided to meet the needs of the unlucky. En...
galactus21's avatar
The Suffering: Ties that Bind (PlayStation 2)

The Suffering: Ties that Bind review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 25, 2006

The Suffering set players into the boots of Torque, a prisoner on death row. One day, Torque accidentally killed his wife and two sons. He didn’t remember doing it, but ignorance wasn't an excuse the jury would accept. Torque was sent to Carnate Island, Maryland. Since The Suffering is a video game, Abbot Penitentiary was the worst correctional facility imaginable. Unspeakable evils were committed there for hundreds of years, but through a bizarre set of circumstances involving gho...
asherdeus's avatar
Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360)

Dead or Alive 4 review (X360)

Reviewed on February 19, 2006

November 22, 2005 was the day Microsoft finally launched its brand new console, the Xbox360. While Dead or Alive 4 is a bit late for the launch party, the amount of polish and features more than makes up for it. Like the previous Xbox, Team Ninja welcomes the new Microsoft system with another solid addition of the Dead or Alive series. The Dead or Alive series has always been the top-tier series for Itagaki and Team Ninja. The series has always been infamous for its overly large assets and its r...
galactus21's avatar
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (Xbox)

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 15, 2006

If Guilty Gear is known for anything, it’s the way it hands the player a series of complex rules and gauges that are unmatched in modern day 2-D fighters. Taking quintessential elements from Sega’s unappreciated classic Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side and merging it with its own distinct style and complexity, Sammy has created a monster. It would be fair to say that GGX2 is one of the most complete 2-D fighters of all time, surpassing anything that former fighting giants C...
goldenvortex's avatar
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PlayStation 2)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 13, 2006

The most recent entry in the Metal Gear lineup is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I thought the title was a joke when the game was announced. The same goes for all of the gameplay videos showing Snake, our mullet-cut hero, eating snakes and running around the jungle.
asherdeus's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 12, 2006

In some regards, Ico is the antithesis of most macho console games. There’s little in the way of narration aside from a couple cutscenes, but the mysterious plot is one of the most intriguing aspects of Ico. There are no health bars and the simplistic combat often has the young protagonist armed with only a wooden plank. There aren’t any bosses aside from the final enemy, but there is plenty of hand-holding and puzzles. All of these things come together to form a unique and memorable ...
djskittles's avatar
Chrono Cross (PlayStation)

Chrono Cross review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 11, 2006

Although Chrono Trigger is commonly regarded as one of the best RPGs of all time, half of the game’s fans have never even bothered with its sequel, Chrono Cross. Nerds all over the Internet whine about how much it “sucks” and even go as far as making up lies; from claiming that it is not at all related to Trigger and the plot is meaningless.
Halon's avatar

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