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Available Reviews
19XX: The War Against Destiny (Arcade)

19XX: The War Against Destiny review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 30, 2004

Sometimes, it’s amazing how one little section of a video game can completely alter one’s perspective of it. It can be amazing how a game that could be considered merely decent can suddenly take on a whole new life because one sparkling effort by the programmers was pulled off so unbelievably well that the entire experience is enriched.
overdrive's avatar
Bushido Blade (PlayStation)

Bushido Blade review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 30, 2004

Imagine two swordsmen facing each other across the moonlit pagoda courtyard. The older man holds his blade steady in a frontal kendo stance, and the younger brandishes a sabre above his head. As the silence of the night punctuates the tension, the brash youngster charges headfirst at the wizened master. A single strike, a single clatter of steel, and both men fall face-first to the ground, dead.
zigfried's avatar
Mega Man 2 (NES)

Mega Man 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on January 29, 2004

One of the most bizarre attributes of most series of video games in which each game is connected is that your hero apparently lacks the ability to retain the special attacks he learns in early quests to apply to future endeavors.
overdrive's avatar
1944: The Loop Master (Arcade)

1944: The Loop Master review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

When playing 1944: The Loop Master, the fourth game in Capcom’s World War II series of shoot-em-up’s, one thought should be in the head of any American citizen:
overdrive's avatar
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix (PlayStation)

Dance Dance Revolution Konamix review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

Usually a game consists of a plot, enemies of some sort, a character you control and an ending after completing the game. Dance Dance Revolution Konamix does not have any of these elements, but is one of the most addictive games in recent memory. Based on the incredibly popular arcade versions, this dancing game doesn’t disappoint. Most of you probably snicker when you hear the words “dancing game.” I laughed at those words too; until I gave DDR a chance. Once I started playing I j...
djskittles's avatar
Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation)

Metal Gear Solid review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

I have been a big gaming fan for a few years now, but I probably would be nothing more than a casual gamer right now if I hadn't of come across Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid (MGS) was THE game that made me so desperately want a Playstation. I would go to Wal-Mart and play the MGS demo every time I went there. No matter how many times I played the demo, it never got old.
shady's avatar
Mr. Driller (Dreamcast)

Mr. Driller review (DC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

I enjoy a good puzzle game every now and then. Games like Tetris, Chip's Challenge, and Snood have all wasted a lot of time for me. That's what good puzzlers are - time wasters. They are easy to pick up and play, they're fun, and they're addictive. Mr. Driller (for the Dreamcast) is another example of such a game. Mr. Driller is a very simple game, but it is still incredibly challenging at the same time.
shady's avatar
Tennis 2K2 (Dreamcast)

Tennis 2K2 review (DC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

I'm not a big fan of tennis, so I wasn't expecting much from Tennis 2K2. I didn't think that repeatedly hitting a ball over the net would be too fun.
shady's avatar
Dino Crisis (Dreamcast)

Dino Crisis review (DC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2004

Resident Evil! Jurassic Park! Survival horror!
shady's avatar
SimCity 4 (Mac)

SimCity 4 review (MAC)

Reviewed on January 27, 2004

Ah, another SimCity has been released. This is one of the few games that feature no ending, no real violence, and can keep yourself glued to the computer screen until you suffer severe eyestrain. Throughout the years, this franchise has made a phenomenal impact on the world of gaming. The original SimCity was an incredibly revolutionary game for its day. Compared to other games during this period, the original SimCity was vastly superior in many aspects, primarily its gameplay. The...
centurion's avatar
Mega Man (NES)

Mega Man review (NES)

Reviewed on January 27, 2004

In a world where we have been exposed to Spiderman, Superman, Batman, the X-Men and countless other superheroes, who would have guessed that the most famous videogame hero would be none of the above? Or that he would not even have been recognized by the Justice League or any of pop culture's notable collections of do-gooders?
overdrive's avatar
Threads of Fate (PlayStation)

Threads of Fate review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 27, 2004

Ever since the birth of the role-playing genre gamers have been bored to death by fetch quests. Whether it’s fetching an old man’s cane or a witch’s elixir, these painfully bland gaming moments always manages to slow down the action to a snail’s crawl. Now imagine a game where every single quest is a fetch quest; Threads of Fate is such a game. While more of an action RPG than a traditional RPG, Squaresoft’s opus manages to disappoint on nearly all levels.
djskittles's avatar
B-Wings (NES)

B-Wings review (NES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2004

A game that exists.
overdrive's avatar
Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2)

Zone of the Enders review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 26, 2004

To begin this review, I'll indulge you in an anecdote, as I like subjecting my readers to them. I originally purchased this game entirely for the demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 that was bundled with it. I couldn't have cared less about the Zone of the Enders, I was more concerned with the sequel to which was arguably the best PlayStation game of all time (and as far as gameplay is concerned, MGS 2 will probably end up being arguably one of the best PS2 games of all time). Fortun...
asherdeus's avatar
Adventure (Atari 2600)

Adventure review (A2600)

Reviewed on January 26, 2004

When one thinks of the Atari 2600, odds are that the words ''Role-Playing Game'' will not immediately spring to mind. After all, this incredibly simple video gaming machine was far more suited to simple arcade-style games where the primary goal was to stay alive until the game's speed exceeded the player's reflexes, such as members of the Pac-Man and Donkey Kong family. More complex games with set goals (such as Adventure, Haunted House and Riddle of the Sphinx) were produced far less frequently...
overdrive's avatar
Shadow Madness (PlayStation)

Shadow Madness review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 25, 2004

Throughout the early history of console role-playing games, one common failing was that a game's plot and story just weren't up to par with the actual gameplay. You'd be playing a game with a great battle system, good challenge, cool enemies and challenging gameplay — but the storyline would fall under a generic ''save the princess/slay the bad guy who's taking over the world for reasons unknown'' theme and the most in-depth dialogue would be ''Talk to the King.''
overdrive's avatar
Alpha Mission (NES)

Alpha Mission review (NES)

Reviewed on January 25, 2004

One of the most popular genres of video game throughout time has been the shoot-em-up. From the all-time classic Space Invaders to Gradius to Einhander, many gaming systems have made the shmup a key part of their library.
overdrive's avatar
Call of Duty (PC)

Call of Duty review (PC)

Reviewed on January 25, 2004

Just over the horizon you can faintly make out the wreckage and ruins of Stalingrad. As the ferry transports you and two dozen nervous soldiers to the urban battlefield the commissar reads Comrade Stalin’s latest decree; not a step backwards! The commissar assures you of Mother Russia’s courage, but just as he does, a German Stuka dive bombs on your boat and half of your fellow soldiers lie dead. As the plane turns around for another attack, some soldiers jump out of the ferry in panic. “Tr...
djskittles's avatar
Atomic Robo-Kid (Genesis)

Atomic Robo-Kid review (GEN)

Reviewed on January 24, 2004

So, your world is on the brink of destruction thanks to the evil mischief caused by a group of diabolical robotic governors. Who will you call upon to save all of existence from the dire fate awaiting it?
overdrive's avatar
Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo (Turbografx-CD)

Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 24, 2004

Just watching someone play through a level, PC-Engine Dracula X looks damned good, as any Castlevania would, but might not appear to be the holy grail of gaming as some have hyped it. Spend one night with Dracula X — one night exploring and re-visiting old friends, and the whole Castlevania world changes.
zigfried's avatar

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