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Available Reviews
Light Crusader (Genesis)

Light Crusader review (GEN)

Reviewed on January 01, 2004

As gaming has progressed through the years, new technology has enabled us to play new concepts which were not possible before. Platformers and shooters suddenly accommodated a third dimension for us to explore with the invention of the thirty-two-bit era. Many new options seems available to developers with each release and us gamers can look forward to several new ground breaking games each year.
djy8c's avatar
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (GameCube)

The Simpsons: Hit & Run review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 01, 2004

Gamecube owners, take note of Simpsons: Hit & Run, the newest Simpsons game by Radical that, in following with its predecessor Road Rage, takes some other company's smash hit and puts a distinctly Springfieldian spin on it. The victim this time: Grand Theft Auto III.
snowdragon's avatar
ESPN NHL Hockey (Xbox)

ESPN NHL Hockey review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 01, 2004

I was with a group of friends at a party, the Xbox was set up, and the owner of the system owned the game as well. We settled down, got comfortable, and got ready for some two-on-two action. I'll stop you right there: we were fully clothed. I promise. Back to hockey then?
Masters's avatar
Acid Drop (Atari 2600)

Acid Drop review (A2600)

Reviewed on January 01, 2004

Today’s topic in the wide world of Atari 2600 reviewing is a true oddity. Salu’s 1992... yes 1992... release, Acid Drop. Apparently, the Atari 2600 still had a following in Europe in the early 90s, and Salu released several titles during this period. Acid Drop was a clone of the1990 Genesis release, Columns. How well did the classic puzzler transfer to the limited hardware of the Atari 2600? Well, to be sure, Acid Drop is a mixed bag. The gameplay itself ...
ddsilver's avatar
Barnstorming (Atari 2600)

Barnstorming review (A2600)

Reviewed on January 01, 2004

Steve Cartwright, of Activision brings us the focus of our discussion today, Barnstorming. This was Cartwright's freshman effort for Activision, and it turned out pretty well for him. Steve Cartwright went on to have an incredible career in video game programming, and this game was a brilliant start. Cartwright really knew how to coax maximum performance from the Atari 2600.
ddsilver's avatar
Faxanadu (NES)

Faxanadu review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

You know this sprite. You’ve seen him brandish a whip in the legendary Castlevania, and bear upon his shoulder a hawk in the not-so-legendary 8 Eyes. He’s the ubiquitous NES adventurer sprite. And he reappears, ready for action, in Faxanadu.
Masters's avatar
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

Trevor, who powers axe and holy water and dagger and stopwatch with fallen hearts from candles on walls to augment his whipping power; just as Christopher would do before him, and as Simon - the most famous Belmont - would do after him. And then there is Dracula, who is both pitiful and inspirational in his totalitarian rule of despair and depravity, rallying every undead and crumbling and rotting wraith of yesteryear to follow him, to fall in line with him, to encircle his kingdom with grotesque protection and make him whole.
Masters's avatar
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

Despite destroying Dracula in game one, stout-hearted Vampire Killer (that’s a proper title, I’d have you know!) Simon Belmont is stricken by a curse at the hands of the dying despot, and desperately needs to find five of the bloodsucker’s body parts in order to be free of what plagues him. A nasty business to be sure - I’m not altogether certain, but hack Thomas Harris might have lent some assistance in developing the gruesome plot.
Masters's avatar
Castlevania (NES)

Castlevania review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

Could Konami have known? Did they have even the slightest inkling that their clichéd tale of a stout, brave-hearted adventurer up against a haunted house and all its various and typical denizens would spawn over a dozen incarnations? Surely not. Yet, something like fifteen years after the first adventure featuring Simon’s side-scrolling simplicity, we are playing Castlevania in pseudo-3D, jaded as we watch impossibly real polygonal presentations of Simon’s pretenders to his legacy doing their thing, while big budget orchestrations sing along sweetly.
Masters's avatar
Cabal (NES)

Cabal review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

So you wanna be a guerilla (what, playing as Donkey Kong isn’t enough?). As mentioned, you can take a buddy along, so that the cabal now has two members (and it's a good thing, because I'm not sure that one constitutes a cabal). The two of you are quite deadly and nothing will intimidate you.
Masters's avatar
Astyanax (NES)

Astyanax review (NES)

Reviewed on December 31, 2003

Thankfully, the story told here can be skipped by pressing the start button. However, should you care to know, Astyanax is a young blonde high school freshman, selected for a world-shattering mission by fate (what else?) and accosted by a fairy from another world named Cutie (what else?). She drags you into her world to rescue a fair princess (Princess Rosebud of Remlia) - against your will. Despite her constant apologies and her help with magic during the proceedings, you can’t help but hate her for getting you into this mess. You were going to lose your virginity that night, and then this!
Masters's avatar
Kung Fu Chaos (Xbox)

Kung Fu Chaos review (XBX)

Reviewed on December 30, 2003

I could sit here all day and blow sunshine up your butt, telling you that Kung Fu Chaos doesn’t take stereotypical jabs at those memorable 1970s-era cheesy martial arts films with horrid English translation and disturbing “special effects.” I would be lying — this Power Stone-meets-mini-games brawler literally depends on its players having prior awareness of the atrociously corny, irresistibly goofy movies that occupy overnight time slots on cable networks. You bet KFC is stereotypical — every t...
dogma's avatar
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker (SNES)

Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker review (SNES)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

First impressions aren’t always right. You’re a kid who just happens to have parents that don’t always get you what you want for Christmas. They know which video games you would kill to have and which genres you enjoy the most, but they’re stubborn. They’d rather live their life through your eyes and hands. It’s Christmas season again, and in yearly fashion, they get you something you never asked for—something they know you probably won’t like. Platformers are your type of game, and the occasion...
retro's avatar
Bonk's Adventure (TurboGrafx-16)

Bonk's Adventure review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

Hudson made a departure from their axe and boomerang throwing Higgins play mechanics, and decided that Bonk would be equipped with all his necessary weaponry right on his person. When you first play the game, and watch your onscreen character in all his cuteness bashing equally cutesy enemies with his noggin, you won’t be able to hide your smile. Much of Bonk’s appeal lies in his ability to be endearing but not nauseatingly so.
Masters's avatar
Super Star Soldier (TurboGrafx-16)

Super Star Soldier review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

The challenge in SSS is very high, and very fair. The boss patterns are clever and taxing, and as I intimated earlier, the smaller scale of everything in motion on the screen simply allows for more of everything on the screen. More bullets, more enemies, trickier dodging patterns. And just as important: more bullet slipping on your part: your smaller ship allows you to pull off all manner of godlike projectile-evading mastery.
Masters's avatar
Ninja Spirit (TurboGrafx-16)

Ninja Spirit review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

The main character’s name is Moonlight (not the most fearsome moniker, true enough, but full of, er, grace). His father has been killed and Moonlight seeks revenge. The opening scene is nothing special - it certainly isn’t as eye-catching as the one in Revenge of Shinobi, and the fact that it’s unapologetically cliché does not help. The saving grace is witnessing Moonlight’s transmogrifying into a wolf. I know we all have to do it sometime, but it’s so satisfying watching a ninja do it.
Masters's avatar
Night Creatures (TurboGrafx-16)

Night Creatures review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

The premise of the game is surprisingly compelling. You are a farmer, stricken with a curse. You were bitten by a bat that turned out to be Hecate, the Queen of Darkness. You must hunt down and destroy this nefarious night creature that afflicted you thus, or die trying. Or worse yet, stay alive, but take too long in your mission, and become a night creature yourself. Oooh! Biting irony!
Masters's avatar
New Adventure Island (TurboGrafx-16)

New Adventure Island review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

As you fight through the Hudson-trademark, vibrant, ultra-colourful scenarios, you’ll encounter fuchsia snails, yellow cobras, purple frogs, and green clovers. Alright, the clovers bit was just to see if you were paying attention. Deadly, unattended campfires, skulls surrounded by flames, and the mainstay of the Adventure Island enemy roster - the invisible web-climbing spiders, will all chime in to make life difficult for you.
Masters's avatar
Ka-Ge-Ki: Fists of Steel (Genesis)

Ka-Ge-Ki: Fists of Steel review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 29, 2003

Hearken back to the days of Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. Think of the fantastic gameplay, endless amounts of moves and combo’s, the stunning backdrops – the memories are endless. Remember how long we waited for them on our favourite consoles, and how sweet the first game was once we got to finally play it. Hold that thought for a moment --- and then cast your mind back a little further to the time before all of that happened. Which beat-em’-up used to fulfil your excitement before these ...
djy8c's avatar
Desert Strike: Return to the Golf (Genesis)

Desert Strike: Return to the Golf review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 28, 2003

Back in the unforgettable 16-bit days when the Sega Genesis was fighting against the Super Nintendo for popularity, a classic series was born. My dad bought me Desert Strike for Christmas and at first glance I was a little disappointed; I didn't think I would like this kind of game. I would soon find out that I was more wrong than I thought possible.
retro's avatar

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