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Available Reviews
Galaga (Arcade)

Galaga review (ARC)

Reviewed on May 26, 2008

Namco's Galaga (1981) is an interesting game. While it continues on the Space Invaders / Galaxian thread, it manages to be a much better game. How can that be? After all, the game play is the same. Or is it? Namco spent some serious think-time in the two years since Galaxian's release and returned with a killer game.
whelkman's avatar
Breakout (Arcade)

Breakout review (ARC)

Reviewed on May 26, 2008

Introduction and History 

whelkman's avatar
SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1 (PlayStation 2)

SNK Arcade Classics: Vol. 1 review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 25, 2008

It’s a great time to be a SNK fan. With the lull between King of Fighters titles, the company has apparently decided to re-release all of its major old school titles in the form of anthologies and collections. The lack of originality isn’t a bad thing, of course; it gives gamers who couldn’t afford a NeoGeo (which probably amounts to 90% of the gaming world) a chance to play the games that made SNK so famous. The problem is that the company keeps reusing the same games for multiple collections; ...
disco's avatar
The King of Dragons (Arcade)

The King of Dragons review (ARC)

Reviewed on May 25, 2008

Golden Axe attracts a lot of flak nowadays, so perhaps it takes a lesser game to demonstrate all it did right. King Arthur to Axe's Conan, The King of Dragons differentiates itself with a supposedly brainier RPG approach to the genre, but its paper-thinness in other areas short-changes it as anything but an occasional dumb-fun good time.
Synonymous's avatar
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Super Mario Galaxy review (WII)

Reviewed on May 24, 2008

Super Mario is such forgiving fellow. In one game he may be trying to take Bowser and his henchmen off the throne, and in others he’s playing a gentlemanly game of golf or tennis with him. But Mario games that involve pounding on top of Bowser have become an increased rarity; this is only the third original 3D Mario title ever. For many, this is truly the second, as Super Mario Sunshine didn’t count apparently.
bigcj34's avatar
Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Volume 2 (PlayStation 2)

Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Volume 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 22, 2008

It’s over. The Lonely Wolves failed. They had all the right moves, the plans, and power to win the day. But in the end, they were outsmarted. Contrary to popular belief, Geese Howard wasn’t killed; in fact, he’s back and better than ever before. Considering the fact that he’s stolen the Jin Scrolls – the mystical writings that can grant him immortality – it’s little wonder why he’s in such good shape now. Armed with his newfound powers and a lust for vengeance, he’s poised to bring Southtown to ...
disco's avatar
Okami (Wii)

Okami review (WII)

Reviewed on May 22, 2008

The world is dying. The trees are nothing more than wooden skeletons. The grass has shriveled away and scattered on the wind. Streams, rivers, entire oceans are drying up. The sky is no longer blue, but a pitch-black mess of toxic clouds. The sun is just a memory now; the lack of light and heat has killed off most of the plants and animals. The planet has been reduced to a shell of its former self, a bleak and barren expanse of dirt and darkness. Humans have been left perpetually frozen i...
disco's avatar
Theme Hospital (PC)

Theme Hospital review (PC)

Reviewed on May 21, 2008

Bullfrog have been no strangers to strategy games, producing hit titles such as Theme Park, Populous and Dungeon Keeper, but this is a different take on the genre altogether. Managing hospitals without the stress, the A&E bloodshed and patients that love to sue isn’t what you see released every week. Here you have hospitals infiltrated by patients with humorous illnesses caused by equally ridiculous symptoms, but this aside, Theme Hospital is no doddle. A title focusing more on depth than breadt...
bigcj34's avatar
Neverwinter Nights 2 (PC)

Neverwinter Nights 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on May 21, 2008

Now typically when one wants to read a review of a game, he or she visits a website that specializes in reviews. Such sites are usually organized by game, wherein you can search for titles or browse by system or genre. Some review sites are commercial while others rely on user contributions. Did you know that Honest Gamers accepts submissions from its users? Click “submit review” when logged in for details. A review usually ends with a a numerical score being assigned to the game; the higher th...
dagoss's avatar
Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360)

Grand Theft Auto IV review (X360)

Reviewed on May 20, 2008

So, this is it. The much anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV. After years of playing of the original game system built for Grand Theft Auto III, and exploring Liberty City twice, Vice City twice, and the state of San Andreas, GTA is back again, this time with a brand new system on new generation consoles. Grand Theft Auto IV has been in development for quite a long time, and it's finally ready to rock.
Probester's avatar
Gun Nac (NES)

Gun Nac review (NES)

Reviewed on May 19, 2008

There are too few shmups that explore the terror of rabbits, trees, umbrellas, and flying briefcases. I believe that these things are too controversial for most developers, even the team behind Grand Theft Auto, to seriously address, and thus they hang over video games like a shadow that really wants to talk about dangerous rabbits, trees, umbrellas, and flying briefcases. Unable to release a game about these evil things directly, Compile was forced to set their game in outer space in o...
dagoss's avatar
Front Mission (DS)

Front Mission review (DS)

Reviewed on May 19, 2008

One of the main complaints that I, as well as many other gamers that I know, have about the gaming industry nowadays is the fact that there are way too many ports and remakes being released. The Game Boy Advance was notorious for this, especially with the constant Super Mario Advance games. However, the good news about the two main ports/remakes I got for the Nintendo DS is the fact that neither of the games ever came out in America before. I had played them on ROMs on my computer over the years...
psychopenguin's avatar
Fire 'N Ice (NES)

Fire 'N Ice review (NES)

Reviewed on May 19, 2008

You’ll likely find yourself snoozing through the first couple worlds, but soon after, you’ll find yourself scratching your head as formerly cakewalk puzzles turn into headache-inducing brain-busters.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Final Fantasy III (DS)

Final Fantasy III review (DS)

Reviewed on May 19, 2008

I am a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series, as you may have noticed over the years due to my various Final Fantasy reviews and walkthroughs. Growing up, I always wanted to play the original Final Fantasy 3, but back then there was no translations or emulation available, so it was always one of those mysterious games I knew very little about, yet yearned to play regardless. I had heard the sequel to Final Fantasy was awful (and it turned out to be the truth), but Square really fixed things up fo...
psychopenguin's avatar
Fatal Frame (PlayStation 2)

Fatal Frame review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 18, 2008

Challenging a player, and challenging them at just the right level, is at the core of any game. For a horror title, however, just challenging the player is not enough; they must be scared, first. There are psychological tricks for this, and Fatal Frame employs them to good effect. At other times, however, shaky aspects of the gameplay make things harder than they need to be, threatening to annoy you more than frighten you. As such, Fatal Frame walks a fine line between fear and frustration.
sashanan's avatar
G.I. Joe (NES)

G.I. Joe review (NES)

Reviewed on May 16, 2008

G.I. Joe. No, not the upcoming movie, nor the original toy line. You know exactly what I mean when I bring up the name. That's right, I'm talking about the 80s line, A Real American Hero. It had a Marvel comic, the cartoon series, the theme song, a movie, Duke, Snake Eyes, Lady Friggin Jaye, Cobra Commander, the pimp (Destro), Baroness... I'm gonna stop now before the entire review is a list. But yeah, those were some good times. It also had its share of video games, some good... some crap. Fort...
dementedhut's avatar
Digimon World (PlayStation)

Digimon World review (PSX)

Reviewed on May 16, 2008

Feed him regularly, but watch his weight. Treat him when he’s ill or injured. Rest him when he’s weary. Even take him to the bathroom when the need arises. Your Digimon is yours to love and care for. Do everything right, hold enough patience, and the reward will pay dividends.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Burnout Paradise (PlayStation 3)

Burnout Paradise review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 14, 2008

Developer Criterion Games tend to spice up Burnout's gameplay in each installment, bringing something new and fun to the table. And Burnout Paradise is no exception. The Burnout series has had a complete makeover, and puts every other Burnout game to shame.
microwavedapple's avatar
Crystalis (NES)

Crystalis review (NES)

Reviewed on May 13, 2008

Out from a hundred years of suspended animation, our hero steps into a world overrun by mutants and under threat of an evil which hasn’t fully presented itself yet. Journeying throughout the land, this prophesied savior seeks the respect of four wise men by collecting four mighty elemental swords. He will travel through labyrinthine caverns, and hostile lands, including the territory belonging to the impressive Draygonian Empire, which has oppressed its citizens and forcibly colonized its neighb...
wolfqueen001's avatar
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PlayStation 3)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 12, 2008

Think Indiana Jones meets Mission Impossible; that's what Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is like. You'll spend your time exploring a mysterious island, swinging from vines...and blowing dudes up. I compare Uncharted to movies because that's what it is like most. It feels like a high-budget, no holds barred blockbuster from Micheal Bay. Drake's Fortune embraces this, and delivers one of the most beautiful, memorable and intense experiences in years.
microwavedapple's avatar

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