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Available Reviews
Ghosts 'N Goblins (NES)

Ghosts 'N Goblins review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

When me and my parents would take a yearly trip to the beach, we always ate at a certain restaurant every morning. Every time we went to eat at the local Omelette and Waffle House, I always begged my parents for a few quarters so I could play Ghosts 'n Goblins, which was the only arcade game that was inside. I never could get past the second level (most of the time, I didn't even pass the first), but it was still fun and for some reason, very addicting.
retro's avatar
Duck Tales (NES)

Duck Tales review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

Over a decade ago, millions of kids everywhere had a list of favorite cartoons that they loved watching every Saturday morning, or any other time they were on. In its heyday, Duck Tales was easily on at least 9 out of every 10 lists; it was that popular. The old, top hat-wearing Scrooge McDuck was already the richest duck in the world. However, he wasn't satisfied with just being a millionaire that has a vault of thousands of gold coins. He still had a quenchless thirst for hunting down luxuriou...
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Duck Hunt (NES)

Duck Hunt review (NES)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

The first game I ever owned for the NES was the 8-bit cartridge that had two of the most memorable games for the system on it, Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. One of the two games revolutionized and possibly even saved the video game industry, while the other was pretty much a lowly tag along. The latter is Duck Hunt, the first game to ever utilize the most popular NES accessory, the light gun.
retro's avatar
Tony Hawk's Underground (GameCube)

Tony Hawk's Underground review (GCN)

Reviewed on November 01, 2003

At first I thought this new feature might be a lame addition compared to the revert, the invert, and the manual. Then I had a chance to get used to it and decided it might not be so bad after all. Unfortunately, by the 'end' of the game I realized I was right the first time. Though it's cool to be able to climb up ladders, or Rambo your way along telephone wires extending over the streets below, the process through which you do so is so clunky that it ends up being more a curse than a blessing.
honestgamer's avatar
Castlevania (NES)

Castlevania review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

If there was actually a such thing as a vampire, most sane people would do everything they could to steer clear of the blood-driven beasts. Living forever does sound sort of tempting, but face it. Blood doesn't actually taste good, and having a nurse take your blood at the hospital is painful enough, let alone having someone pierce your skin with their teeth and drink it as if they were stuck in the middle of a desert with nothing to drink for several years. Simon Belmont is of a different breed...
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Burger Time (NES)

Burger Time review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

During an unforgettable vacation at the beach that was full of women in skimpy bikinis, a stressful sizzling sunburn, and daily trips to various arcades, I saw a dusty arcade game that had hot dogs, eggs, pickles, and what looked to be a chef running all over the machine's screen. After a few plays of this hilarious, yet engaging title, I found myself wondering if there was a such thing as a Burger Time game for the NES.
retro's avatar
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)

Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

That waskely wabbit who calls himself a stinker and who constantly erodes the egos of such characters as Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck in the classic Looney Tunes cartoons, has turned 50 years old. What better way is there to celebrate this unforgettable landmark than to give the pesky rodent his due by throwing him a birthday party?
retro's avatar
Blaster Master (NES)

Blaster Master review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

When a man loves a woman, he'll do anything he can for her. Without a doubt, should she be kidnapped or just go missing, the least a man would do is go searching for her with the intention of finding her and having her back in his life. Even back in 1988, gamers were so used to seeing worn out damsel in distress storylines that they almost expected to see that particular theme used in 99% of all video games. Any change of scenery when it came to the story was a more than welcome sight.
retro's avatar
Battletoads (NES)

Battletoads review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

There are some things that I just don't know whether to like or dislike. Green beans I can take or leave. You won't ever hear me ask for them, but if somebody cooks some, I'll eat them. A certain aunt has always been super nice every time she sees me. She'll say ''HEYYYYYY'' and walk up to me and embrace me as if I were the fountain of youth that could cure her wrinkling skin, but I've heard word from reliable sources of her judgmental, backstabbing tactics that she employs when I'm not around. ...
retro's avatar
Bases Loaded II: Second Season (NES)

Bases Loaded II: Second Season review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Way back when in the glory days when me and my NES were still young, my dad bought me a game for my ninth birthday called Bases Loaded II: Second Season. Before playing it, I scoffed at the game because I hadn't ever been that big of a fan of sports video games at all. Unexpectedly, it would only take a few plays of this engaging baseball title before i would be hooked for the rest of my life.
retro's avatar
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (NES)

The Adventures of Bayou Billy review (NES)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Billy's girlfriend, Annabelle, has been kidnapped by an evil, mustachioed madman with the not-so-scary name of Gordon. It's up to Billy to try and rescue his treasured damsel in distress (what a unique storyline!). It won't be an easy task because Billy must venture through swamps overflowing with snapping alligators, take his adventure to a road full of booby traps, and even go through bayous reeking of firearm-wielding syndicates.
retro's avatar
Toejam & Earl (Genesis)

Toejam & Earl review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Two totally different looking aliens are cruising through space in their weird rocketship that resembles a sort of sled with a TV-shaped body. Something goes wrong and it takes a horrible crash. The impact was so severe that the various parts of the ship have scattered about everywhere. Toe Jam and Earl must do what they can to find every last piece of their treasured vehicle so they can put it back together, unless they want to be stuck on the dreaded planet earth forever!
retro's avatar
Taz-Mania (Genesis)

Taz-Mania review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

That popular Tasmanian devil that we all know as Taz is sitting at home one day listening to a family member tell a compelling story about how the land of Tazmania was once ruled by giant prehistoric seabirds. We all know that Taz is among the biggest of fans of eating almost everything in sight. Upon hearing the story, the arrogant, stomach-driven Taz just can't wait to run, or spin, as fast as he can out the door to start on his path to finding one of these giant eggs to greedily satisfy his e...
retro's avatar
Sub-Terrania (Genesis)

Sub-Terrania review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

When the Genesis was the hottest ticket in town, I found myself in dire need of new games. I saw Subterrania's cool box art and the back of its box, and I wanted it badly, even though this type of game (using aircraft to complete missions) wasn't one of my favorites. But it's always nice to try something new.
retro's avatar
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis)

Streets of Rage 2 review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

STORY: Only a year has passed since the trio of Adam, Axel, and Blaze overthrew the evil syndicate, Mr. X, making the city's deadly streets peaceful. The fighter who seems like the perennial favorite from the first outing, Adam, has been kidnapped! Mr. X is like a relentless terrorist; he never gives up. As tough as his forces were in the original, they're even tougher now with more pesky enemies that must be dealt with along the winding road to Mr. X's hideout.
retro's avatar
Streets of Rage (Genesis)

Streets of Rage review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Axel, Blaze, and Adam are three bad ass ex-cops who are taking it to the streets so they can make an attempt to clean the city up of all the smelly, good for nothing punks that are polluting the area. A madman named Mr. X is at the head of all this troublesome turmoil in the big city, and he is also the trio's main nemesis. But to get to Mr. X, the bold threesome must first make it through stages consisting of seemingly endless streets, towering elevators, a beach that never sleeps, and a few ot...
retro's avatar
Rocket Knight Adventures (Genesis)

Rocket Knight Adventures review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

The joyous Kingdom of Zebulos has suddenly come under attack from the evil Devotindos Empire. Zebulan forces were not powerful enough to put a halt to the various armies made up of pigs, so it's up to a brave opossum named Sparkster to try to help out the King of Zebulos. The king's daughter, the Princess, has also been kidnapped. Sparkster boldly agrees to try and find her during his journey.
retro's avatar
OutRun 2019 (Genesis)

OutRun 2019 review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

''The need for speed.'' An insatiable thirst that few possess. What is it about driving real fast that those speed demons like so much? Is it finding out just how high they can make that speedometer go? How about the unforgettable feeling of having gallons of adrenaline flowing wildly through their veins? Perhaps they're frustrated at something about their life and riding like the wind is the only thing they can do to feel like they've broken free from those chains that are holding them back?
retro's avatar
NBA Jam (Genesis)

NBA Jam review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Back in the days when the majority of sports titles attempted to be as realistic as possible to force consumer eyes to widen, the makers of NBA Jam decided to go against the odds and try something different. Instead of the boring, everyday 5-on-5, NBA Jam is fast-paced 2-on-2 basketball featuring many of the familiar faces of the NBA from the time (1993).
retro's avatar
Disney's The Jungle Book (Genesis)

Disney's The Jungle Book review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 31, 2003

Mowgli is a boy who has had a life different from that of most of us. He was orphaned while only a newborn, and he ended up being raised in the jungle by a pack of wolves that somehow managed to change those dirty diapers, provide him with almost a gallon of milk a day, and do everything else for him that needed to be done. But not all creatures that reside in the temperate bounds of the jungle are crazy about ''man cubs''.
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