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Available Reviews
Earnest Evans (Genesis)

Earnest Evans review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

In a misguided attempt at fluidity, developers Wolf Team have gone too far, raising up a horrible amalgamation of loosely fitted sprite skin over a sentient gelatin skeleton. Each limb, digit, and joint of Earnest's lanky form oozes seemingly independently of the whole. Truly he is one of the most uniquely animated characters in gaming history - and that’s not a good thing.
Masters's avatar
Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis)

Castlevania: Bloodlines review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Lecarde is by far the better character, and playing with him makes for a much more enjoyable journey due in part to his wider array of moves, and also in part to the easier, smoother gameplay that results from him knowing them. However, sometimes you might get the odd feeling that you’re not being true to Castlevania by using this character (in much the same way that the sword-wielding Alucard feels so singular in your employ in Symphony of the Night), so I reluctantly choose the steroid-abusing Morris, if only to hear his whip crack once more (ahem!).
Masters's avatar
Double Dragon (Genesis)

Double Dragon review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Masters's avatar
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Masters's avatar
Cadash (Genesis)

Cadash review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Beyond that, you may speak to dull-witted townspeople who offer obvious clues, do not learn after major storyline changes, and who manage their cliched constitutional within five stride limitations. They’ve got nothing to do, and nowhere to go, and as is often the case, there are not enough buildings to accommodate all the day walkers when night comes--which of course, it never does.
Masters's avatar
Battletoads/Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (Genesis)

Battletoads/Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

I picked up Battletoads/Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team for peanuts at a pawn shop and yet… I still had great expectations because of the hype that surrounded the game in my neck of the woods. (Insofar as there can be hype for a 16-bit action-fighting game that's almost ten years old.) To say that B/DD was a disappointment would be an understatement. Playing it at length left me both dejected and incredulous. Surely there was more to the highly touted team up phenomenon than this?
Masters's avatar
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Genesis)

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Alex Kidd got a raw deal. He’s got huge ears -- but he managed to overcome them and retain some semblance of the cuteness that was necessary to keep his job as Sega Master System mascot. His first adventure, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, was brilliant, and solidified his role of superstar. But Alex quickly fell from grace as an overly simplistic, unrelated sequel followed his fledgling foray into 2D platformer cuteness. Things went from bad to worse for the Kidd faithful, when the horrid Alex Kidd in Hi-Tech World made its way to store shelves. And stayed there. A BMX spin-off racing game put the youngster to further shame, so it’s a wonder he escaped the pitfalls of drug abuse, alcoholism and clinical depression, all afflictions that embrace so many child stars in a tenacious grip of despair.
Masters's avatar
Rings of Power (Genesis)

Rings of Power review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

If asked who Naughty Dog software are, most answers would probably include Crash Bandicoot or possibly Jak and Daxter. You would be lucky to hear the words Rings of Power, and indeed, it was well after Crash Bandicoot was released that I realised that it was the same developer who was behind the games. Rings of Power was their only venture into the world of the Genesis, and furthermore, only their fourth game to be released – the previous three being on the PC, Amiga and Apple.
djy8c's avatar
Hydlide (NES)

Hydlide review (NES)

Reviewed on December 19, 2003

Rumors have it that Hydlide was released on this planet to turn humans into weaklings so a bunch of cutesy, bi-colored characters could invade us.
siegfried's avatar
Virtua Cop (Saturn)

Virtua Cop review (SAT)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Light Guns are fun accessories. They add a whole new dimension to first person shoot' em up games, especially automated ones such as Virtua Cop for the Sega Saturn. But when Sega failed to release a solid first-party company Light Gun unit, gamers were forced to put up with un-calibrated third-party bull crap. People who lacked the availability to get any Light Gun of some sort, they were forced to tag along with the directional pad on the Sega Saturn controller.
shinnokxz's avatar
A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES)

A Nightmare on Elm Street review (NES)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Don't deny it! You were afraid of Freddy Kruger. You know, the guy who was killed by his neighbors because he murdered their children... or something like that. Well, he comes back to haunt the remaining neighbors by entering their dreams and killing them there. Of course, the drawback to this is that they would parish altogether, asleep or not.
shinnokxz's avatar
Kirby's Adventure (NES)

Kirby's Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

The stars... they're bright tonight.
shinnokxz's avatar
Pokemon Silver Version (Game Boy Color)

Pokemon Silver Version review (GBC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

The pinnacle of portable gaming is Pokémon. It doesn't matter what version, of the six, you're playing. It doesn't matter if you think Pokémon is nothing but a childish waste of time. The pinnacle of portable gaming is Pokémon.
shinnokxz's avatar
Doom (PC)

Doom review (PC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Before there was 3.0 Ghz hyper-threaded processors. Before people had 1GB of DDR Ram. Before there was 128MB DDR video cards. Before all that crap... there was Doom.
shinnokxz's avatar
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (PlayStation 2)

Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil is one of those priceless gems that exercises that well-known saying ''Don't judge a product by its cover.'' K2 was a breath of fresh air for me. I hadn't been indulged in such 2D platforming bliss since the old SNES days, where classics such as Donkey Kong Country and Super Metroid reigned supreme. And since then, I've had the misfortune of playing a lot of sour games that, quite frankly, tested the loyalty that I have devoted to my beloved gaming hobby. Thank God the l...
shinnokxz's avatar
Lunar Rescue (Arcade)

Lunar Rescue review (ARC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

In 1979, Americans' fascination with space was at its peak. The year marked the 10-year anniversary since man first stepped foot on the moon, and the country couldn't have been more into aliens and UFOs. Whether you were watching movies about them or playing the classics such as Space Invaders, interest in aliens was blooming faster than the speed of light.
retro's avatar
Chicken Run (Game Boy Color)

Chicken Run review (GBC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Movies usually makes lousy games –at most, decent. Don’t worry; Chicken Run is no exception. It isn’t a decent game –rather, it is a lousy game. The repetition in this introduction can as a matter of fact be observed throughout the whole game.
siegfried's avatar
Tecmo Cup Soccer Game (NES)

Tecmo Cup Soccer Game review (NES)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Once upon a time, grew a boy, in Japan, called Tsubasa Ozora. Tsubasa would ever since his birth act differently from his peers. Indeed, while his buddies would relentlessly talk about their favorite comics, movies and girls, Tsubasa would remain alone. It should however be said that Tsubasa was not really alone. He would spend a lot of time with his best friend. His best friend was a ball, a football (soccer).
siegfried's avatar
Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition (PC)

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition review (PC)

Reviewed on December 18, 2003

Does Unreal Tournament, widely considered as one of the best first-person shooters around (if not the best!), even need to be introduced? Hell, for many, UT is even much more than that (i.e. the best FPS around). When Unreal was released, it did what many games hoped to do, but almost always miserably failed. It caught gamers’ attention, and caused them to show interest in a genre they once ignored, or maybe even despised. I personally never cared for first-person shooters before that glo...
siegfried's avatar
Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VIII review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 17, 2003

Final Fantasy VIII is a game you'll love and hate. Where you may love the sci-fi premise, you may baulk at the love story. Where you may hate drawing magic from your enemies, you'll love the customisation of the Junction system. Where you may love the realistic character designs, you may not like the hero, Squall. Where you may love the abilities you can teach your Guardian Forces, you may not like summoning them. Where you may love Final Fantasy VIII, you may hate it.
jerec's avatar

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