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Available Reviews
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox)

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 06, 2004

In one area, for example, the game warned me as I snuck through an alley that I should be careful not to be caught in a crossfire. Good advice, I figured, so I took things slowly and carefully. I made it through the alley just fine, so I signaled for my men to follow. And so they did, but they apparently galloped through and suddenly I lost one of my team as terrorist guns blazed. I dashed back and took out one of the terrorists myself, or losses may have been even more significant.
honestgamer's avatar
Boulder Dash EX (Game Boy Advance)

Boulder Dash EX review (GBA)

Reviewed on April 05, 2004

Though Boulder Dash is not the most famous franchise name in the video game universe, it actually has a long and boring history. Read on to find out more!
denouement's avatar
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PlayStation 2)

Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 05, 2004

Not one of the crew feels half as limber as he or she ought to. When your opponent is a few feet away, it's not uncommon to watch both characters limp toward one another on-screen for a second or two before either is within range of the other. Even when it comes time to exchange blows, things don't speed up quite enough. The fastest fighters can get in a few good punches in short order, but every kick I've found takes long enough that you'll be tempted to hop up and make some microwave popcorn every time your character attacks with a roundhouse.
honestgamer's avatar
Color a Dinosaur (NES)

Color a Dinosaur review (NES)

Reviewed on April 03, 2004

So here we are on the day known 'round the world as April Fools Day, and what game is considered a bigger joke among denizens of the gaming world than Color a Dinosaur? I believe I could bet that at some point in their childhoods everyone involved in the development of this game either ate rusty nails and paint chips, jumped off into a ravine because they thought they could fly, put plastic bags over their heads and had to be saved from asphyxiation by their parents, or did something that involv...
snowdragon's avatar
I-Ninja (GameCube)

I-Ninja review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 03, 2004

Even when the ninja falls down a pit, or collapses from exhaustion after a difficult fight where the enemies get in too many hits, it's difficult to turn off the game just because you know there's something cool waiting just around the corner. The game accomplishes this in a number of ways. First, it keeps things fresh with all the different objectives already discussed. And second, it has a power-up system that fits the game and becomes almost instantly addictive.
honestgamer's avatar
Hellfire (Genesis)

Hellfire review (GEN)

Reviewed on April 03, 2004

This review has big plans. It tells me it wants to be the most useful review I’ve written so far. I’ve written some pretty ones, and some gushy ones, and a good share of tripe, along with the odd nostalgic recollection. But never something this entirely useful. Because let’s face it: the only way you’ll even give Hellfire a second glance even at the miniscule prices it will sell for at a pawn shop, is if you’re a hardcore horizontal shooter fan. And so you are that. And so, almost certainly, you won’t hesitate to give up your McDonald’s apple pie money for Hellfire in order to get your 16-bit blast on. I can’t stop you. I won’t even try.
Masters's avatar
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (GameCube)

Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 01, 2004

As the meter fills toward the left, you can press the 'B' button instead of the 'A' button. This is a subtle but very important difference. While pressing 'A' causes the game to hold you by the hand and automatically give you a good swing, pressing the 'B' button puts the control more directly in your hands. While you are more likely to slice the ball and send it into a nearby bunker, you also have additional options.
honestgamer's avatar
Hellfire (Genesis)

Hellfire review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 31, 2004

Being fronted with the one-man-against-the-universe plot isn’t something unfamiliar when playing any of the multitude of shooters on the Genesis. Hellfire - one of the many arcade shooter ports here on the Genesis – isn’t any exception, quite the same in fact. Set adrift from your mothership armed with only your regular weapon and the devastating, but limited, Hellfire laser, you are expected to save the universe from its impending doom.
djy8c's avatar
1941: Counter Attack (SuperGrafx)

1941: Counter Attack review (SGX)

Reviewed on March 30, 2004

On the surface, there really wasn’t that much wrong with Capcom’s first two World War II-based shooters. Both 1942 and 1943 had loads of fast action complete with an unbelievable number of planes and other vessels quivering with the uncontrollable urge to blast your little plane from the sky. But after playing those two classics from the days of yore for an extended period of time, some major problems began to emerge.
overdrive's avatar
Grand Theft Auto III (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto III review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 29, 2004

There’s nothing like good ol’ fashioned violence and crime, and Grand Theft Auto III has plenty of it. The Grand Theft Auto series became notorious for its violence and “go anywhere, kill anyone” gameplay. While the previous 2 installments had to be played in an annoying and limiting overhead view, Grand Theft Auto III represents the series’ jump to 3D. The jump to 3D can be disastrous for a game series; just look at what happened to Bubsy way back in the early da...
djskittles's avatar
Cotton 2 (Saturn)

Cotton 2 review (SAT)

Reviewed on March 27, 2004

Beams of white light streak across the screen, flaming scarlet dragons roar from the wand, bright blue frozen enemies bounce off the walls, and in general lots of things explode and shatter in ways that look oh-so-painful yet oh-so-pretty. This witchy little tale offers a lot of opportunity to use, abuse, and master your techniques — all in a world that's so beautiful that you'll blissfully drool the whole way through.
zigfried's avatar
Breath of Fire III (PlayStation)

Breath of Fire III review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 26, 2004

One could easily say that the Super Nintendo was the first American console system to truly embrace role-playing games. From unforgettable legends such as Final Fantasy 3/6 and Chrono Trigger to more mundane offerings such as the slow-paced initial Lufia game and the confusing action RPG known as Brandish.
overdrive's avatar
Activision Anthology (Game Boy Advance)

Activision Anthology review (GBA)

Reviewed on March 25, 2004

Rumors have been around for years about a ''portable system that plays Atari 2600 games.'' Being one whose favorite motto has always been ''I'll believe it when I see it,'' I never gave in to the rumors. Perhaps a portable 2600 was released somewhere, but never nationwide or I'd be one of the first to have my greedy little hands on it. I was one of the first to get my hands on Activision Anthology, a collection of 55 Atari 2600 titles that were all made by what may be the best company tha...
retro's avatar
Mickey's Adventures in Numberland (NES)

Mickey's Adventures in Numberland review (NES)

Reviewed on March 24, 2004

Scattered throughout the various locations are magical digits. If Mickey brushes into them, they're added to his inventory. More frequently, you'll find them sealed in a box you must destroy. If for some reason you forget what a given number looks like (which would be pretty dang stupid of you, considering the current desired number is displayed near the bottom of the screen), Mickey will brush against it and shake his head disapprovingly.
honestgamer's avatar
Marble Madness (NES)

Marble Madness review (NES)

Reviewed on March 24, 2004

It turns out your marble is made out of china or something. Even a small drop will either set it to spinning (which delays your movement for a second or two) or cause it to crack (which delays you something like five seconds, in some cases). None of this would particularly matter, except the marbles have a tendency to be reluctant about directional changes.
honestgamer's avatar
The Little Mermaid (NES)

The Little Mermaid review (NES)

Reviewed on March 23, 2004

It turns out that most of the enjoyment you'll derive from this game comes from tossing such bubbles. There are all sorts of nooks and crannies spread all over the place, and they often hold hidden treasure such as forks and pipes that are worth points when you complete a level. More importantly, you can often find hearts that give your life meter a boost.
honestgamer's avatar
Mega Man & Bass (Game Boy Advance)

Mega Man & Bass review (GBA)

Reviewed on March 23, 2004

Though the levels themselves aren't much longer than areas encountered in Mega Man 4 and its like, the ease with which you traverse each environment has been radically altered for the worse. Bottomless pits fill almost every room, and spikes and giant enemies that swarm you at every opportunity. Even the simplest of enemies do terrible damage if they brush against you, and the cramped quarters mean that all of them are much harder to avoid than you might expect.
honestgamer's avatar
Summoner: A Goddess Reborn (GameCube)

Summoner: A Goddess Reborn review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 22, 2004

Since most enemies will take around ten hits to kill, battle quickly becomes a matter of exchanging blows, parrying, watching for an enemy opening, then repeating. Misjudge your opponent and you'll take quite a bit of damage. Not only that, but enemies will soon tire of head-on attacks and will decide to circle. Suddenly, you're dealing not only with an enemy opponent, but also the horrific camera.
honestgamer's avatar
1080° Avalanche (GameCube)

1080° Avalanche review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 22, 2004

As a result, your relationship with a new level goes as follows: first you start playing and almost invariably lose by a large margin, then you start to memorize things and lose by only a hair (your boarder may even appear to have won, even though he or she didn't), then you'll effortlessly win almost every race as you fully memorize the obstacles. The challenge in the game is derived almost completely from the player's lack of familiarity with a given course.
honestgamer's avatar
Samurai Shodown V (Arcade)

Samurai Shodown V review (ARC)

Reviewed on March 22, 2004

Samurai Shodown 5 is very, very difficult for me to review. On the one hand, I thoroughly enjoy the game, and I find myself playing it more and more. On the other, it’s basically a slap in the face to fans of the series; which I am admittedly not.
vincent_valentine's avatar

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