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Available Reviews
Hour of Victory (Xbox 360)

Hour of Victory review (X360)

Reviewed on July 05, 2007

"Dear Seargent Ross, Taggert and Bull. I am writing you not because you represent the best that the allied forces have to offer, but because you are the best that the allies have to offer. The sacrifices that you have made for your country are immense, but the sacrifices that you are about to make are undescribable"
Squanty's avatar
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)

WarioWare: Smooth Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on July 05, 2007

Have you ever sat on your couch, Wii Remote in hand, wishing you could use it to scrub the dirty hind end of a cow? Probably not. But WarioWare: Smooth Moves allows you to do so. Even after playing the rather enjoyable GameCube incarnation of WarioWare, there seemed to be a lingering feeling that this series should have remained in GBA/DS form. Smooth Moves is bold in it's assertion that you'll enjoy the large number of extremely strange tasks it asks you to perform.
Calvin's avatar
Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Gears of War review (X360)

Reviewed on July 04, 2007

Unfortunately, this review begins with content that cannot properly be displayed on some pages on the site (including this one). No excerpt is currently available, but this review still meets the site's quality standards and you are encouraged to read it anyway if you're interested in the title.
zbrictson's avatar
Street Fighter: The Movie (Saturn)

Street Fighter: The Movie review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 04, 2007

When I popped this CD into my Saturn, I was pumped. Yes, I was looking forward to playing Street Fighter: The Movie. I mean, finally, a video game that gives me the opportunity to play as Kylie Minogue! So, as I pass the title screen and enter Movie Battle mode, I was ready to rock out with her. However, once the first "cutscene" (a still picture from the movie and some text) was finished, I was stuck in a fight controlling Jean-Claude Van Damme. I was bummed out... for a few seconds. The...
dementedhut's avatar
Metal Slug (Arcade)

Metal Slug review (ARC)

Reviewed on July 04, 2007

In the 2020's, terrorism is a bitch. Within the army, a frothing rebel front amasses due to inaccuracies in the regular army's intelligence reports. Circa '96 this branch of the army is lead under the supervision of one General Morden, fighting off patriots with an ultimate aim to assassinate the President of the United States. Falling short on the attempted assassination, the rebel army turned their sights upon attacking the regular army soldiers in an intense civil war. The 1st and 2nd Lueite...
Calvin's avatar
Gunstar Super Heroes (Game Boy Advance)

Gunstar Super Heroes review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

If a good review requires an analogy, then I will say that comparing Gunstar Super Heroes to a bigger, better, more complete action game is like comparing the Bible to an actual novel. This is to say nothing of my religious beliefs or my opinion on the Bible as a piece of historic literature (my thoughts on this matter do not belong at a place like HonestGamers), but let's make this clear: Do you ever just read the Bible, chapter by chapter, like a normal book? Of course not. You r...
Suskie's avatar
The Darkness (Xbox 360)

The Darkness review (X360)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

At the beginning of 2004, Starbreeze Studios was an almost entirely unknown developer. When word got out that they were at the helm of a game based on the movie, The Chronicles of Riddick, the response was one of almost complete indifference. Yet, when the game was released later that year, it was heralded as one of the best games of 2004, and with good reason -- Starbreeze had created an FPS that that was far more than a mere corridor shooter. Riddick was an extremely polished ...
Daisuke02's avatar
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (DS)

Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords review (DS)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

If you’re of the opinion that RPGs have become stale, do yourself a favor and check out Puzzle Quest for the Nintendo DS. Thematically similar to classic sword-and-sorcery role-playing games, Puzzle Quest casts you in the role of saving an Arthurian land from an overwhelming dark presence. But when’s the last time you saved the world with a game of Bejeweled? With its unprecedented mixture of stat-building and puzzling, Puzzle Quest becomes a great game whose originality and general weirdness wi...
AdamSchedler's avatar
Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Zone (Game Boy Color)

Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Zone review (GBC)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

Construction zone is just what it says it is, you’ve got a whole plethora of trucks to use and are assigned these tasks in your truck depending on what function the truck can undertake. There’s five stages, ranging from the forest, the farm, the neighbourhood or even the city, each with some uniqueness in the objectives but at the same time does feel slightly similar.
bigcj34's avatar
Half-Life 2: Episode One (PC)

Half-Life 2: Episode One review (PC)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

Half Life 2 Episode One is the next instalment of the Half-Life series, arguably the backbone of the FPS genre, and after the 1998 blockbuster and the successful sequel 6 years later, Valve decided to release Half Life 3 in three shorter episodic chunks to make release times faster. That means you don’t have to wait until 2022 to learn about the conclusion to the story.
bigcj34's avatar
Half-Life 2 (PC)

Half-Life 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

Let’s get this one straight, if you play PC games and haven’t heard of Half Life then you must have been wearing a blindfold each time you were in the game store, and held under house arrest otherwise. The original Half Life was released in 1998, a success in its own right and also supplied a game engine used as a basis for many popular mods, such as Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat being the most popular plus two official expansions released, Opposing Force and Blue Shift in 1999 and 2001 respe...
bigcj34's avatar
Final Fantasy Tactics (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy Tactics review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

It is hard to remember any games that rival Final Fantasy Tactics in longevity, depth, and dare I say beauty. Obviously this is nothing more than a piece of software, but it is a pure fusion of RPG and strategy, combining the best aspects of both and enhanced by (although not in service of) one of the most elaborate and intrigue-filled stories ever concieved in any medium. The unique magical kingdom of Ivalice combines a medieval aesthetic with a bestiary bursting with all sorts of twiste...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Xbox)

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

It’s a dark, stormy night. Your ship rocks and sways in the ocean, and the rain beats down upon your hooded head. As you near the enemy vessel, wood grinds and arrows fly. You can see the shining eyes of dozens of enemy goblins burning into your mind. You board the enemy ship, and swords clash.
Suskie's avatar
Killer 7 (GameCube)

Killer 7 review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

If weasels could swim upside-down, Tuesday would accidentally be Thursday.
Suskie's avatar
The Darkness (Xbox 360)

The Darkness review (X360)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~ Chinese proverb
Squanty's avatar
Pferd & Pony: Mein Pferdehof (Game Boy Advance)

Pferd & Pony: Mein Pferdehof review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Behold, the clip-clopping of hooves. Elegant society ladies will recognise this sound from Ascot, on a race day associated with the wearing of hats and the frittering away of millions of pounds on a fancy steed for the stables. The rest of us may be more familiar with this sound as being from Monty Python and the Holy Grail - the bashing of coconut husks together. Either way, this sound is synonymous with horses - perhaps necessary to feel the true atmosphere of racing ponies. It is this sound t...
lisanne's avatar
Sonic the Hedgehog (Xbox 360)

Sonic the Hedgehog review (X360)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Coming from someone who played and A-ranked every 3-D Sonic from Sonic Adventure 2 to Shadow the Hedgehog, I've come to accept Sonic's transition from his roots to what we now see before us in 2006. Sonic Adventure was the blue blur's first step into total 3-D gaming. That was 1998. This is 2006. I expect more from Sonic Team than the same horrible camera, myriad glitches, and deviation from Sonic that both Sonic Adventure and Sonic the Hedgehog supply. This goes especially since this Sonic game...
SuperPhillip's avatar
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition review (WII)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Since its original release in the early part of 2005, Resident Evil 4 has reached a total of four different platforms. Originally a Gamecube exclusive, RE 4 was ported with added goodies onto the PS2 and a year later ported to the PC. Now it has been ported to the Nintendo Wii with the PS2's bonuses and the Wii's trademark waggle controls. This rendition of Resident Evil 4 is easily the best, and quite possibly is the one of the best games of all time. Read more to see why.
SuperPhillip's avatar
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Mega Man X premiered on the Super Nintendo in the early part of 1994. The title didn't really change the formula of choose one of eight levels, beat boss, choose another level, beat boss with previous boss' weapon, rinse and repeat as much as it did add to that formula. Now this version of Mega Man could latch onto walls, scaling up them, charge up his X-buster, find capsules to learn new armor modifications, and pummel plasma into new animal-themed bosses. More than a decade later the title has...
SuperPhillip's avatar
Phantasy Star Universe (Xbox 360)

Phantasy Star Universe review (X360)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Phantasy Star Universe is the tale of a young man named Ethan Waber.
espiga's avatar

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