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Available Reviews
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox)

Deus Ex: Invisible War review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 18, 2004

The first Deus Ex was, apparently, an excellent game. A game filled with conspiracy, worldwide collapse and headshots galore. But, did it have Penguins? Possibly. I haven't played it so who knows? All I know is that DX2 delivers all the conspiracy, mindless violence and nanites a man can stomach and then tosses flammable wildlife into the mix. It's a game destined for greatness, surely.
kramerica's avatar
Mega Man 2 (NES)

Mega Man 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on January 18, 2004

Did you ever have any friends when you were a kid, like in elementary school, that you were best friends in the world with? It seemed like nothing could tear you apart. But one day down the road in high school, you two eventually became nothing more than just another face in the crowd to each other with seemingly no regard whatsoever as to the great times you've had in the past. You see a former friend you haven't seen in a few years in the hallway and part of you wants to walk up to them and sa...
retro's avatar
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (NES)

The Adventures of Bayou Billy review (NES)

Reviewed on January 18, 2004

Admittedly, The Adventures of Bayou Billy is usually unsatisfactory, uninviting, and outrageous. The storyline is pure putrid poppycock! From the outset, the game seems a bit hopeless; what was Konami thinking? Does this title have a purpose?
dogma's avatar
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox)

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 18, 2004

Make no mistake: this is not a traditional experience. There is no alien race to shoot down in your airship before they invade the earth and exterminate humanity. There is no noble hero, taking up a sword to battle through an evil empire in hopes of rescuing a damsel in distress. In fact, there are ONLY damsels, and none of these beauties are in any kind of distress. The only grief these dolls may have had was finding out they’ve been invited to Zack Island, where they were expecting to find ano...
dogma's avatar
Hot Shots Golf 3 (PlayStation 2)

Hot Shots Golf 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 17, 2004

There's little to dislike about Hot Shots Golf 3, a simulation if not a bit too cartoony, a childlike representation of the sport if not a bit too realistic and unforgiving in the early going. It will likely find appeal with all audiences, even those not really jumping at the opportunity to play a golf game. Unlocking new items, equipment, features, golfers of varying abilities and diverse courses, plus entering tournaments to fill your trophy room, will guarantee some longevity for the t...
dogma's avatar
NBA Hangtime (Nintendo 64)

NBA Hangtime review (N64)

Reviewed on January 17, 2004

By the time of NBA Hangtime's release, the NBA Jam series had proved to the world that it deserves a place among the best sports games of all time. Even many non-sports video game fans (such as myself) loved NBA Jam and NBA Jam T.E. Both titles deemed themselves worthy of the Video Game Hall of Fame; it's unfortunate that there's no such thing.
retro's avatar
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 17, 2004

Oh RPGs, where art thou! Screamed the fair Xbox.
icehawk's avatar
Beyond Good & Evil (Xbox)

Beyond Good & Evil review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 17, 2004

It's always a shame to see a game like this get passed up for the next installment in the Final Fantasy series. Or, as I like to say; ''Pretty boy and his pretty friends defeat overly pretty villan''. When pieces of gaming art like Beyond Good and Evil are passed up for the next in a line of cookie-cutter RPG's it makes me weep for the future. You'd be doing yourself a favor to pick up BG&E, it's bound to leave it's mark on you and become an instant classic in your mind even if it isn't recogniz...
kramerica's avatar
Pole Position (Arcade)

Pole Position review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

I remember a few years ago when just about every arcade I would go to had a Pole Position cabinet backed against a corner somewhere inside. Many of the small arcades (here's to remembering Battles Skating Rink!) didn't have any racing games but Pole Position.
retro's avatar
Centipede (Arcade)

Centipede review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

Centipede. Now that was always a fun and original game. I had played and enjoyed it for years on the Atari 2600 before I ever saw it in the arcade. Once I finally got the chance to play the arcade version of it, I noticed that the graphics were a lot different from the 2600 version (well that's a gimme), and that the gameplay seemed a bit faster. But the biggest difference between the two is the way the game is controlled.
retro's avatar
Ms. Pac-Man (Arcade)

Ms. Pac-Man review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

There's no doubt about it, I've played Ms. Pac-Man more than I have any other arcade game by a huge margin. This compelling sequel throws in everything that was great about Pac-Man, along with new things that make it all the much better.
retro's avatar
Pac-Man (Arcade)

Pac-Man review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

I don't know for sure what the most popular arcade game of all time is, but I know that Pac-Man is definitely sitting pretty high on the list. The reason it was and still is so popular is because it's so simple to play. You won't have to use much of your brain at all to learn how to play Pac-Man, but if you want to learn strategy you might. Pac-Man was also a game that could easily become addicting after only one or two plays.
retro's avatar
Sexy Parodius (Saturn)

Sexy Parodius review (SAT)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

The "bad" endings for each level are very bad. While a good ending might reveal a picture of sexy women in suggestive poses, the "YOU SUCK!" ending might show your character crying or, even worse, a 70-year-old hag in the nude. GROSS! That's certainly powerful motivation to practice hard and improve your character's techniques.
zigfried's avatar
Earnest Evans (Sega CD)

Earnest Evans review (SCD)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

Vampire bats EXPLODE in waves of blue. Giant naked earthworms stroke the hero to death. Priests hurl Kris daggers across the screen, ceremonial knives whose length put even Shaq to shame. The designers even incorporated the best part of Gradius — that's right, there are MOAI HEADS in this game!
zigfried's avatar
Lords of Thunder (Sega CD)

Lords of Thunder review (SCD)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

With stylish (if less-than-stellar) graphics, solid and smooth gameplay, variety within each level, and throngs of demonic enemies, Lords of Thunder stands tall as one of The Great Shooters. Definitely worth owning.
zigfried's avatar
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)

Super Castlevania IV review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

The game exhibits useless imagination from the very beginning, with two-tiered levels (walk through a gate and traverse the background — pass back through the gate and you're in the foreground again) and new enemies such as a skeletal knight riding atop a skeletal horse. This cart's got some serious style. Too bad it's so damn ugly.
zigfried's avatar
Final Zone II (Turbografx-CD)

Final Zone II review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

The hilariously incomprehensible cinematics and the ill-fitting CD music bring the game down. Yes, thanks to the extra space afforded by the CD medium, this game is actually worse than if it had been a TurboChip! Pulling off such a feat is truly revolutionary.
zigfried's avatar
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

You gotta love it when you buy a used game and don't have the instruction booklet for it and the game itself leaves you wondering what the real story is all about. In Zombies Ate My Neighbors, it's apparent that the world is under attack, and two kids get to live the dream of their lives. They get to be the heroes! We don't need any Superman leaping tall buildings or a Captain Picard to cruise through space; a skinny freak boy with 3D glasses and an average looking teenage girl who both w...
retro's avatar
Pac-Attack (Genesis)

Pac-Attack review (GEN)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

It seems developers have no problem these days with using their star characters to promote other games that are hardly relative. A quick look through the gaming platforms of old uncover several titles which are basically simple in execution, but with a mascot on top. Something that may spring to mind is Dr.Mario – a poor Tetris clone with Nintendo’s plumber hero stuck in for a few cheap sales. He’s not the only victim however. Sega threw sonic into a pinball machine for Sonic Spinball, although ...
djy8c's avatar
Gate of Thunder (Turbografx-CD)

Gate of Thunder review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 16, 2004

From the beginning assault upon a planet-hovering dreadnought to the final encounter in the depths of the beautiful Dark City, Gate of Thunder exhibits stylish intensity, intelligence of design, and a well-rounded sense of quality.
zigfried's avatar

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