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Available Reviews
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game (Sega 32X)

WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game review (32X)

Reviewed on August 13, 2010

For wrestling fans, WrestleMania defines the sport. It is the single biggest event in the calendar, and, for more than a quarter of a century, has promised big matches, big celebrities, and a few hours of quality sports entertainment.
Louisutton's avatar
GunGriffon (Saturn)

GunGriffon review (SAT)

Reviewed on August 11, 2010

GunGriffon: The Eurasian Conflict is a first-person, giant mecha game that doesn't like to hold your hand. In fact, it'll kick you in the nuts if you don't learn to play properly immediately. Sure, it provides two optional, very simple exercises, but they're not great representations of the actual missions. What will surprise many people that play GunGriffon for the first time is that they'll be thrown right in the middle of a battle, literally having to hit the ground running. The...
dementedhut's avatar
Batman (Genesis)

Batman review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 10, 2010

The 1989 Batman movie completely refreshed the image of 'The Dark Knight'. If anything, the character had slowly begun to fade into obscurity (in visual form, at least) throughout the 70's and 80's, thanks to the awfully cheesy and twee 60's Adam West TV carnation.
Louisutton's avatar
Hustle Kings (PlayStation 3)

Hustle Kings review (PS3)

Reviewed on August 10, 2010

Out of all sports-games, I think virtual pool has always been the most pointless to me. You can't train for pocket-shots virtually, and typically the most appealing fantasy in these games has been to advance in a virtual snooker-league.
fleinn's avatar
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling (PlayStation 2)

Showdown: Legends of Wrestling review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 09, 2010

When most of them were lacing up their boots, there was never the prospect of them being immortalised in a video game. So it felt only right to go back in time and revitalise some of the biggest names in the history of professional wrestling, showcasing them to a whole new audience for, perhaps, the first time.
Louisutton's avatar
WWF Raw (Genesis)

WWF Raw review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 09, 2010

The wrestling genre, as portrayed on home consoles, always lacked depth at this point. Games featured few characters, few modes, and few moves. They offered little satisfaction other than beating your friend by mashing and maiming your controller quicker than they did.
Louisutton's avatar
Worms (PlayStation 3)

Worms review (PS3)

Reviewed on August 08, 2010

Of all the games I’ve played for the PS One, Hogs Of War was quite possibly the most entertaining. It didn’t have phenomenal graphics, a powerful story or a brilliant soundtrack. But it had charm, unique characters and hilarious one-liners for nearly every pig. I thought it would have been loved by many. Sadly, most called it a knock-off, claiming that Worms was the original version, and far superior in nearly every aspect. When it finally came to the Playstation network, I snagged...
True's avatar
Bullet Witch (Xbox 360)

Bullet Witch review (X360)

Reviewed on August 08, 2010

In Atari’s Cavia’s third-person shooter Bullet Witch, the dead roam the Earth spreading anarchy and wrecking havoc on the living. Only the sexy, leather-clad witch-babe Alicia stands to exorcise the minions of SATAN with her boomstick. She is aided by a fearless military commando Maxwell Cougar and an eerie disembodied voice clearly inspired by the talking hand from Vampire Hunter D. Oh, and it is afraid of helicopters. Alicia’s goal is pretty simple: kill some...
Genj's avatar
Wii Fit Plus (Wii)

Wii Fit Plus review (WII)

Reviewed on August 08, 2010

A mouth and faceless trainer inexplicably exhales an expression into my ear, insisting that my posture is fantastic. Then the Wii Fit board under my feet speaks to me in unnaturally cheery beeps. This is probably the most unsettling thing I have ever experienced, until the FitPiggy(tm) twirls into the screen, declaring that I have recently burned calories worth about the same as licking the paper of a chocolate health-bar.
fleinn's avatar
Singularity (PC)

Singularity review (PC)

Reviewed on August 07, 2010

Going back in time and changing the past is something we’ve all thought about. We’ve of course done it selfishly; how many mistakes have you made that you’ve wished you could go back and avoid? And obviously, a lot of us would go back in time and stop some of the world’s greatest atrocities, like strangling Hitler’s mother before she could give birth. But what we can’t always consider are the ramifications of those actions. As life constantly beats into us, for every action, there’s a reaction. ...
asherdeus's avatar
Ecco The Dolphin (Genesis)

Ecco The Dolphin review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 07, 2010

Dolphins don't make for ideal heroes, it seems.
JANUS2's avatar
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (PlayStation 3)

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift review (PS3)

Reviewed on August 06, 2010

Revenge. For Ragna the Bloodedge, it’s the only thing that matters. His life has been ruined…and he’s finally figured out who to blame. It’s not just about the huge bounty the Librarium put on him; he can deal with being hunted down like an animal, harassed by vigilantes and wannabe heroes. Ragna is more than capable enough of handling those pests. He’s a one-man killing machine; armed with the limitless magic of the Azure Grimore, he’s almost wiped out what’s left of the corrupt government. It’...
disco's avatar
Dead or Alive Paradise (PSP)

Dead or Alive Paradise review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 03, 2010

There are a lot of things I could say about the originality, style and luster of Dead Or Alive: Paradise. That—as far as casual games go—this one stands out. It’s over-all factor is reminiscent of the original Xtreme Beach Volleyball , where you buy gifts for the lovely ladies of D.O.A., try to persuade them into teaming up, and battle—however briefly—on the courts against two other players.
True's avatar
Cyber Speedway (Saturn)

Cyber Speedway review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 31, 2010

"This might be a decent game."
dementedhut's avatar
Too Human (Xbox 360)

Too Human review (X360)

Reviewed on July 30, 2010

When I first read about Too Human, I was intrigued by the concept of a cyberpunk RPG about humans becoming more machine than man. But at the time I was 13 years old and it was going to be an 8 disc Playstation game. It took nearly a decade with many delays, but Too Human eventually was released as an Xbox 360 hack & slash dungeon crawler. Except now it’s about Norse mythology in the distant future. And it’s not very good. It’s astounding that a vision held on to for so long could c...
Genj's avatar
Elite (NES)

Elite review (NES)

Reviewed on July 30, 2010

Many years ago, before Star Fox made space wedges look badass, before developers realised that console games don't control like PC games, and before huge environments were the norm, there was Elite. Imagineer's spacefaring trade/combat quasi-sim is possessed of a uniqueness that prompts ambivalence.
SamildanachEmrys's avatar
Jurassic: The Hunted (Xbox 360)

Jurassic: The Hunted review (X360)

Reviewed on July 28, 2010

Dinosaurs might have gone extinct millions of years ago, but the last couple of decades have been very good to them. Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” ignited the imaginations of the millions who watched, spawning an entire industry of dinosaur-related museum exhibits, documentaries and television shows. And of course, video games. Some of these games have been very enjoyable, most notably the early Turok games. Sadly, some have been Jurassic: The Hunted, miserable games that weren’t...
asherdeus's avatar
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (PC)

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 26, 2010

I am a big fan of the genre of World War II FPS since Wolfenstein 3D, so I expected a great fun ride from this game, especially considering enthusiastic reviews. Instead this was a survival horror of intensively irritating dumbness and it all looked so bright in the beginning.
stardeaf's avatar
Shatter (PlayStation 3)

Shatter review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 25, 2010

Release ball! Crush block! Catch ball on return!
fleinn's avatar
Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

Illusion of Gaia review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 25, 2010

There are darker skinned people in Freejia, but they exist only to populate the Diamond Mines or be sold to even worse fates in the dark corners of the world. After a trip to these human markets, the cherry blossoms and the content demeanor of most of the town’s residents seem a sick joke. The heaviest feeling of despair comes not from seeing those who suffer but from witnessing the ignorance of those who don’t.
zippdementia's avatar

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