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Available Reviews
Final Fantasy Tactics (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy Tactics review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 19, 2007

shotgunnova's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

Twilight Princess' design is often so well thought-out that I have to wonder why Nintendo gave it much of a story at all. Link is transformed into a wolf the very first time he pokes his head into Hyrule Castle, and it's a fantastic moment simply for how wrong everything is. Prison guards are noticably absent from the jails, and would seem absent from the sewers as well were it not for the beast's heightened senses--instead, their spirits can be overheard fearing for their lives due to demons th...
bluberry's avatar
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (PlayStation 2)

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

This game and its series will take you places not many games can. You follow Rei Kurosawa, a 23 year old photographer. After a terrible car accident, Rei escapes from a roadside ditch on a rainy night. Only to crawl away finding her fiancé lying dead in the wreckage. After the accident, while on a freelance assignment; taking pictures of a haunted mansion, with a befriended assistant Miku Hinasaki. The image of Rei’s deceased fiancé appears in a photograph. As she lowers her camera, she is s...
reticent's avatar
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (PlayStation 2)

Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

We’ve come to expect three things from the Xenosaga RPGs: a deep, epic plot, an insane number of amazingly well-done cutscenes, and terrible gameplay. Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, for those unfamiliar with Nietzsche) is the long-awaited finale to the series, bringing the series-spanning storyline to a conclusion, and it meets about half of these expectations. This is both good and bad.
viridian_moon's avatar
Phantasy Star Universe (PC)

Phantasy Star Universe review (PC)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

Phantasy Star is one of the older RPG series out there. Many are the people who look back with fond memories on the aging Sega Genesis classics, and remember RPGs that could compete with the SNES's much larger library.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Xbox 360)

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition review (X360)

Reviewed on January 15, 2007

“Next-generation” has been the de facto gaming buzzword for some time. It’s just a generic promise of some nebulous step forward, but the escalating Sony-Microsoft arms race has made the term virtually prerequisite. If a new title isn’t promising hot, steamy next-generation action, if it isn’t bringing the next-generation revolution into your living room, then forget it, buster.
jeeeehad's avatar
God Hand (PlayStation 2)

God Hand review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 15, 2007

I knew God Hand was special shortly into the game. After smacking around hordes of goons armed with sledgehammers, two by fours and spiked clubs, I found myself in the most unusual of situations. My character had entered a colorful hidden carnival in the middle of a dusty spaghetti western town. A stage could be seen in the distance showcasing dancing brawlers. A voice was then heard.
Genj's avatar
Ninja Five-O (Game Boy Advance)

Ninja Five-O review (GBA)

Reviewed on January 15, 2007

When I was a boy, I had decided that when I grew up, I wanted to be a ninja. An unorthodox career choice, no doubt, and I came to learn that the Midwest American workforce had little need for a professional ninja. In fact, a ninja nowadays is likely to have considerable difficulty finding a market for their particular set of skills. Tragic, but truth.
turducken's avatar
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Game Boy Advance)

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance review (GBA)

Reviewed on January 14, 2007

As sacrilegious as it may sound, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance falls flat on its face when it comes to delivering the epic storyline expected of any Final Fantasy title to date. But whereas the premise fails, FFTA makes up for it with a battle system that works... really well. In that sense, FFTA is an example of a game driven primarily by its gameplay, as opposed to its storyline. Although considerably overshadowed by its superior predecessor, Final Fantasy Tactics, FFTA still manages to do a t...
redemption's avatar
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)

The Legend of the Mystical Ninja review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 12, 2007

While Goemon himself is rather recognisable, it’s pretty hard to actually pin down where you’ve seen him before. Since I’m a Brit, the only Goemon games that I can actually play are this one and its sequel on the N64, due to the fact that they were the only ones translated into the English. Which is a damn shame, considering how enjoyable this title is, but thanks to the wonder of emulation, I managed to enjoy what it had to offer.
goldenvortex's avatar

LOOM review (PC)

Reviewed on January 11, 2007

Once upon a time in a land far away lived a young boy called Bobbin Threadbare. Bobbin was a shy fellow, keeping his face constantly hidden beneath a grey hood, with only a shining pair of bright blue eyes visable admist the shadows. He was also an outcast in his own village; a shunned boy of seventeen who had no friends save Hetchel , the old woman who raised the boy and introduced him to the art of weaving.
darketernal's avatar
Tales of the Abyss (PlayStation 2)

Tales of the Abyss review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 09, 2007

Meet Luke fon Fabre. He’s the typical byproduct of the nobility social class, a teenager who is spoiled rotten and assumes that the world revolves around him. He lounges around the estate grounds all day, stuffing his face full of free meals, and getting combat training from his mentor, Van. Luke is lazy, whiny, and utterly self-righteous. However, this arrogant little bastard does have a few issues that need resolving. He frequently hears a voice in his mind calling out to him, causing him to k...
disco's avatar
Sonic R (Saturn)

Sonic R review (SAT)

Reviewed on January 07, 2007

Sonic the Hedgehog has several things going for him. Decked out in sleek blue fur and stylish red sneakers, he’s the epitome of what a game mascot should be. He’s hip, cool, and fun to be around. Though his obsession with chilidogs isn’t exactly healthy, he’s still far more of an interesting and dynamic character than his rival over at Nintendo. Image aside, Sega’s blue blur has one thing going for him: his pure, unbridled speed. Once those feet of his start up, it’ll take an act of God (or a we...
disco's avatar
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (Xbox 360)

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved review (X360)

Reviewed on January 06, 2007

You’re about to die. A few thousand yards away from your warship, a black hole is slowly consuming every particle of matter in the immediate area. Despite your best efforts to pull your spacecraft away, you’ll get sucked in a matter of minutes and be stretched into oblivion. Your only hope of salvation comes in the form of the laser cannons mounted on the outside of the ship; a few well-placed blasts of energy will wipe out the black hole and allow you to roam the cosmos once again. But before y...
disco's avatar
Ridge Racer 7 (PlayStation 3)

Ridge Racer 7 review (PS3)

Reviewed on January 04, 2007

In 1995, Namco debuted the first of what would eventually become one the most well known racing franchises in the gaming industry. Always at the height of graphical achievements, Ridge Racer has earned its right to be the first to show off the true power the next-generation consoles have to offer. So it’s no surprise that you could find it on the shelves, right next to the elusive PS3, (or lack thereof), on launch day.
remylabue's avatar
Darkstone (PlayStation)

Darkstone review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 04, 2007

Dark Stone is a game where challenges lie ahead, dungeons await looting and monsters sign their death sentences. With a multiple ways to play this game, it’s no surprise it has nearly infinite replay value. Nearly.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Wii)

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 review (WII)

Reviewed on January 04, 2007

DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is a sequel of a spin-off of the original Budokai fighting franchise that Atari established in 2002. Back then, all fighting games were exactly the same. They gave you a side-view perspective in versus matches that lasted multiple rounds. This was the norm since the dawn of the fighting genus, the release of Kung Fu. Budokai was no different. It seemed that the traditional outline of the genre was never going to change, and the only thing developers were going to im...
remylabue's avatar
Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Gears of War review (X360)

Reviewed on January 02, 2007

When an army of disgusting, repulsive, and blood-thirsty beasts decide to tunnel up through the surface of the earth and slaughter billions of people, it can really put a damper on an otherwise happy and sunny day. That's what happened fourteen years ago on Emergence Day; a day where every major city on the planet was simultaneously attacked by the Locust Horde. This is the chaotic world that Gears of War is set in; and though we'd all hate to actually live in such a world, it makes for one hell...
sayainprince's avatar
Sonic Heroes (Xbox)

Sonic Heroes review (XBX)

Reviewed on December 31, 2006

Sonic Heroes is a cheesefest. You'll know this immediately because the title screen theme will just hit you HARD with its joyous lyrics ("SONIC HEEEEEROES! SONIC HEEEEEROES!"), and if you're man enough to stay and not sprint to the menu screen, you'll get a chance to hear the full version afterwards when a video starts playing. Not cheesy enough, you say? Well, thankfully, that's not all. Throughout the entire game, the characters will chatter nonstop throughout each stage, uttering goofy...
dementedhut's avatar
Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PlayStation 2)

Shadow Hearts: Covenant review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 29, 2006

Forget what you learned in history class: Princess Anastasia was a feisty princess that traveled the world defeating monsters, and Rasputin sold his soul to a demon in exchange for magical powers and a sweet fortress. Also, the catastrophic casualties of World War I can be blamed on a secret society that unleashed “malice” upon the world from a building at the Vatican.
djskittles's avatar

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