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Available Reviews
Bubble Bobble (NES)

Bubble Bobble review (NES)

Reviewed on September 30, 2008

"Now it is the beginning of a fantastic story! Let us make a journey to the cave of monsters!
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Final Fight (Arcade)

Final Fight review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 27, 2008

I don't spend nearly enough time with beat-em-ups and I'm probably a worse person for it, but even I love Final Fight. Then again, everybody loves Final Fight. It's just one of those ideas that's perfect, even on paper. You and a friend choose ripped city mayor Haggar, ninja Guy, or generic white dude Cody and take to the streets, smashing your way through the population of a small nation. What's not to love? What more could you need?
bluberry's avatar
Castle Crashers (Xbox 360)

Castle Crashers review (X360)

Reviewed on September 27, 2008

Castle Crashers begins with your knight of choice doing what knights do best: rocking out. Of course, not all goes to plan when a nerfarious wizard busts on the scene, stealing the castle's magical crystal and running off with the hot maidens. And so it's up to you, as one of 4 colourful knights to set out on a quest to get them back and kick some evil wizard ass.
espiga's avatar
Disgaea DS (DS)

Disgaea DS review (DS)

Reviewed on September 27, 2008

When I heard that Atlus/Nippon Ichi had decided to port the first Disgaea to the DS, I was shocked. For one thing, they’d already ported it to the PSP and had hinted at the port being a PSP exclusive. For a second, there was no way the DS’s extremely limited hardware could ever hope to run a game that was originally for the PS2, even if it came nowhere close to stretching the PS2’s hardware limits. What Atlus delivered was a bad port of a good game.
timrod's avatar
Bad Dudes (NES)

Bad Dudes review (NES)

Reviewed on September 27, 2008

Bosses are tough and require great timing and patience to defeat. Having a weapon only increases the likelihood of survival, since it has a superior reach and deals significantly more damage than most of your traditional unarmed combinations. Some bosses are literally impossible to kill without one.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Alone in the Dark (Xbox 360)

Alone in the Dark review (X360)

Reviewed on September 27, 2008

Alone in the Dark is considered to be one of the pioneers of the survival horror games by fans of the genre. With the first game, and namesake of the series being released in 1992, Alone in the Dark set the standards for future horror survival games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Although many feel that Alone in the Dark has since become overshadowed by the aforementioned titles, it is worth noting the series still continues to exist to this day, with the current Alone in the Dark game b...
Probester's avatar
Red Bull BC One (DS)

Red Bull BC One review (DS)

Reviewed on September 26, 2008

A sad, startling revelation came to me the other day. I’ve become that guy. You know, the fellow who’s still trying to be hip but has absolutely no clue about the current pop culture? The kind of person that spouts off outdated slang to his younger friends and ends up coming off like an idiot? Yeah, that guy. This stunning bout of self-awareness was caused by one thing: Red Bull BC One. What kind of name is that for a game? The back of the box gives only a few clues; it stat...
disco's avatar
N+ (DS)

N+ review (DS)

Reviewed on September 26, 2008

They make it look so easy. The ninjas, I mean. They’re so awesome at what they do. Leaping around rooftops is like playing hopscotch to them. They can make themselves virtually invisible, lurking within the shadows for that single, perfect time to strike. A quick flick of the wrist can leave dozens of bloody, shuriken-ridden corpses littering the scene. But it’s not like ninjas have always been like that; once upon a time, your favorite veiled assassin was just some inept little rookie with drea...
disco's avatar
Robo Army (Arcade)

Robo Army review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 26, 2008

In Robo Army's quest to add some variety to the robots you'll be beating up, it ends up creating pretty funny designs. As you guide your half man, half machine avatar (or all machine, if you're the second player) through a crippling city, you'll be cutting mechanical soldiers in half with one fist and avoiding land mines littered all over the streets. Eventually, you'll reach the end of the stage, where you'll go up against the boss, who takes the form of a walking, green car. Stay...
dementedhut's avatar
Time Hollow (DS)

Time Hollow review (DS)

Reviewed on September 26, 2008

There’s been a rash of new DS titles recently – Kirby Super Star Ultra, the remake of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, and the craptacular Sonic Chronicles. Yet, out of all the releases this week, most people have forgotten about one that would be the best had Nintendo not decided to release Kirby this week. That game is Time Hollow.
timrod's avatar
Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX (Game Boy Advance)

Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 25, 2008

The sad, blunt truth is that the GBA is a black hole as far as creativity is concerned. 95% of companies have decided to "grace" it with Super Nintendo ports rather then strive to make it the 2D revival it should have been; franchise after franchise has been squandered on ports of games I can find for $5. There was, however, a sole company that held strong in the face of such corruption, pumping out quality 2D games like it was 1994. Eventually, though, the titles like Castlevania: CotM...
Cornwell's avatar
Burning Fight (NeoGeo)

Burning Fight review (NEO)

Reviewed on September 24, 2008

I've long enjoyed the art of combat. I get my kicks by travelling through thug-infested streets with naught but my own body to defend me, or a trusty iron pipe to bash in the skulls of bikers, hippies, lawyers and various other sorts of human refuse.
darketernal's avatar
Portal (PC)

Portal review (PC)

Reviewed on September 22, 2008

So get this: I’ve got a friend who has never played Portal yet can still recite the game’s maddeningly catchy end credits song, word for word, along with his two nerdy buddies – I might be one of them – who like to sing the tune in public places just to freak people out. He’s cited the mechanical GLaDOS, the closest thing Portal has to a main character, as one of his all-time favorite villains, and has even brought up HK-47 (of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic seri...
Suskie's avatar
Mount & Blade (PC)

Mount & Blade review (PC)

Reviewed on September 21, 2008

The term Fantasy RPG has a very entrenched definition. One assumes a linear plot-heavy game with an overworld map and random turn-based combat where small parties with members numbering in the single-digits fight each other with magic and the occasional steampunk. Elves, Dwarves, and the occasional magic-powered mecha might make an appearance.
magicjuggler's avatar
Doom 3 (PC)

Doom 3 review (PC)

Reviewed on September 18, 2008

When a group of artists labour for months or years on some magnificently coded and presented piece of gaming software, I can't help but feel uncomfortable about kicking their hard work – but Doom 3 is unfortunately boring and there's not much else I can do to it. I remember being pleased when id software announced they were going to switch their focus back to the single player experience with this title, coming as it did after a string of deathmatch oriented games, but the result is claustrophob...
bloomer's avatar
Battle Circuit (Arcade)

Battle Circuit review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 17, 2008

Capcom has made a lot of beat'em ups during the late 80s and most of the 90s, some of which were street brawlers that involved mayors and ninjas, knights and magicians that fought inside dungeons that possibly included dragons, and a game where you run around in giant robots, tearing stuff up. So, after making a variety of brawlers, how does Capcom attempt to make another one without it feeling like a rehash?
dementedhut's avatar
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (PlayStation 2)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 16, 2008

Like the average fan of RPGs, I typically do not look back on my years in high school with fondness. So when Atlus began showing trailers of Persona 3, the most recent spin-off in the ever edgy Shin Megami Tensei series, I was obviously skeptical of the unusual format in which the player equally divides his or her time between school work and dungeon-crawling. I mean, this is the same series that had tried to revive Hitler; how did we go from that to sleeping through Engli...
dagoss's avatar
P.N.03 (GameCube)

P.N.03 review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 14, 2008

Late 2002 was a happy time for Nintendo fans. Capcom's famed Production Studio 4 announced a quintuple threat of games for the floundering GameCube, including a cel-shaded superhero game, a new entry in the Resident Evil franchise, a since-cancelled mythological shooter, an intriguing noir game, and a very stylish looking shooter named Product Number 03, or P.N. 03 for short. Anticipation for the games grew and grew, but when P.N. 03 came out in Japan, not too many pe...
Cornwell's avatar
Hacker (Commodore 64)

Hacker review (C64)

Reviewed on September 14, 2008

To understand why Hacker became a cult classic, first it's necessary to know that the actual game is only part of the package. Think back to 1985, when games were already sold in stores, in a way not all that different from today - flashy boxes with cover art, blurbs of advertizing and little screenshots on the back, and a new smelling game and paper manual inside. Hacker, in the meantime, has a non-descript box with very little information on it, and inside, only a Commodore 64 cassette tape. N...
sashanan's avatar
Spore (PC)

Spore review (PC)

Reviewed on September 14, 2008

The premise behind Spore is simple, really. Take a cell and grow it up until you reach space travel. Sounds simple, don't it? That's because it is. Spore is a very railroaded game until you hit the final stage, then it becomes sandbox. There are multiple paths that you can take in your own race to space, but they all lead to the same objectives in the end; which just so happen to be the game's biggest letdown.
BLAH_Or_blah's avatar

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