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Available Reviews
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is set in 1986. Its still gives me the occasional mortality crisis when I realise many of you playing this game where only tiny children or maybe not even born during these times. I was twelve in 1986. I remember it all, the clothes, the cars, the music (oh boy do I remember the music), the mobile phones the size of bricks, the Commodore 64 (from the ''loading screen'') and I even watched the cop show Miami Vice, which is an acknowledged influence on the game.
falsehead's avatar
Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy X review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Final Fantasy X is the tenth game in Squaresofts long running role playing game series. Over the past ten years the series has evolved across four console formats. NES, Super NES, PlayStation and with this latest installment PlayStation 2. This finally arrived in the UK, one year after its Japanese release and six months after its USA release.
falsehead's avatar
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 (PlayStation 2)

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Being a Dragon Ball fan and also an avid gamer, you tend to get used to disappointment. Many Dragon Ball games have been released in the west since the anime series finally made it to US and UK screens (albeit in cut down and censored versions) and in every single case they have barely average in quality, in fact most were barely playable, so riddled were they with sloppy and lazy programming. So I honestly wasn't expecting much when I got my copy of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 to play, especially ...
falsehead's avatar
Dungeon Keeper 2 (PC)

Dungeon Keeper 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Dungeon Keeper 2 is quite simply one of my favorite games. It was the sequel to the hugely popular Dungeon Keeper 1 and improves so much on that already excellent game that it has achieved the status of pure strategy game heaven. Ironic really when the game sees you take on the role of the Keeper of an underground dungeon dedicated to smiting the forces of good and establishing your evil reign across the land!
falsehead's avatar
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Snap review (N64)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Pokemon Snap is a curious, shallow, yet completely addictive and very unusual game. If you haven't heard of Pokemon then you are probably a member of the House of Lords, or dead. Or possibly both. Pokemon Snap takes the pocket monsters franchise off in an unusual direction. Into the genre of the Shoot 'em Up.
falsehead's avatar
Goldeneye 007 (Nintendo 64)

Goldeneye 007 review (N64)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Welcome Mr. Bond we have been expecting you for quite some time (strokes large white Persian Cat). You've given me quite a difficult task I can tell you. Trying to summarise the genius of your 1997 outing ''Goldeneye'' on the N64 has come close to defeating my reviewing powers. Yes, words have nearly failed me as many times I sat at my PC and tried to explain just why the First Person Shooter game starring your suave Peirce Brosnan persona is one of my favourite games of all time. But now I t...
falsehead's avatar
Iron Soldier (Jaguar)

Iron Soldier review (JAG)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Iron Soldier is considered to be one of the better games to appear on Atari's ill-fated Jaguar console. However that really isn't saying much. Although the console was touted as 64 bit, you wouldn't think it to look at the graphics in Iron Soldier, but more on that later.
falsehead's avatar
Flip Out! (Jaguar)

Flip Out! review (JAG)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

When I purchased Flip Out, a puzzle game for the Atari Jaguar, my expectations were not high. Classic puzzle games like Tetris, Bust A Move and Chu Chu Rocket are already part of gaming legend. Flip Out is not, and with good reason. It is one of the most ill-conceived, badly designed and just plain crappy games I have ever played.
falsehead's avatar
Cybermorph (Jaguar)

Cybermorph review (JAG)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Indulge me as I start this review by talking about marketing tactics. My reasoning will soon become clear. When Nintendo wanted to boost sales of their ailing N64 console in the UK they produced special promotional packs that included a top N64 title into the bargain. For example, Goldeneye or Mario 64. Buy the console and get a classic game into the bargain. A great way of stimulating interest and showing off the very best your console has to offer.
falsehead's avatar
Wayne's World (Genesis)

Wayne's World review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Wayne’s World the film is one of the greatest movies ever made. It is a post modern classic comedy that spawned a thousand catchphrases and meant that Mike Myers could have a proper film and TV career and never have to face the horror of working on Breakfast Time UK Children’s Television (He was a presenter on the Wide Awake Club along with Timmy Mallet, trivia fans). The film was basically about two slackers called Wayne (Mike Myers) and Garth (Dana Carvey) who have their own cable TV show call...
falsehead's avatar
Toxic Crusaders (Genesis)

Toxic Crusaders review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Oh good grief. Not content with producing some of the worst movies in cinema history, the team from Troma Films give us one of the worst videogames ever made. Yes Toxic Crusader is dreadful, awful, mind-bogglingly cack-handed and utterly devoid of any merit whatsoever. So never play it.
falsehead's avatar
Toejam & Earl (Genesis)

Toejam & Earl review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Way back in 1991 the only games system I owned was a Game Boy (the era of the big chunky, green screened ones!). The only magazines available at the time that covered Game Boy games were multi-format ones that also covered SNES, Genesis, Master System and NES games. One month I was idly flicking through the Genesis games previews torturing myself with all the games I could never afford to play and in amongst the usually side-scrolling platform games, insipid film tie-ins and sports games one rea...
falsehead's avatar
Rolo to the Rescue (Genesis)

Rolo to the Rescue review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

If I had to sum this game up in one word it would be “cute”. Considering this 1992 Genesis game was produced by EA, a company more commonly associated with the sporting genre, it makes it all the more surprising that they produced this slick, child orientated platform game. From the super sickly storyline, through the chunky cartoon characters and finishing with some of the jauntiest music I have ever heard coming from a 16-bit system this screams “for under-10’s” only. But look past that initia...
falsehead's avatar
Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles (Genesis)

Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

There is no denying it, considering the time and the limitations of the hardware, Doom Troopers is a pretty gory game. However, unlike the unutterably lame SplatterHouse series, this game uses its goriness to simple effect. It livens up and gives some character and humour to what is otherwise a fairly standard side scrolling platform/adventure game.
falsehead's avatar
Cyber-Cop (Genesis)

Cyber-Cop review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Agent Toni Carter was confused. Kitted out with a state of the art Power Suit she was one of six elite Cyber Cops from the Libra chapter of Zodiac Central assigned to investigate reports of genetically engineered killing machines being created in the shadowy Corporation building of Universal Cybernetics. Accepting the task of infiltrating the building things had got off to a bad start when she first put he power suit on. It was the most complicated thing she had ever had to operate.
falsehead's avatar
Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest (Genesis)

Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

It's 1980. Imagine a little tiny junior falsehead, six years old and loves orange food. Orange lollies, orange squash and orange cheesy poof style crisps. Alas, in those far off days food manufacturers would stuff lots of chemical food colourings into their products to entice kiddies to eat them up. Why alas? Well because falsehead is allergic to artificial orange food colourings E102, E104 and E110. This allergy took the form of extreme hyperactivity. So for several years little junior falsehea...
falsehead's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Reviewing the latest game in Nintendo's long running Zelda series has proved to be difficult for me. When I first began the game I was in awe of the amazing graphics, which are as close to playing an interactive cartoon as you can probably get. I was impressed with the fighting system which seems to be a refined version of that which had been pioneered in the previous N64 Zelda games and I was amused by the quality of the scripting and character interaction. All in all I felt in for another roll...
falsehead's avatar
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (GameCube)

Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Phantasy Star Online has always been a game that you either develop a social-life threatening obsession with, or toss to one side after a couple of hours of play after finding it repetitive and shallow, wondering what all the fuss was about. Coming to this Gamecube update as a veteran of Phantasy Star Online versions 1 and 2 on the Dreamcast, I myself wondered if I would be just as hooked third time around as I was that first time I telepiped down into the sunny forests of Ragol and set about so...
falsehead's avatar
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GameCube)

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Brow furrowed in concentration you guide your character through the heavy wooden door and straight into a room heaving with grotesque zombies. They turn towards you as one, arms outstretched and moaning. No problem, you’re armed to the teeth with various guns, blades and magical powers. You go to aim your weapon, but your character does not respond. “Your Controller is not registering. Please check it is connected properly” reads an official notice on screen. In a panic you dive for the Gamecube...
falsehead's avatar
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku (Game Boy Advance)

Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku review (GBA)

Reviewed on March 08, 2004

Dragon Ball Z (DBZ for short) is a hugely popular cartoon hailing from Japan. It is the second in three series that tell the story of a super being called Goku and his struggles against various earth shattering threats as both he and his family and friends grow up. Although DBZ ended in the early 1990’s it has now became a cult favourite in the USA and then the UK thanks to exposure on satellite and cable TV channels like Cartoon network and CNX. Of course where there’s fans there’s gold and it’...
falsehead's avatar

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