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Available Reviews
Monster Hunter (PlayStation 2)

Monster Hunter review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 14, 2008

Monster Hunter, for me, used to be an obsession. Though that obsession raised me to the upper echelons in the Monster Hunter society. Yes, I was a big shot on a video game, lol@me. I mostly add this to give my credibility some water. This is not some half-baked review you might find at other sites that consist of less than a full day's worth of play and a very ignorant view of what the game is, what it accomplishes, and how the developers designed it for those goals.
BLAH_Or_blah's avatar
Lock's Quest (DS)

Lock's Quest review (DS)

Reviewed on September 13, 2008

THQ as a company can be summed up in one word: shovelware. All those bad movie tie-in games you see? That’s THQ. I don’t think THQ has ever published a worthwhile game in their entire history as a company. They’re attracted to bad games like flies to shit. Then I heard a select few morons saying that THQ had finally published a good game – Lock’s Quest. Naturally, I downloaded it to see what was up. What I expected was a bad Western shovelware title, and that’s pretty much exactly what I got.
timrod's avatar
EVE Online: Second Genesis (PC)

EVE Online: Second Genesis review (PC)

Reviewed on September 12, 2008

Eve Online
BLAH_Or_blah's avatar
Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

Sonic 3D Blast review (GEN)

Reviewed on September 10, 2008

You know what was Sonic 3D Blast's problem? It wasn't that it strayed from the side-scrolling, platforming angle in favor of an isometric viewpoint. Its problem is that it doesn't have a save feature. For an action game, it's pretty long. Two hours long, to be exact. This has to do with the fact that most of the Zones (stages) in this game drag on longer than they should. You see, each Act of a Zone contains three segments, and in each segment, you'll have to search for Dr. Robotnik's rob...
dementedhut's avatar
Earthworm Jim (Genesis)

Earthworm Jim review (GEN)

Reviewed on September 08, 2008

Earthworm Jim thrives on its gaudy humor and wacky experiences. Complex things like plot would be entirely inappropriate here. Players aren’t looking for intricate story-telling or in-depth level design. They’re looking for kicks, for something more than a little different. And this game delivers.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GameCube)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 07, 2008

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is the epic story of a rag tag band of mercenies fighting their way through a seemingly endless horde of RPG cliches. You've got Ike, the insecure, immature, but inherently heroic young lad with daddy issues who becomes the all powerful, ultimate source of good in the world. He is accompanied by his younger sister who wastes no time getting kidnapped, and who also has a mysterious (sigh...) medallion given to her by their dead mother. You'll also meet the Catholi...
mariner's avatar
Alone in the Dark (Wii)

Alone in the Dark review (WII)

Reviewed on September 05, 2008

The new Alone in the Dark (AITD) is the most original videogame I have played for years. This makes it exciting to talk about, even if the title is not an unqualified success. It bears very little relation to the survival horror games it grew out of, or to previous AITD games, or in fact to anything else around now. AITD consists of a series of dynamic action set pieces which seek to play out as episodically as did the scenes in old laserdisc games like Dragon's Lair. The game throws away nearly...
bloomer's avatar
Tail of the Sun (PlayStation)

Tail of the Sun review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 04, 2008

Tail of the Sun is something I've heard about ever since it was released, but never had the chance to play. However, every time I've read up on it in some magazine, the person seemed to have a hard time explaining how the game works. They would basically describe it as a game about nothing. This bugged me for years, so I finally got a used copy of Tail of the Sun to see just what the hell it's about.
dementedhut's avatar
Silent Hill 3 (PlayStation 2)

Silent Hill 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 02, 2008

The astonishing quality of the original Silent Hill was of a nature so weird that it seemed unlikely to be replicable in sequel form. Silent Hill's logic was that of an abstract nightmare, its methods of sensory, emotional and intellectual disorientation most damaging when you had no clue that they were coming. This kind of lightning tends not to strike twice in the same place, but Konami have resolutely continued to fling bolts towards the same patch of ground – with surprising results. It's a ...
bloomer's avatar
N+ (DS)

N+ review (DS)

Reviewed on September 02, 2008

There seems to be a big craze these days over difficult acrobatic-based platformers. Most of them were freeware to begin with – Jumper, I Wanna Be The Guy, etc. So far, only one game has made it to a commercial release, that game being Way of the N, ported as N+ to the DS and XBox Live Arcade. Since I could get the game as freeware anyway, I had no qualms about finding the newly-released rom and loading it onto my flashcart.
timrod's avatar
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone (Game Boy Advance)

Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 27, 2008

Maybe it's not entirely original, but Yggdra Union is a marathon strategy game made especially for masochists. Its narrative begins like many others in the genre. A bloodthirsty despot overruns every kingdom in the land, with conquest and destruction his sole ambition. Only Princess Yggdra survives her country's royal massacre, escaping with a holy sword into a company of gold-hearted bandits. The tiny guerrilla group has to struggle across battlefield after battlefield, square by squ...
woodhouse's avatar
Galaga Legions (Xbox 360)

Galaga Legions review (X360)

Reviewed on August 25, 2008

Galaga Legions has got to be one of the most handicapped shoot-em-ups I have ever played. Right from the very start, after your ship launches into space, the game will actually alert you to where every single formation will appear from. Hell, not only that, but it goes the extra distance to show you the path it'll first take when they appear on screen. But since your ship can only shoot in one direction (up), that should at least give you a semblance of a challenge, right? Well, a new add...
dementedhut's avatar
Pump It Up Exceed Portable (PSP)

Pump It Up Exceed Portable review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 24, 2008

When it comes to dancing games in North America, Dance Dance Revolution is the biggest name to know. But there are other games in town, like Pump It Up. Through a dozen arcade and console releases in Asia, PIU has built a reputation as a freestyle-leaning alternative to DDR. In sticking with its dancing roots while transitioning to a handheld, though, Pump It Up Exceed Portable leaves that flexibility behind, and it ends up playing a clear second fiddle to a...
woodhouse's avatar
Devil May Cry 4 (Xbox 360)

Devil May Cry 4 review (X360)

Reviewed on August 23, 2008

Nero's no Raiden. Folks who were somehow dumbfounded by Metal Gear Solid 2's ending may have groaned the last time a popular series ditched its popular hero, but it's tough to argue that starting fresh for Devil May Cry 4 wasn't a great idea. The third game did everything there is to do with Dante. Six different fighting styles and ten different weapons, one of which was a fucking electric guitar that shoots lightning and bats—how do you top that? You don't. Not that Devil May Cry 3 was perfect,...
mardraum's avatar
WWF Wrestlemania: Steel Cage Challenge (NES)

WWF Wrestlemania: Steel Cage Challenge review (NES)

Reviewed on August 22, 2008

Hey, wrestling fans! Do you want the only wrestling game on NES that truly emulates the geat wrestling action featured on the Super Nintendo and Genesis? Then get ready for the Steel Cage Challenge!!!
japanaman's avatar
The Incredible Crash Dummies (NES)

The Incredible Crash Dummies review (NES)

Reviewed on August 18, 2008

It’s the crash you need to consider. Slamming into a far wall, a frequent occurrence when enemies ram you, or smashing into the ceiling, will often result in the loss of your head. Literally. It’s a serious inconvenience that confounds your mobility, inverting your directions. When left suddenly becomes right, disorientation is expected and much damage is sustained.
wolfqueen001's avatar
X-COM: Terror from the Deep (PlayStation)

X-COM: Terror from the Deep review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 18, 2008

X-COM 2: Terror from the Deep is the sequel to X-Com: Enemy Unknown (or UFO Defence, depending on your nationality) a follow on that tries to change as little as possible. But when the foundations set are already killer, it's not that big a deal.
Cornwell's avatar
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles review (WII)

Reviewed on August 15, 2008

Capcom has a long history of recycling games they've previously made. A prime example of this is their Street Fighter and Megaman series. Resident Evil(or Biohazard)is no exception. Several of the games in the series have been remade or released. The Umbrella Chronicles, despite containing content from many previous Resident Evil games, The Umbrella Chronicles isn't simply just another release. The game is basically a "reimaging" of the entire Resident Evil story, remade to be played on the Wii ...
Probester's avatar
Cruis'n USA (Nintendo 64)

Cruis'n USA review (N64)

Reviewed on August 15, 2008

Cruisin' USA is essentially Rad Racer in actual 3D. That might not sound so bad at first, after all Rad Racer is a beloved classic by many, but unfortunately the days in which a game could appeal to people just by being a racing game have long since passed, and players have grown to expect some semblance of aptitude and originality in the titles they purchase.
dagoss's avatar
Windy x Windam (DS)

Windy x Windam review (DS)

Reviewed on August 14, 2008

Meet Izuna. Some of you might already know her from her starring role in The Legend of the Unemployed Ninja. As the title implies, she hasn’t been working for a while now. It’s understandable; regardless of how undeniably awesome ninjas are, there just isn’t a need for them anymore. The days of shuriken slinging and stealthy assassinations have long passed. Why pay some masked killer a small fortune to carry out a deed that could be solved with a well-placed grenade or a few dozen machin...
disco's avatar

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