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Available Reviews
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Game Boy Advance)

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance review (GBA)

Reviewed on January 14, 2007

As sacrilegious as it may sound, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance falls flat on its face when it comes to delivering the epic storyline expected of any Final Fantasy title to date. But whereas the premise fails, FFTA makes up for it with a battle system that works... really well. In that sense, FFTA is an example of a game driven primarily by its gameplay, as opposed to its storyline. Although considerably overshadowed by its superior predecessor, Final Fantasy Tactics, FFTA still manages to do a t...
Lock On (SNES)

Lock On review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 06, 2006

Vic Tokai's Lock-On is a game that'll really get your adrenaline pumping. After all, barreling through waves upon waves of hostile fighters, dodging missiles left to right, and pulling off sick aerial stunts are all in a day's work. Of course, that's not to say it doesn't get old seeing the same palette-swapped polygons zooming around the screen launching rockets at you. Lock-On may be pretty fun from the get-go, but the levels slowly turn repetitious and drab as the game carries o...
Terranigma (SNES)

Terranigma review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 06, 2006

Meet Ark, just another mischievous teenager enjoying his easy life in the small town of Crysta. Since the day he was born, his childhood has been limited to the gates of this mysterious village. The Elder seems to be the only soul around who has an understanding of life outside the boundaries of Crysta, but no one dares to ask him what may be beyond the walls. One day, a curious Ark decides to break down a mysterious door that had always remained shut. Inside the dusty room, he releases an evil ...
U.N. Squadron (SNES)

U.N. Squadron review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 22, 2006

U.N. Squadron is a phenomenal shooter, bearing very impressive visuals and challenging gameplay (with emphasis on challenging). Though there are some very specific battle flaws (if flaws is the proper word in this case) that'll surely frustrate many a player, the good manages to greatly outweigh the bad, leaving U.N. Squadron with a tremendously positive mark.

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