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Available Reviews
Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra (PC)

Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

It has flawless execution and presentation values, and still has value, even when stacked up against the newest role playing games.
sgreenwell's avatar
Wario Land II (Game Boy Color)

Wario Land II review (GBC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

''It's very well done, and nicely presented but it seems rushed to me, and it's not nearly as fun as it should be.''
maxh's avatar
Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen (PC)

Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Now comes the real slaughter. Might and Magic IV claims to have digitalized speech. What it really contains is a constipated elephant groaning into a microphone.
sgreenwell's avatar
Rampage 2: Universal Tour (Nintendo 64)

Rampage 2: Universal Tour review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Any area starts with a timer that ticks down toward monster Armageddon, and you have to destroy every building before that happens or else planes will come through dropping bombs that cut short your adventure. You can pick up clocks to delay the blessed event, but really the most effective technique is to just work fast at the wanton destruction. Otherwise, it doesn’t take long to plow through your reserves on a particularly large city.
honestgamer's avatar
Arkanoid (NES)

Arkanoid review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Arkanoid is the remake of the classic break-out. It's pretty much the same thing only with enhanced graphics.
aganar's avatar
Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (PC)

Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Don't get me wrong, Might and Magic 6 is still a decent game. However, it's just not that fun to play and pales in comparision to the other games.
sgreenwell's avatar
Harvest Moon 2 GBC (Game Boy Color)

Harvest Moon 2 GBC review (GBC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Unfortunately you can't go and tip cows under cover of darkness (I'll have to stick to real farms for those perks) but you can do just about every other imaginable thing that you might be required to do if you were a farmer.
maxh's avatar
Blades of Steel (NES)

Blades of Steel review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Konami made another sports game. Whattya know, it was good! It appears Konami made more quality titles on the NES than any other system. This was one of the first hockey games. It was the first to have fist fighting, and what a nice add-on it was. I enjoyed beating the crap out of other players who happened to bump me. Great job Konami.
aganar's avatar
Oregon Trail (PC)

Oregon Trail review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Ah, the dutiful Oregon Trail. Always faithful. If you went to any elementary school in the eighties or ninties, you probably played this game on a trusty Apple computer.
sgreenwell's avatar
Bugs Bunny in Crazy Castle 4 (Game Boy Color)

Bugs Bunny in Crazy Castle 4 review (GBC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

But really, on the parts of the buyer and the developer, what's the point?
maxh's avatar
Burger Time (NES)

Burger Time review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Did somebody say McDonald's?
aganar's avatar
Space Station: Silicon Valley (Nintendo 64)

Space Station: Silicon Valley review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Rather than trying to find all the cheese nuggets on a mountain, or all the geepeepaboos, you are instead trying to reassemble your ship. Though this may sound like just another fetch quest, it feels like so much more thanks to intuitive execution. You don't just bounce merrily up the side of a hill, or ride an ostrich, or put on the magical cape and feather hat. In fact, such tasks would be nearly impossible for you, since your form is roughly equivalent to a waffle maker with legs.
honestgamer's avatar
Double Dragon (NES)

Double Dragon review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Every so often in a system's life, a game comes that creates a new genre. This is that game. The game that started the beat'em-up genre is here. And it's waiting for's name is Double Dragon. For it's time it was spectacular, even now I still play it every so often. Not to mention it was one of the first games with multiplayer.
aganar's avatar
Rayman (Game Boy Color)

Rayman review (GBC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Rayman is a triumph of real fast, furious gameplay over tired gimmicks and cheap gameplay tricks. It comes as a slap in the face to fools like Titus and THQ, reminding us all that there is still fun to be had from 2D platforming.
maxh's avatar
Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll (NES)

Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Synoposis: Innovative but Lacking Game; 7/10
aganar's avatar
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (Game Boy Advance)

Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Surely bandicoot fans will be disappointed with this brief rehash of all thing Crash. It's not a bad game by any means, it's good fun in most places. But it has so many factors spoiling this fun that it can't possibly be as enjoyable as it should.
maxh's avatar
Scorched Earth (PC)

Scorched Earth review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Scorched Earth was a fun little game released for the computer in... Well, who the hell knows when, it was that far back.
sgreenwell's avatar
Ice Climber (NES)

Ice Climber review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Ok, this is my 10th NES review so I thought I might as well do it on an NES veteran because these little guys are supposed to appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee. I thought that this game would be good since it was made by Nintendo and they thought it was good enough to put in a great game like Super Smash Bros Melee. What I found wasn't pretty. This was really disappointing. Nintendo made amazing games on the nes, unfortunately, this wasn't one of them.
aganar's avatar
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (Game Boy Advance)

Klonoa: Empire of Dreams review (GBA)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

It's a very solid and well thought out, if never gripping, game.
maxh's avatar
Solitaire (PC)

Solitaire review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Solitaire is a game. It's not merely a fun game. It's a game that has ruined families, brought down kings, corrupted popes, and more importantly, provided endless amounts of time for people to goof off at work and do nothing.
sgreenwell's avatar

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