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You are currently looking through all reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Duck Hunt (NES)

Duck Hunt review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Imagine it's 1985. An open field... a gun... a tree... a dog... a laugh in the face... a live duck... now a dead duck... a flash of light. What do these things remind you of? Well, they all have to do with the game, Duck Hunt! If you haven't played this game yet, you had better jump up on the bandwagon of players who know what this classic game is all about!
royalranger's avatar
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes (Dreamcast)

Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Based off of one of 8 Gundam series, Bandai's giant robot stomper comes stateside possibly due in part to the success of Gundam Wing popping up on Cartoon Network's Toonami. Fans of that show who pick up the game for $44.99 (its going price at Best Buy and other places) may be dissapointed to find that Heero Yui or the God of Death aren't in this one.
pestes's avatar
Maniac Mansion (NES)

Maniac Mansion review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Maniac Mansion was an Adventure/RPG game originally created by Lucasarts for the PC. This version had eventually become a hit, so the designers decided to port the game to the NES with the help of a publishing contract with Jaleco. Nintendo's strict game censorship forced Lucasarts to remove many items from the game, but they were lucky enough to still manage to finish a full version of Maniac Mansion for the NES.
royalranger's avatar
NFL 2K1 (Dreamcast)

NFL 2K1 review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I've played many a football game in my day, but none of them have ever matched Super Tecmo Bowl for the NES, not even last year's stellar NFL 2K. Now, the folks at Visual Concepts have just made that old Tecmo dev team weep bitterly- NFL 2K1 is the best football game ever made. EVER. The game is fine tuned to perfection, with only a few (understandable) faults.
pestes's avatar
Boulder Dash (NES)

Boulder Dash review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Boulder Dash is a puzzle/action game that was designed, published, and released in 1990 with the involvement of First Star Software, Victor Musical Industries, and Data East Corporation (I really have absolutely no idea who the heck did what). Unfortunately, this game never did receive the proper recognition that it deserved very much. Why am I sitting here babbling? Anyway, read on and you'll see why I consider it a great game.
royalranger's avatar
Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast)

Phantasy Star Online review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Striking with all the ferocity of a bolt of lightening from the right palm of God, Phantasy Star Online begs the question: ''What the hell happened to Sega?''
pestes's avatar
Circus Caper (NES)

Circus Caper review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Today, I take you to the wonderful world of Circus Caper. This is the place where maniac clowns do more than just honk their red noses at you. This is the place where something fishy always happens beyond the ring of giant elephants and angry lions. But it's even more than that... it's something sinister.
royalranger's avatar
Seventh Cross Evolution (Dreamcast)

Seventh Cross Evolution review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

When I was a film major last year, in a class that was to serve as an introduction to film narrative, I learned of a guy named Bertol Brecht. He was a German playwright who thought that if you wanted to pass a message on to the audience (usually involving Marxist theory) you must detach the audience from the play. You cannot let your audience get caught up in a story or to show sympathy with characters because they will not understand your message and be too caught up in your story, or so the th...
pestes's avatar
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True (NES)

Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

After the release of the hit game Shadowgate for the NES, Kemco realized the potential there was in the point-and-click genre of games. With this new-found knowledge, Kemco sought to release yet another game of the same style. This led to the release of the game Déjà Vu, another masterpiece coded by Icom Simulations. This game, along with the few other point-and-click games by the same company, helped to open up the world of games where sly thought and keen observation is a must.
royalranger's avatar

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