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Available Reviews
Kirby's Adventure (NES)

Kirby's Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Hal Laboratories and Nintendo manage to make one of their last-released NES games to be one of their greatest. It's actually not of much surprise, really, since Shigeru Miyamoto, the great mastermind behind the Mario and Zelda game series, had his hand in the making of Kirby's Adventure as well. The release of this game was sure to be a bang, regardless of its late 1993 release.
royalranger's avatar
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Game Boy)

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

After the disappointing Castlevania Adventure Konami knew another Gameboy Castlevania game had to be made, and be made much better. They then created Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge. This game was much more appreciated by the public then the one which game before it, but still it did not have the great feeling those Nintendo Castlevania's game did. However it does have a much better feeling to it.
ratking's avatar
Metroid (NES)

Metroid review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Metroid, often considered one of the great classics of video gaming, is a game that I really did not like very much. Now, please, before you go whacking me with that baseball bat there, I only ask that you at least hear me out on this! Giving Metroid a low score isn't some deliberate way of trying to ruffle a few feathers or draw attention to myself, but I really do have valid concerns judging my dislike of this game.
royalranger's avatar
Gauntlet Legends (Nintendo 64)

Gauntlet Legends review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Gauntlet Legends is supposebly based on an arcade series, however I have never played the arcade game, but I decided to buy it anyway. You have the choice between 4 types of warriors (Archer, Wizard, Warrior, and Valkyrae) to battle your way to kill an evil demon lord. The game is entertaining, even if you do not have three friends to join in the fighting.
ratking's avatar
Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox)

Dead or Alive 3 review (XBX)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Gorgeous environments and wonderful lighting effects that glisten on leather and lace making almost every character all the better looking, graceful and plentiful moves, and a handful of game play options, each appealing in their own way. First impressions can sometimes be wrong.
oblivion's avatar
Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Nintendo 64)

Rayman 2: The Great Escape review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Rayman 2 looked extremely awesome in the commercial on television. After begging my way into getting a nintendo 64, I decided this game was one I really wanted. This game was a pricy $60 when I got it, and was easily the most expensive game I got that Christmas. This game is kinda similiar to games like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64, but there are no mini games, just constant searching. This leads to semi entertaining play, and a game that after a while gets pretty repetitive.
ratking's avatar
Final Fantasy III (SNES)

Final Fantasy III review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Final Fantasy in my mind is the greatest game ever created. I got this game for $30, and new that is was a steal. As quickly as you put it in you will not be able to let go of playing it. Here's why:
ratking's avatar
Alien Storm (Genesis)

Alien Storm review (GEN)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Two of the heroes (the male and female) are equally dull: they fire either an electric beam or a flamethrower, and that is the end of it. Watch the electric beam arc an inch in front of your hero — the excitement drips from my veins. However, the silver robot is quite entertaining; he launches missiles from his fists and rips off his own leg (which is actually a bazooka in disguise)! No doubt you can imagine which was my favorite character.
zigfried's avatar
Sword of Sodan (Genesis)

Sword of Sodan review (GEN)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Sword of Sodan is a bad game, but that doesn't mean it has no value. It's not an unplayable, glitch-ridden mess like Dark Castle, and it's not an exercise in inanity like Budokan. The game's an ambitious spectacle of failure, full of crazy and hilarious scenarios — only a few of which I've documented here.
zigfried's avatar
Tetris 2 (NES)

Tetris 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I'm sure that by now, you've had to have heard of the great game called ''Tetris,'' a Russian puzzle game universally introduced when Tengen released it illegally for the NES and universally accepted as a smash hit when Nintendo released it legally for the same system. With the great success of Tetris, both on the NES and on the GameBoy, several sequels and similar games were released, including great games like Dr. Mario and Tetris Attack. Tetris 2 was another Tetris...
royalranger's avatar
Uncharted Waters (SNES)

Uncharted Waters review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Now, the true value in this game isn't the town mode, or the exploration mode, or even the battle mode. Instead, it's the way the three come together. As you work through the game, your ultimate goal is to gain fame for your country, wealth, and the heart of the princess of Portugal (who is quite the looker). The way in which this is accomplished is left entirely at your discretion.
honestgamer's avatar
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

It's time for another RoyalRanger review, and this means it is time to comment on one of the worst NES games ever to be played. Yes, Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde is truly a horrible game, despite what they say about it... no, wait... they do say it's a horrible game (I must really be tired or something). Anyway, Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde is truly a horrible game (Wait a second, didn't I already say that? I know I've been experiencing déjà vu a lot lately. I know I've been experiencing déjà vu a lot lat...
royalranger's avatar
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GameCube)

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle review (GCN)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I have never played a Sonic game in my life before this, and when I heard Sonic was coming to Gamecube, and with the lack of good games currently out, I knew I was going to buy Sonics Adventure. Now some people call this a bad buy, but it is definitely not. I love this game, and I prefer it to Resedent Evil and maybe Smash Brothers for this system. I have put many hours into going through the game just trying to beat it. Sure, I won't be the person going after 180 emblems, but if I was that is e...
ratking's avatar
The Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper (NES)

The Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Sometimes, you can't help but wonder what goes through the minds of game companies as they produce video games like this. What impelled Taito to release another cartoon-based game is beyond me; and with their 1992 release of The Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper, they obviously hadn't learned their lesson from their previous cartoon-game release, The Flintstones. Also considering the release at such a late year, Taito must have had a screw loose when deciding to make a NES game like The...
royalranger's avatar
Breath of Fire II (Game Boy Advance)

Breath of Fire II review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I felt that BOF2 was a complete let-down in terms of plot and story. The interesting introductory sequence makes you think that the storyline will be deep and interesting, but Capcom barely scratches the surface. Most of the game's dialogue is devoted to dull and silly conversations between the game's characters, who seem to have no real significance in the storyline, with the exception of Ryu.
ender's avatar
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

As with the first Castlevania I got this game kinda by accident. I bough 10 games for about 10 dollars, and look has it that this game was among them. That was around 6 years ago, and I still play this game to date. There is so much to it, and it's practically impossible to beat, but it is always a fun time through.
ratking's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The Zelda series is definitely the best puzzle-type game for the action/rpg genre. And Ocarina of time is by far the high point for the Zelda history. I love this game unlike any of the others, and this is the game that really put Zelda on my map. There was so much to this game, and all of it was great. Besides Ogre Battle 64, and possibly Castlevania, Ocarina of Time was the best game to ever appear on the Nintendo 64.
ratking's avatar
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (Nintendo 64)

Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I anticipated this game as being one of the best ever to pass onto the Nintendo 64. I reserved it, and got it the very first day it was released, and that was where it started going downhill. The first castle you enter, where I spent hours upon hours trying to search for the king, I learned that Aidyn was not at all what I expected, and it never improved from that.
ratking's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

A sequel to one of the greatest games ever, using that same control system which made it work so well. This game should be great, or even better seeing they know what to fix from the first Zelda (even though that wasn't much). Problem is Majora's Mask is not even close to as good as Ocarina of Time, and is not near as fun to complete. I really don't know what went wrong, maybe it was the strange storyline, the decrease in good music, or the gameplay that just didn't have the same edge. Zelda: Ma...
ratking's avatar
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (Nintendo 64)

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (CLOD) came as a prelude to Castlevania 64, but in most ways they are the same game. CLOD had Castlevania 64 in it with more levels and two more characters. Castlevania 64 was a great game, but had something to be desired, Legacy of Darkness fixed that and more.
ratking's avatar

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