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Available Reviews
SimCity (SNES)

SimCity review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I usually always rate games based on how it was when they came out, but since newer versions of this game have come out which are far better, I may be a little mean to it. Don't get me wrong, its a great game, but after playing 2000, its hard to play it and like it as much.
aganar's avatar
The Final Fantasy Legend (Game Boy)

The Final Fantasy Legend review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game was the first type of Final Fantasy Game I ever had. I loved it sense the start, even though I lost the game. Sooner or later I will rebuy this game because it is one of the best games ever made. Now some believe that this game has no relation to the Final Fantasy series, and in truth they are correct. This is actually part of another series (SaGa) that was given the Final Fantasy name in America. Either way Square had added another game to its famous title, and one that is deservin...
ratking's avatar
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNES)

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Street Fighter II was my first Super Nintendo game. I got it when I was very young, but even then, I still enjoyed it as much as I do now. In a simple word it was a masterpiece. The pure definition of what a fighting game should be. Until Resident Evil 2 and Street Fighter Alpha III I go as far as to say it was their best work.
aganar's avatar
Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

Illusion of Gaia review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

You can change to a sword-wielding knight or (even better), a morphing blob with killer attack power. These fellows kick butt and, thanks to their large size and rich color palettes, they look stylish doing it. If an enemy is spanking you hard, just find the nearest portal, warp inside, then come back with enough strength to level a city block. As is the case with your generic form, the strength of each alternate grows as you clear more and more monsters from the world.
honestgamer's avatar
Super Bomberman (SNES)

Super Bomberman review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Even for an SNES game, Super Bomber has probably the best multiplayer ever
aganar's avatar
The Sims (PC)

The Sims review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

To have the oppurtunity to marry your one true love and have children. To own a bachelor pad with your friend, and enter the dating service. To get your dream job and become an international spy, an Astronaut, or even a superhero. This is what dreams are made of, and Sims lets you work your dreams in this simulated world.
ratking's avatar
Super Double Dragon (SNES)

Super Double Dragon review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

One of the best beat’em ups up to date
aganar's avatar
Final Fantasy II (SNES)

Final Fantasy II review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

When I first started playing this game I had already played through its sequel Final Fantasy III, and believed it to be the greatest game ever. I, however, had not played this game yet and was a little too early in that decision. Final Fantasy is everything Final Fantasy III had and maybe more. I dearly love this game, for it gives you a complete package with a memorable storyline, a perfect gameplay system, and just a feel that would become present in many Final Fantasy games to follow. Besides...
ratking's avatar
Super High Impact (SNES)

Super High Impact review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game is pretty why can't I stop playing it?
aganar's avatar
Breath of Fire II (Game Boy Advance)

Breath of Fire II review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I was fortunate enough to find this copy for rent for my SNES as a wee lad, and much time was spent, and what a good time it was.
nf's avatar
Yoshi's Cookie (NES)

Yoshi's Cookie review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

For starters, this game is a take-off of a take-off. When Nintendo saw the nationally renouned success of Tetris, Nintendo wanted a little piece of that, so they made Dr. Mario. It was a good game, but Tetris had better music, better gameplay, and was just more original. This game is a terrible game, even for a take-off. What was Nintendo thinking?
aganar's avatar
Madden NFL 2001 (Nintendo 64)

Madden NFL 2001 review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

In my mind EA Sports Madden is the best of the football games. It's straight-out hardcore football. It is also reasonable, that you can win with either the Cardinals or the Colts, skill is evident, but upsets are possible. This is personally my favorite sports game period and here is why.
ratking's avatar
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night review (PSX)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

aganar's avatar
Final Fantasy Adventure (Game Boy)

Final Fantasy Adventure review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This is probably the best classic Gameboy game ever made. It's story line resembles a book (Elfstones of Shannara), and that there is much detail along the way. You gain many different allies along the way including an Chocobo and a Robot... Plus when you think you have won the game, it turns out that there is so much more.
ratking's avatar
Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)

Super Smash Bros. Melee review (GCN)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Deep within Nintendo's HQ where EAD and Intelligence reside stands another company not exactly up to their quality. They are called HAL. This, Super Smash Bros. Melee, was their masterpiece. In all of their games I have played this is the most fun, the most polished, the most fun, of them.
aganar's avatar
Mario Paint (SNES)

Mario Paint review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Still better than most modern computer programs!
aganar's avatar
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Game Boy Advance)

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Those familiar with the point-and-click genre will have no problem understanding the jist of Broken Sword. Firstly, your job as an innocent bystander to a mysterious bombing is to find out what happened, and why. Like other games of this genre, you will encounter many friends and foes along the way, with whom you may interact to find clues, gather information about the area, and uncover further elements of the plot.
ender's avatar
River City Ransom (NES)

River City Ransom review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Technos Japan practically set the foundation for future video game brawlers. They are credited as developers of the Double Dragon games, as well as Super Dodge Ball, which isn't exactly a brawler but may make you want to beat up your opponent when you lose to them during a two-player match. Among their limited library of games is River City Ransom, Technos' very own blend combining the elements of RPGs, brawlers, and mini-malls.
royalranger's avatar
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Game Boy Advance)

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The Castlevania saga does not die. It continues on in this game in the form of Nathan Graves, who recieves the whip from his master, however also bringing on the jealousy of his bestfriend. This is more of an RPG like Castlevania with the leveling up system, and that just increases the fun of the game. This game strongly resembles that of the playstation hit Symphony of the Night, and it serves the games legacy well. This is one of the best in this outstanding series and here is why:
ratking's avatar
Super Mario Kart (SNES)

Super Mario Kart review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

You’ll soon find that much of your success in Super Mario Kart comes from the items you obtain and the way you use them. A stupid player may toss away a green shell, considering it useless. A better player might drop it behind the kart as a bomb, or use it as a shield from a red homing shell. Each item gathered has multiple uses, making strategy just as important as luck. And of course, there’s no substitute for good racing.
honestgamer's avatar

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