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Available Reviews
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Game Boy Color)

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX review (GBC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Though the world is massive and intricately-designed (and the dungeons too), there are likely to come several points where you find yourself groaning as you realize you have to make a trip back over most of the map. At such times, the map can seem a shade too sparesely populated by worthy opponents, or the number of rocks and holes you encounter may prove irritating.
honestgamer's avatar
Pac-Man World 2 (GameCube)

Pac-Man World 2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The variety from level to level isn't so huge, but there are 6 different worlds, each of which is quite distinct. You have your usual intro levels, the forest world, the ice world, the fire world, the water world, and the boss world. Each world has 3 or 4 stages and a boss encounter.
honestgamer's avatar
NBA 2K2 (Dreamcast)

NBA 2K2 review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

NBA2K2 is the pinnacle of basketball gaming at this point in time. No other game offers all the features and just straight out basketball options that NBA2K2 does. The only competitor to NBA2K2's throne, the NBA Live series, is still grossly behind the greatness that is NBA2K2.
sgreenwell's avatar
Star Fox 64 (Nintendo 64)

Star Fox 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game has massive replay value. There are at least two dozen different paths you can take to the final level, meaning the game isn't linear by any means. There are secret routes, multiple endings to each stage, etc...
kieran's avatar
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PlayStation 2)

Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec review (PS2)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

80 events. Sound like a big number? It is. While the first GT featured a healthy number of events, and GT2 featured more than double as many events as the first, GT3 more than triples the number of GT2's events. There is also a lot more variety in the races here.
ender's avatar
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PlayStation 2)

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory review (PS2)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

While the majority of platformers are based mostly on exploration, platform-jumping and mini-games, Maximo is probably 50% fighting, 50% platforming. It concentrates a lot more on battle than other games of it's genre, which is partly what makes the game so different and fun.
ender's avatar
Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo 64)

Banjo-Kazooie review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

There's the usual range of areas, from the beach and snow areas I already mentioned to a swampland, a desert, a forest and even a haunted house (as well as an underwater stage). That may sound like a bad thing if you're one of those who craves originality on all levels, yet each locale's presentation is so flawless that you won't mind wandering through the same 'old hat' one final time.
honestgamer's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

''Single white female seeks young horny male to take me by the hand, and lead me from the shadows. Must posess unending patience, and a big stick.''
cheekylee's avatar
Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996 (Game Boy)

Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996 review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I bought the game for a dollar from a friend, and then sold it to another friend for a dollar. This is how a cheap game cycles from person to person. I do not know what Olympic year this is based on, but my guess what would be 1992, cause it is a fairly old game. This game has it's uses, like as a coaster of some sorts, or to make some quick change for gum. Let's just say that this game wasn't too disapointing, cause I had no expectations for the game to begin with.
ratking's avatar
Godzilla (Game Boy)

Godzilla review (GB)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

You would think Godzilla would be an action paced game with a lot of fighting in it. Instead they made a game, where the point is too punch blocks around. I finally got rid of this game a few months ago, and Electronics Boutique checked their computer, and Godzilla was worth 0$. They did end up giving me two dollars anyway, cause the guy thought it was hilarious that the game was so cheap. But in truth Godzilla is not that bad if you like level after level of puzzles.
ratking's avatar
10Six (PC)

10Six review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Pretty much ANY other multiplayer game is better then 10-Six. Steer clear of this.
sgreenwell's avatar
Clayfighter 63 1/3 (Nintendo 64)

Clayfighter 63 1/3 review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

So, just how funny are those lines? Well, they're worth a few laughs. For as much as an hour or two, you're likely to find them quite amusing. Then you'll realize you're playing a crappy game and that you can have almost as much fun watching a rerun of Seinfeld. It's hard to listen to Santa's idle threats for very long without tiring of them, and this is true of any character.
honestgamer's avatar
Sports Jam (Dreamcast)

Sports Jam review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

cheekylee's avatar
Soul Reaver 2 (PlayStation 2)

Soul Reaver 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Soul Reaver 2 is a hybrid. It combines action, platform, RPG and adventure, all into one ingenious sub-sub-genre. This makes for one hell of a game! The graphics are stunning, the sound is nicely orchestrated, it's easy to control, it's easy to grasp, and it has some really unique qualities which just add to the experience by a ton.
ender's avatar
3D Pinball: Space Cadet (PC)

3D Pinball: Space Cadet review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The best thing that Space Cadet Pinball has going for it is that it's free. All of its other features are done much better in commercial games.
sgreenwell's avatar
Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)

Diddy Kong Racing review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

There are levels built with each of the three vehicles in mind, and they work marvelously. The hovercraft is my personal favorite. It's fun to whip across a pool of water as a shortcut while your opponents must drive around it. Also, the levels designed specifically with that ride in mind often allow you to go rushing down rivers, avoiding logs and in general having a good, wet time. Many of the levels feel quite different from one another in part because of such deviations from the norm.
honestgamer's avatar
Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain (PlayStation 2)

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain review (PS2)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Great storyline and voice-acting combined with some juicy, blood-sucking sound effects make you want to play the game. I can't guarantee it will be a smooth ride the whole way through, but it's nonetheless worth a trip into the gothic realm of Blood Omen 2.
ender's avatar
Baseball Mogul (PC)

Baseball Mogul review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

In Baseball Mogul 2000, you control every aspect of a major league baseball team. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. You control the starting lineup, the pitching rotation, the gaming philosophy, the minor league prospects, even the ticket and beer prices. You are a one man owner, manager, and general manager.
sgreenwell's avatar
The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)

The Curse of Monkey Island review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Puzzles are where the gameplay lies, and trust me, Monkey Island has plenty of them. From the cruelly simple answers to the complex, multiple-event solutions, the game's numerous puzzles are engaging and tough.
Knux's avatar
Blood (PC)

Blood review (PC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Basically, Blood is an average first person shooter that relies on gimmicks (kicking severed heads, oodles of gore, having the name of ''Blood'') to seperate it from the other games.
sgreenwell's avatar

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