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Available Reviews
Urban Champion (NES)

Urban Champion review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

In 1984, Nintendo was the luckiest company on the face of the gaming planet. With Atari taking a shameful nosedive into oblivion, Nintendo had a clean slate on all fronts. After moving the foundations of the arcade scene, Nintendo seized the opportunity to make a boatload of games that everybody could enjoy. There were games for the sports enthusiast, games for the new rising breed of platforming fans, and enough quirky small packages of miscellany to keep all gamers on their toes.
snowdragon's avatar
Taboo: The Sixth Sense (NES)

Taboo: The Sixth Sense review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I suppose it's not fair that I went into Taboo: The Sixth Sense with a predisposition to dislike it. Then again, it's reasonable not to expect much from a non-game whose sole purpose is to give you the most obtuse answer possible to any given question. Taboo falls into its own special category along with a handful of other games designed solely to piss off the average gamer, because it's not a game. It's a short, five-minute activity that was poorly passed off as an exciting product that could h...
snowdragon's avatar
Seicross (NES)

Seicross review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I have no idea what this game is really about. All I know is that of the four games that came with my $2 NES, it was the only one I had never heard of. The label on the cartridge is standard 80's artistry - rides on hovering bikes sideswiping each other on a futuristic landscape. It elucidated little of the mystery within save for rudimentary aesthetic details. Hesitant though I was, I knew it would have to be the first game I tried out. After a short session of rigorously blowing on the pin con...
snowdragon's avatar
Mach Rider (NES)

Mach Rider review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

As we in the States sit down this coming Thanksgiving to realize the convenience of our bountiful possessions and remind ourselves what terminally insane relatives we have, my mind turns first to video games. I am thankful for the sweet escape they provide from the pressures of reality, and that I have a wide array of genres to choose from when I am bored. I may want to beat the tar out of a few of my enemies with a little Street Fighter or save the world with my awe-inspiring platforming skills...
snowdragon's avatar
Guerilla War (NES)

Guerilla War review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Think back to a time when a shoot-em-up game could more accurately have been dubbed a blow-em-up; a time when violence in video games was the last thing on Joe Lieberman's mind; a time when a game didn't have to go through a million metal detectors only to become a pathetic distilled version of its original powerful self that could barely stand up on its own two tank treads. Yes, the glory days of the NES played host to a number of action-packed games where if you were carrying a souped-up machi...
snowdragon's avatar
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (NES)

Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves, better known by their respective monikers of Bill S. Preston, esq. and Ted Theodore Logan, have clearly been established in pop culture history as the spokesmen for an entire generation of drooling slackers and rock-addled dimwits. What do they stand for? Peace and harmony attained through stirring rock-and-roll ballads in the tradition of such greats as Van Halen and Led Zeppelin. What do they believe in? That's easy: they believe above all in being most excellent ...
snowdragon's avatar
Bible Adventures (NES)

Bible Adventures review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Blast! Sunday has been looming well nigh for lo, a good twelve hours now, and now I wake up to find I am afflicted with sinuses. Gooey green liquid pours out of every orifice in my face, and you can bake a cake by keeping time with me - I hack up a new glob of sputum every thirty minutes on the dot.
snowdragon's avatar
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (NES)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer review (NES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Mothers, lock up your daughters and put the cows out to pasture, because what is this we have here? Why, it's a game based on the Mark Twain novel about a boy named Tom Sawyer and his adventures along the mighty Mississippi! I don't know who decided that classic 19th-century American literature is good source material for a video game, but it's a relief to see that at least someone was willing to explore the possibility. Now that Mark Twain has been dead for nearly a century, however, he has no ...
snowdragon's avatar
Worms 2 (PC)

Worms 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

''It looks just like a cartoon!''
snowdragon's avatar
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (PC)

Star Trek: Judgment Rites review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away......
snowdragon's avatar
Progress Quest (PC)

Progress Quest review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

I had no idea what to expect when I was ushered into the world of Progress Quest by a couple of online acquaintances. I had been told, however, that it was a game unlike any I'd ever played and that the super-fast download was well worth the time. After unzipping and opening my 300kb file, I opened the game and saw that I was being treated to an MMORPG of sorts. The list of occupations and races was there and seemed fairly normal ..... but then I got to really looking at it. And I knew beyond a ...
snowdragon's avatar
Pocket Tanks (PC)

Pocket Tanks review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

You may not realize it, but this game has been around in some form or another since (you won't believe this) (you just won't) (I swear it on my life) the 80s. Yes, back when Cosby was everyone's paradigm of humor and people took you totally seriously when you did things like say ''Gag me with a spoon'' or bust out with the Safety Dance. This game's very oldest pappy was programmed in a strange archaic computer language called QBASIC (I can see all you young whippersnappers scratchin' yer heads i...
snowdragon's avatar
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder (PC)

King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Once again, it's time to dip into my Hotmail inbox, where once in a while I rummage down far enough past the debt consolidation messages and annoyingly persistent offers to ''enlarge [myself] safely and naturally'' to locate a message worth reading. Ah, here's one! Let us peruse its inner details. Ahem:
snowdragon's avatar
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (PC)

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York review (PC)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

A lot of the things wrong with America seem to be Macaulay Culkin's fault in some way. Thanks to The Pagemaster, kids are turned off from reading books. Ted Danson, a respectable actor even when paired with Kirstie ''Ugly-As-Sin Ice Queen'' Alley on Cheers, never fully recovered from the repeated blows to the groin and spleen that came together to form Getting Even With Dad. Macaulay Culkin was also the first child star I remember watching - almost voyeuristically, it seems - as he slid freely a...
snowdragon's avatar
Daze Before Christmas (SNES)

Daze Before Christmas review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

All around us, people are heralding the joyous events occurring roundabout the end of December. Families are dragging tangled balls of lights and fragile ornaments from their attics; perennial Christmas movies and specials are already littering the TV networks; the video game industry is gearing up for a projected season of record-setting sales with state-of-the-art new action blockbusters and fantastic RPGs. Me, I've been doing something GameFAQs regulars might appreciate but that the average l...
snowdragon's avatar
Tom and Jerry (SNES)

Tom and Jerry review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

From the Book of Snow Dragon, Volume XLIV, chapter 2, verses 18-22, row 4, seat J:
snowdragon's avatar
Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper (SNES)

Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

1992-1993 is my personal Golden Age of gaming. Sure, those who can legally buy their own booze and tobacco may pine for the days of shooting rocks floating out in space from the tenuous safety of a triangular space cruiser while those who are just now celebrating the growth of hair in certain areas might rue the passing of that long-gone dynasty where Cloud Strife and Co. ruled the GameFAQs Top 10 and their PlayStations with an iron fist. For me, though, 1992 and 1993 were a duo blessed by the H...
snowdragon's avatar
The Sims (PlayStation 2)

The Sims review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

When I reviewed Animal Crossing some eight months ago (that long?), I gave it a 10 based on how well it did what it set out to do - that is, simulate life - and on first impressions, and the game succeeded spectacularly in that regard. However, I failed to take into account the fact that if social lives could be tangibly measured, you would need one as a grain of sand to truly derive any redeemable value from it, and in essence I made myself look like a total fool. However, I am now older and wi...
snowdragon's avatar
Monster Rancher 3 (PlayStation 2)

Monster Rancher 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

When your parents stuff you and your siblings into your clown car of a family sedan and drive you hundreds, thousands of miles even, to a colony where Amish people still churn butter, take the reins of horse-drawn buggies and have barn raisings on at least a weekly basis, they're trying to prove something to you. And that something is that life wasn't always so easy. The Internet hasn't been around forever, cell phones weren't so prevalent even a decade ago, and you had to put your waffles in th...
snowdragon's avatar
Bombastic (PlayStation 2)

Bombastic review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 09, 2003

Rarely is the justice bestowed upon sleeper hits that they truly deserve. Month in and month out, unsung hits fly under the radar of the gaming public at large. Whose fault this is, it's difficult to say. Are magazines covering the wrong games, or are players not looking hard enough for the silver linings? Five years ago, an obscure puzzler named Devil Dice came to the PlayStation and starred a diminutive imp, more cutesy than malevolent, who rotated dice with a nifty shuffle of his feet and cou...
snowdragon's avatar

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