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Available Reviews
Metal Slug XX (Xbox 360)

Metal Slug XX review (X360)

Reviewed on June 17, 2010

After completion of Metal Slug XX for the first time, I made a passing comment, in an extremely popular and thought-provoking blog, that it was at least better than Metal Slug 6. I must have been on something that day, because MS6 is mostly a competent game with some flaws; it features backdrops in several locations, like the African countryside, a city under siege by invaders, and a battered bridge, as well as a variety of new foes, both human and alien, to go up against. Also, each of t...
dementedhut's avatar
Dragon Age: Origins (PlayStation 3)

Dragon Age: Origins review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 14, 2010

Part of me will genuinely smile when people talk about video-game "auteurs" - as individual studios, if not just specific game-designers, put their characteristic mark on a particular genre or type of game. But then again, it could very well be that the "auteurship" is just a sign of how the game-developer has now achieved full serial production. In Bioware's case, that would be spinning their "personality generator" to decide what possible motivation any of the many characters that litter the g...
fleinn's avatar
Split/Second (PlayStation 3)

Split/Second review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 12, 2010

I sat down to write this review, and as with everything else, started thinking of ideas for an introduction. I came up with a few good lines here and there, strung them all together, backspaced it all, then tried again. I rinsed and repeated a few times more than Rapunzel if she had a cleanliness compulsive disorder. I took a step back and tried to figure out why I was unhappy with all of my attempts. After a few minutes stewing upon the quandary I came upon it…
CompanionCube's avatar
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Xbox 360)

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands review (X360)

Reviewed on June 12, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is the closest Ubisoft has ever come, and probably ever will come, to replicating 2003’s brilliant The Sands of Time. It certainly took them long enough to figure out that this is what we’ve always wanted; Ubisoft’s habit with this series has been to try something new, be taken aback by criticism, and then revert to formula when they realize that what they created never needed to be tampered with.
Suskie's avatar
Deadly Premonition (Xbox 360)

Deadly Premonition review (X360)

Reviewed on June 11, 2010

The biggest draw Deadly Premonition has going for it is its setup being largely influenced by the TV show Twin Peaks. Hilariously, that's also the reason why it was delayed, because media outlets noticed the huge similarities back when the game was originally called..... wait for it..... Rainy Woods. Apparently, the developers didn't do much to change things with the delay, since you can still see a large resemblance; DP begins as Francis York Morgan, a special agent for the...
dementedhut's avatar
flOw (PlayStation 3)

flOw review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 06, 2010

FlOw's concept was originally created for a flash-application with the same name. I thought about it as "that eating game" at the time, because it was unique, and because you were eating things.
fleinn's avatar
The Legend of Dragoon (PlayStation)

The Legend of Dragoon review (PSX)

Reviewed on June 04, 2010

The connection you develop with each of the characters enables you to feel exactly as they do. Not even the occasionally rough translation interferes with the raw emotion that somehow manages to clearly express itself regardless of the situation. You’ll laugh at old-timer Haschel and naďve Meru’s goofy antics. You’ll hope and pray for the best when things turn grim. You may even weep during the most tragic moments where you’ll be left questioning what happens next.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Konami Classics Vol. 2 (Xbox 360)

Konami Classics Vol. 2 review (X360)

Reviewed on June 04, 2010

Are you a Contra fan, own a 360, and have no access to the Live service? Then I'm sorry Konami has intentionally put you in such a bad situation with Konami Classics Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, because you're forced to spend $40 just to play two games. With a move like that, I don't see how this doesn't encourage fans to just use an emulator, instead. For everyone else, what's worse is that Vol. 2 as a whole doesn't have the same pitiful excuse as Vol. 1 of having a "solid" price tag. If yo...
dementedhut's avatar
Konami Classics Vol. 1 (Xbox 360)

Konami Classics Vol. 1 review (X360)

Reviewed on June 04, 2010

What you have in Konami Classics Vol. 1 are three titles that are already available on Xbox 360's Live Arcade service: the classic Frogger, the arcade version of Super Contra, and one of the most popular Castlevania titles to date, Symphony of the Night. So if you have Live and are interested in one or all three games, then download them, because this release isn't aimed at you. This collection is clearly targeted at gamers that just don't have access to Live. To these people, Konami C...
dementedhut's avatar
God of War III (PlayStation 3)

God of War III review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 02, 2010

A while back I wrote a review for God of War I. At the time, I wasn’t entirely sure what I loved so much about the game, so I went with the standard “Kratos is a total bad-ass” angle and thus repeated what a thousand other reviewers had already said, many more eloquently than I did. Then I played God of War III and realized that brutality is not what made God of War great.
zippdementia's avatar
Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

Alan Wake review (X360)

Reviewed on May 31, 2010

As befits a horror story, especially one about a bestselling author, Alan Wake begins with a Stephen King quote: “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations; they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear.” The game then promptly drops us into a dream sequence in which the title character is alone in the woods, being stalked by a crazed hitchhiker. The man warps in and out of existence as if moving by medium of shadow, seemingly propelled by some myste...
Suskie's avatar
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360)

Batman: Arkham Asylum review (X360)

Reviewed on May 28, 2010

I don't know how this game turned out the way it did. It shouldn't exist. It's a glitch. An anomaly. In all the best possible ways.
Fedule's avatar
Lost Planet 2 (PlayStation 3)

Lost Planet 2 review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 27, 2010

Lost Planet 2 is Capcom's fond revisit of the original Lost Planet. But the sequel is focused on co-op action rather than single player. It is marred by some (presumably patchable) weaknesses. And put together with how the game screams out for a few add-on episodes to go with one of the playable character sets, this makes the game feels somewhat incomplete. But what is there - if you can get past the online hurdle, the initial difficulty, and the somewhat mysterious interfaces - is epic on the l...
fleinn's avatar
Red Dead Redemption (PlayStation 3)

Red Dead Redemption review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 25, 2010

Nightmare's avatar
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (Xbox 360)

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation review (X360)

Reviewed on May 25, 2010

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation doesn't strive to be anything new or refreshing, instead choosing to expand on features that were implemented in previous installments. Its biggest influence, though, is Ace Combat 4, right down to the very fact that each games' wars were both affected by the Ulysses asteroid incident that was first mentioned at the beginning of AC4. This means you'll experience long missions that last up to 30 or 40 minutes, which require a return to base for reload at s...
dementedhut's avatar
God of War II (PlayStation 2)

God of War II review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 24, 2010

This Pegasus is darker. Completely black except for fiery wings, it’s quite capable of defending itself with Kratos on its back. At a command, it’ll ram hostile griffins in the side or execute a forward dash to catch them off guard. These attacks are often more effective than using any of Kratos’ slashes, as his range is limited. At the same time, you must dodge energy blasts and charges from other aerial enemies, especially since the latter can send you into a spinning nosedive.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Pokémon SoulSilver Version (DS)

Pokémon SoulSilver Version review (DS)

Reviewed on May 24, 2010

I ran out and bought Pokémon SoulSilver on launch day, and it sucks that I have to describe this course of action as having “caved.” I liked it when I was able to purchase these games without feeling ashamed of myself.
Suskie's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City (PlayStation 3)

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 21, 2010

Combining two substantial pieces of downloadable content into one retail package, Episodes from Liberty City adds a tremendous amount of depth and life to Liberty City, last visited in 2008’s Grand Theft Auto IV. The two episodes, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony present two radically different characters both struggling to stay alive. Though time has passed in our reality, the two episodes weave their stories through the same timeline that G...
asherdeus's avatar
Valkyria Chronicles (PlayStation 3)

Valkyria Chronicles review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 21, 2010

In retrospect, I suppose it's obvious how much SEGA was making a effort to flirt with the foreign markets, when they released the strategic, turn-based, adventure game Valkyria Chronicles. The lead cast's name is Welkin Gunther (“Wuerrrkin-saaan!”, if you choose the Japanese over the English voice-track), who has normal hair. A class-based selective upgrade system where you choose and manage weapon kits and personnel neatly replaced magic as well as the rotating numbers for stats and...
fleinn's avatar
BloodRayne (GameCube)

BloodRayne review (GCN)

Reviewed on May 15, 2010

... "Half human. Half vampire. All woman."
bloomer's avatar

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