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Available Reviews
Phantasy Star II (Genesis)

Phantasy Star II review (GEN)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

To live a life full of regret is a regret itself. No man understands this more than the twenty year old Rolf Landale, the protagonist of our story. At first glance you may pass him off as a generic RPG hero, with his blue hair, determined expression, mastery of swords and do-gooder attitude. However, you would be quite mistaken to simply pass him off as such.
espiga's avatar
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)

WarioWare: Smooth Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

Another Nintendo console, another WarioWare collection of silly, crazy, zany, madcap, way out, off the wall and wild microgames. This time, Wario and his gang of silly, crazy, zany, madcap, way out, off the wall and wild characters have a new toy to play with: the wii-mote. What does this new-fangled device have in store for us? Are the microgames as charmingly addictive as they were in the four prequels that came before? Does Wario finally wii-n?
arkrex's avatar
The Horde (Saturn)

The Horde review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

Do The Horde next -- that won't get a 7!
dementedhut's avatar
Oregon Trail (Apple II)

Oregon Trail review (APP2)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

You’re less than a day out of Independence, Missouri, and you’ve already got a problem. Less than a hundred feet away from you, a massive river separates you from the vast expanse of the American frontier. The midmorning sun is reflecting off the frothy waves, a vision of the beauty and natural splendor that awaits you on your journey. Despite such appearances, however, this river can spell your utter doom. You’ve got a few options. You can try to ford the river, forcing the few wagons in your p...
disco's avatar
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (DS)

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 review (DS)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

randomnoob1284, says "any1 in hear play yu-gi-oh?"
phoenix_crow's avatar
Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)

Super Smash Bros. Melee review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 20, 2007

I thought I'd begin by mentioning that I really ripped into two player competitive matches with my best friend's Autistic brother. Through this, I came to see this game for what it really is.
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Fable: The Lost Chapters (Xbox)

Fable: The Lost Chapters review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 19, 2007

Fable: The Lost Chapters is a re-release of the original RPG to hit the Xbox. The original's rushed development led to the game being unfinished and extremely short. The approximate 33% added content does a lot to lengthen the game; it adds a total of about five hours of game-play. The much boasted about additional content is a small selection of new armor and weapons, new tattoos, two new spells, and an entirely new part of Albion for you to explore. The new area is one new town and it's outski...
mgtonvac55's avatar
Scurge: Hive (DS)

Scurge: Hive review (DS)

Reviewed on July 18, 2007

You know her type – she’s an intergalactic bounty hunter. Working for a futuristic space federation, she scours the universe battling evil through countless attempts to restore peace and justice to our existence. Donning a unique spacesuit and sporting all manner of lasers and explosives, she’s equipped to handle just about anything, and if there’s an alien infestation or virus outbreak that must be dealt with, you know who to call.
Suskie's avatar
.hack Part 1: Infection (PlayStation 2)

.hack Part 1: Infection review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 18, 2007

The following is a completely true story.
espiga's avatar
Cool Croc Twins (Commodore 64)

Cool Croc Twins review (C64)

Reviewed on July 17, 2007

Allow yourself to be subjected to one of the cheesiest-but-good platformer-action type games from 1992. It drips with style and cool, or it at the very least tries to. You are one cool crocodile. You wear your baseball cap backwards because you need to let the world know that you're the coolest thing in this universe and in any other universe that may exist. Your brother, however, disagrees. He wears his sunglasses with pride and he is convinced that the world could never comprehend the full ext...
KompressorFromGFAQs's avatar
Christmas NiGHTS (Saturn)

Christmas NiGHTS review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 16, 2007

When you begin Christmas NiGHTS, you realize there's only one dream to play in, Spring Valley. That's nothing compared to the original title's seven dreams, and you assume you'll finish this game in a matter of minutes, living up to being a sampler. Shockingly, that's not the case, and it actually ends up being better than its predecessor.
dementedhut's avatar
Metal Gear Solid (Game Boy Color)

Metal Gear Solid review (GBC)

Reviewed on July 16, 2007

Treating Metal Gear Solid as an unchangable work of art probably wasn't the most intelligent thing Konami could have done with this 8-bit re-imagining. Its story is almost an exact retelling only with different character names and a less snowy climate, while its gameplay is quite faithful to the terrible standard set by the original. There's even VR training like you would find on the PSX incarnation. A drastically stripped down version, anyhow, but they get their two points for trying. I...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (GameCube)

Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 16, 2007

Do you remember when they used to make good, classic Donkey Kong games? You know, the side-scrolling kind? With the release of the original Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Kongo Jungle was the place to be. Two characters, platforming goodness, plenty o' stages, good graphics (for the time)-- the game was a prime example of what your average layman's DK fix ought to be.
wayne_steed's avatar
Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy XII review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 16, 2007

Progression is a simple concept, I thought. You give me money for every hour of work I put into your company and eventually, there may come a day when you decide to give me more money. . . for whatever reason.
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Xbox)

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 16, 2007

Currently, on Max Payne. . .
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Alien Vendetta (PC)

Alien Vendetta review (PC)

Reviewed on July 14, 2007

Alien Vendetta is everything that Final Doom's The Plutonia Experiment should have been, a brutal pack of levels unbeatable by all but the hardiest veterans of Doom II's Ultra-Violence difficulty. Tough enemies aren't tough when Plutonia's level design lets you pick them off and the only choice to be made is whether you'll do the deed with your hundreds of rockets or dozens of BFG cells. It's unsettling to see demons from Doom II's endgame hanging around in the very first map, but the whole thin...
mardraum's avatar
Drakengard 2 (PlayStation 2)

Drakengard 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 14, 2007

Drakengard 2 will piss off Drakengard fans. It’s your standard bad sequel, but it goes further than that. Developers Cavia actually took steps in the right direction and then blew it. With the tweaked mechanics of the flawed yet beloved original game, Drakengard 2 should have been a worthy sequel and one kick ass brawler. Instead, Cavia implemented other “improvements” in hopes of adding variety and eliminating repetition. The resulting game is an awkward mix of brawling, to...
Genj's avatar
NiGHTS into Dreams... (Saturn)

NiGHTS into Dreams... review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 14, 2007

NiGHTS into Dreams... has got to be the prettiest time attack game I've ever played.
dementedhut's avatar
Syphon Filter (PlayStation)

Syphon Filter review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 14, 2007

In the spring of 1999, following the milky virtual explosion known as Metal Gear Solid, Sony had their precisely engineered follow-up with a similarly nonsensical title: Syphon Filter. Part Tomb Raider, part GoldenEye, wholly derivative; a "syphon filter" is not something you use when stealing gas out of your neighbor's SUV, but rather a fictional supervirus that makes ethnic cleansing as easy as A-B-C. A worthwhile thing for terrorists to steal, for sure, which is wh...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Romancing SaGa (PlayStation 2)

Romancing SaGa review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 13, 2007

Snow capped summits and frozen glaciers in the winter-land of Valhalland. Sand that burns so hot under the sun that it threatens to eat through your boots, in the confusion of storms that are the Kaklim Desert. Kick back a drink with the local miners at the quaint workman's village of Aurefont.
carcinogen_crush's avatar

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