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Available Reviews
Quest 64 (Nintendo 64)

Quest 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on February 24, 2009

The Nintendo 64 has only one great RPG, and it is not Quest 64.
Suskie's avatar
DJ Max Portable Emotional Sense - Clazziquai Edition  (PSP)

DJ Max Portable Emotional Sense - Clazziquai Edition review (PSP)

Reviewed on February 22, 2009

Face it, DJ Max is too tough for you. The twitch rhythm game's reputation is based on insane difficulty. For normal people, the highest eight-button setting exceeds impossibility. Six-button mode merely approaches that insurmountable level. Five-button mode, meant as a baby-step in training, brings its own hindrance: as the fifth button can be covered by either hand. Even four-buttons, the absolute floor, can produce anguish on the tougher songs. So consider DJ Max Portable Emoti...
woodhouse's avatar
Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360)

Burnout Paradise review (X360)

Reviewed on February 22, 2009

If anyone has read my regular articles as of late, you would know that the reason this review has been put off for so long is because of my wife and her obsession with giving gifts for Valentine's Day. So anyway, without further adieu, I give you the review of Burnout: Paradise for the 360.
RecentElectronics's avatar
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (PlayStation 3)

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 22, 2009

I finally got myself a PS3 about a week back and boy what sound investment that was. For a mere 350 Duckets I got a PS3, a controller, a copy of Warhawk, a Bluetooth headset, and a copy of Proving Ground.
RecentElectronics's avatar
Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)

Lost Odyssey review (X360)

Reviewed on February 22, 2009

Since the last game I reviewed was the religious equivalent to a Strawberry Shortcake that was prepared by Jesus himself, I figured this time I would go with a game that can be best described as shit covered shit with shit filling. Now before I start tearing in to the aforementioned fecal pastry, I'd like all of you to know that I typically like (read: worship) Japanese Role-Playing games and are usually impressed and utterly moved by the emotions that their story tends to offer. That being said...
RecentElectronics's avatar
Deus Ex: Invisible War (PC)

Deus Ex: Invisible War review (PC)

Reviewed on February 20, 2009

I suppose it’s unfair to expect anything to be as deep, involving, and utterly groundbreaking as Deus Ex, a game that is frequently imitated but seldom equaled. What’s interesting is that its sequel, Deus Ex: Invisible War, was also developed by Ion Storm, and headed by many of the same individuals (I checked), yet it still feels like the kind of pale mimicry that would come from a team alien to this sort of thing, who understand where they’re going but have no idea how to get ther...
Suskie's avatar
1080 Snowboarding (Nintendo 64)

1080 Snowboarding review (N64)

Reviewed on February 20, 2009

1080° Snowboarding is a racer and an extreme sports game, but it is never both of those things at the same time, and it doesn’t fare too well with either.
Suskie's avatar
Yoshi's Story (Nintendo 64)

Yoshi's Story review (N64)

Reviewed on February 19, 2009

It says a lot when, after a few replays, I am able to beat Yoshi’s Story in under a half hour, without taking any damage whatsoever.
Suskie's avatar
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad (Xbox 360)

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad review (X360)

Reviewed on February 18, 2009

I remembered it as if it happened a few hours ago. Because it actually happened a few hours ago. My character was in a dark room, all alone... then, suddenly, it happened. A zombie walked out from the left side of the screen, then another, and two more after that. Of course, I just couldn't stand around and do nothing, so I took control of my character and guided her towards the undead. With her sword already drawn, she sliced through them like it was nothing. The threat was over... but not for ...
dementedhut's avatar
Rocket: Robot on Wheels (Nintendo 64)

Rocket: Robot on Wheels review (N64)

Reviewed on February 18, 2009

Developing a game specifically for the N64 was a move that could be viewed as either reckless or cunning. The system’s inability to rise out the shadow of the more commercially successful PSX meant that any exclusive games would have a limited reach by default, but then a good game has a better chance of garnering attention in an altogether less eventful library. Rocket: Robot on Wheels effectively turns both of those theories upside down. It fits squarely into the platformer categ...
Suskie's avatar
Red Faction (PC)

Red Faction review (PC)

Reviewed on February 18, 2009

So here's the thing.
Lewis's avatar
Dragon Blaze (Arcade)

Dragon Blaze review (ARC)

Reviewed on February 18, 2009

Dragon Shot enemies for gold coins.
JANUS2's avatar
RapeLay (PC)

RapeLay review (PC)

Reviewed on February 16, 2009

If you aren't a perv familiar with Illusion's games, you don't have any business reviewing their games. Seriously. It's like asking a male mysogynic gay chauvinist to write about fem lib: if you think you're going to get the objective truth, I have some beachfront property to sell you.
Trucidation's avatar
Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine (Wii)

Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine review (WII)

Reviewed on February 15, 2009

Curse you, Bobby Flay! No disrespect to the other illustrious Iron Chefs of America. Mario Batali is a preeminent expert on authentic Italian cuisine. Cat Cora's distinctive style originates from her Greek and Southern roots. Masuharu Morimoto is a master of all things Japanese, having held his position of Iron Chef in that country's version of the show as well. And Michael Symon, well, he's too new to be sorely missed. But Chef Flay appears first in this pantheon of culinary greatness. H...
woodhouse's avatar
EA Playground (Wii)

EA Playground review (WII)

Reviewed on February 15, 2009

“Includes Dodgeball!” exclaims the cover of EA Playground. I guess in grade school, we all enjoyed pummeling our peers, especially that distinctive thunk of rubber meeting face. However, dodgeball isn't the best game in this bunch, just the most recognizable. This title features seven events in all, but with mixed results. Some really capitalize on originality and simple controls. Others, though, are too basic to really keep you engaged.
woodhouse's avatar
Tonic Trouble (Nintendo 64)

Tonic Trouble review (N64)

Reviewed on February 13, 2009

It’s rare for me to be offended by bad character design, but Tonic Trouble’s protagonist makes me want to shoot somebody.
Suskie's avatar
Swagman (PlayStation)

Swagman review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 11, 2009

What a strange combination. An E (everyone from the age of three upwards) rated game, only released in Europe on the PS1 and Saturn, that was developed by CORE as the game they made after the first Tomb Raider enjoyed such phenomenal success. It features eight year old twins who collect bugs (the insect kind), turn into monsters, and when they are not in monster form, try to defeat Scallywags using the doughty weapons of a torch and a yo-yo. They spend much of their time falling into the Abyss a...
threetimes's avatar
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia review (DS)

Reviewed on February 11, 2009

My appreciation for Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia never really hit its peak until, after beating the game twice, I went back and tried to play a game in the series that I previously loved (Dawn of Sorrow) only to find the experience hollow, simplistic, and dull. The Castlevania series has survived up to this point by sticking to a pretty routine and unchanging formula, which is fine when the formula in question works. (See also: Zelda.) This newest DS entry is probab...
Suskie's avatar
Silent Hill: Origins (PlayStation 2)

Silent Hill: Origins review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 10, 2009

For a while now, I've felt that the Silent Hill series is dead. For me at least, the beginning of the end was in Silent Hill 3, a game that moved the horror away from psychological terror and put it squarely into the arena of teen flicks and B-movies. Still, while it may not have been the horror masterpiece the first two games were and eschewed much of the exploration structure of the first two titles, the gameplay structure was mostly still in tact and the game contained a lot of the genuinely ...
m0zart's avatar
Crackdown (Xbox 360)

Crackdown review (X360)

Reviewed on February 09, 2009

Grand Theft Auto 3 was nice to play... when you weren't doing the missions. You could go wander around the town, steal cars, mess with people, and blow stuff up. Though, if you really wanted to explore more of that game's world, you were forced to complete the missions to open up new sections of the city. Most of the missions consisted of going to Point A, then driving to Point B to pick someone or something up, heading to Point C, and when you're done, returning to Point A. There was a hard mis...
dementedhut's avatar

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