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Available Reviews
Wild Arms 4 (PlayStation 2)

Wild Arms 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

Wild ARMs 4 is the latest entry in the Wild West RPG series, though you'd never know it from all of the changes that were made. Though a few new gameplay elements have been added to the mix, WA4 fits solidly in the console turn-based RPG genre. You control a small, rag-tag group of youngsters that takes on a horde of monstrous enemies. Each character specializes in a different area, like fighting, magic, or support skills. As you beat enemies, you level up your power, gain new abilities, get mor...
skrutop's avatar
1942 (Arcade)

1942 review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

I've played 1942 a couple of times before, and each of those times, I didn't really get into the game. With a grand total of thirty-two stages, I just didn't have the time. But I was willing to give the game another shot when I decided to do a review for it. I made sure I had plenty of time to waste, so I can attempt to make it through the entire title.
dementedhut's avatar
Project: Snowblind (PC)

Project: Snowblind review (PC)

Reviewed on August 15, 2006

Whenever I get the urge to write a bunch of reviews, I always want write a review for Project Snowblind, but for some reason, I haven't been able to. Even though it has been over a year since I first played through Project Snowblind, I’ve never been able to put my thoughts onto the paper. Usually, when I really like a game, like I did Project Snowblind, it’s very easy for me to write my review. But, this game has me stumped. As much as I loved it, writing down what I love an...
asherdeus's avatar
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (Xbox)

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 15, 2006

Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie is a ridiculously long winded title, but it’s much better then virtually every movie-based game. Developed by the team behind Rayman, King Kong is a single-player adventure that packs a punch. Yet, simple gameplay, gorgeous graphics, and playing as Kong make up for its faults, and it represents what movie-based games can be.
ghostyghost's avatar
Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VII review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 14, 2006

I’m sick of people praising Final Fantasy VII as the quintessential, ultimate RPG. Sure, it’s great and all, but seriously this game was easier than my roommate (and take my word for it - she is the loosest gal you’ll ever meet). It lives up to the quality and craftsmanship we’ve come to trust Square will deliver in every title, but it doesn’t even take a trained chip to plow through this adventure.
princess_heather's avatar
Turok: Evolution (PlayStation 2)

Turok: Evolution review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 14, 2006

From the start of Turok: Evolution, you’ll know you’re playing something that feels completely uninspired. The main character is a Native American whose tribe has been brutalized at the hands of evil soldiers. Through bizarre, video-game-only circumstances, he’s been transported to an ancient land where dinosaurs still roam the hills and evil alligator-looking bipeds run around with guns. This land is desperately in need of a hero. You first take control of this alternate-universe tourist...
asherdeus's avatar
Super Mario Bros. (NES)

Super Mario Bros. review (NES)

Reviewed on August 13, 2006

The year is 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System has just launched on North American Shores, and with it Mario becomes the most popular videogame hero. When the game first came out I wasn’t born yet, so I didn’t get to experience the adventure until 1995. Thankfully, it was worth the wait Super Mario Brothers is one of the best games ever made.
ghostyghost's avatar
Uno (Xbox 360)

Uno review (X360)

Reviewed on August 13, 2006

It seems that as I age, my fingers become more restless and a bit slow, thus making games a wonderful hell of frustration and agony. It doesn’t matter how big that hole in my wall from my controller is, aggravation overwhelms me. Lucky for me, UNO always allays my troublesome game experiences.
microvision's avatar
NFL Blitz (Nintendo 64)

NFL Blitz review (N64)

Reviewed on August 13, 2006

Tired of slower-paced, graphically-accurate football games like Madden? Want to play the sport and have a bit more fun with it also? This is Blitz, where you don't have to know a thing about the game of football, hell, you could even hate the sport, and you could still have serious fun. It takes the real deal, then removes all the penalties and rules that slow it down. Plus it adds huge muscles, attitude, and then speeds everything up twofold.
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Painkiller: Hell Wars (Xbox)

Painkiller: Hell Wars review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 12, 2006

Painkiller: Hell Wars bothers me. It bothers me because it’s not a good game. It isn’t. A lot of people will tell you that it’s great, but it isn’t. Painkiller: Hell Wars casts you as Daniel Garner, a man sent to purgatory after a car accident. He then becomes an exterminator of hell’s worst demons and that’s the last of the story. This is a straight-forward, run into an area, blast all the cannon-fodder enemies that pop up in front of you, and then run through the next door and do the same thin...
asherdeus's avatar
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day (DS)

Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day review (DS)

Reviewed on August 11, 2006

The words "education" and "entertainment" usually don't belong together. So when we call Oregon Trail, Reading Rabbit, and Math Blaster "edutainment" software, heads start to turn; even more so for Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!, since (besides the long name) it targets more than children. Brain Age dreams of DS lovers walking down the street playing mental exercises that supposedly improve your practical intelligence. Supervisor and prominent Ja...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (NES)

Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise review (NES)

Reviewed on August 11, 2006

There are some games where the beginning of the game is really awful, but then later on the story gets whipped into shape or you get used to slightly sloppy controls and see that other aspects of the game aren't so bad. Very rarely will you see a game like this that is just so many synonyms of bad from the beginning until the end, or however far you can get.
strawhat's avatar
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS)

Feel the Magic: XY/XX review (DS)

Reviewed on August 11, 2006

Sometimes, I feel that launch games are just there to test a machine's capabilities and how the public will react to it. I feel that these games are somewhat entertaining, but not "complete". There's a missing element in some of these launch games that makes them feel more like a test than a game that's meant to keep you entertained for a long time. This is how I felt about Feel the Magic.
strawhat's avatar
Metroid Prime Pinball (DS)

Metroid Prime Pinball review (DS)

Reviewed on August 11, 2006

What sounds more insipid than a primitive pinball machine that creaks and groans, tantalizing you with its boringly enticing gameplay, simplistic concept, dry display and generally dull premise? Nothing, of course. But that doesn’t mean that a pinball game centered on the lively worlds of Metroid Prime can’t be a freaking riot to play.
Linkamoto's avatar
Planescape: Torment (PC)

Planescape: Torment review (PC)

Reviewed on August 10, 2006

Sigil is the City of Doors. It lies at the nexus of the multiverse; its portals touch countless worlds, and those with the correct keys can reach anywhere from Sigil. To the rest, it’s a prison. It floats above the infinitely tall Spire in the center of the Outlands, a neutral zone between the Outer Planes of good and evil, law and chaos. It’s indifferent to outside conflicts, its impartiality guarded by the Lady of Pain, an enigmatic sorceress who wears a bladed mask.
viridian_moon's avatar
AstroPop (Xbox 360)

AstroPop review (X360)

Reviewed on August 10, 2006

AstroPop is a puzzle game for Xbox Live Arcade that combines block busting, combos, bricks, and SUPA rays. Its hectic pace and points scores make it addictive, and cause you to not notice the time slipping by. AstroPop is constantly making you navigate quickly and work rapidly. It’s a great single-player puzzle game, but its lack of multiplayer takes away a lot from the experience.
ghostyghost's avatar
Metal Saga (PlayStation 2)

Metal Saga review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 10, 2006

Humanity. Like cockroaches, they continue to scrape out what meager existence they can in the post-apocalyptic world wrought by the hands of NOAH, the obligatory evil super-computer. Initially an artificial intelligence created in order to prevent war and the like from ravaging the land, NOAH was given a little too much freedom of choice. In order to cease war and end all hostilities, it would eradicate the source of all conflict: the entirety of the human race! Through hazy and unexplai...
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting (Xbox 360)

Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting review (X360)

Reviewed on August 09, 2006

Hyper Fighting is a ballbuster. It's cheap, relentless, and annoyingly obsessed with cheesing you to death with its flawless timing and flaw-exploiting tactics. In short, I finally hate a version of Street Fighter II.
nick_evil's avatar
Space Empires IV (PC)

Space Empires IV review (PC)

Reviewed on August 09, 2006

If you're the type of person who would look at a title like "Space Empires IV" and think, "O GAWD how lame! I'm not playing THAT!", then you, sir, are missing out. If you are, then you might also be the type of person who would look at a review like "Don't judge a book by its cover" and think "O GAWD how lame! I'm not reading THAT!", and...oh. Nuts.
WilltheGreat's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 09, 2006

Forbidding battlements rise above a stark ravine. The stillness of the surrounding forest is broken by the sound of approaching hooves. A group of horsemen appears, masked and silent, carrying with them a struggling young boy. His wrists are bound and two curved horns jut from his head. Wordlessly, the horsemen enter the fortress. They bring the boy to a cavernous hall lined with stone sarcophagi. One casket opens and the boy is placed inside. There is the sound of receding footsteps and then h...
sophina's avatar

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