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Available Reviews
Oni (PlayStation 2)

Oni review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

One Nice Intro!!
kingbroccoli's avatar
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PlayStation 2)

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Thank god for people like Hideo Kojima! There are plenty of game developers out there, most of whom are probably just lounging around their offices, regurgitating each others ideas, and releasing the twelfth sequel to their karting franchise (you know, the one that features cute little characters with big heads). It's the efforts of the Kojimas of the world that make gaming the enjoyable pastime that it is. Often delivering us titles that have moving, involving gameplay and also have a message f...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Kessen (PlayStation 2)

Kessen review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

The cinematic strategy game of Kessen takes us back to a time in Japan that can only be described as feudal. It was a time when brute force could prove enough to claim ultimate leadership of the land of the rising sun, and a time when the manhood of the greatest leaders was decided by the size of their infantry. Kessen has placed a focus on a certain one of these epic battles, a battle touted as one of the greatest of all time.
kingbroccoli's avatar
Grand Theft Auto III (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto III review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

The setting is Liberty City. The goal? Creating complete and utter terror among its inhabitants. The name of your besieged metropolis alone should strike up images of freedom (freedom and liberty are synonyms you see); stirring mental pictures of a man with no restraints, just doing as he pleases. Grand Theft Auto 3 is indeed a game that offers this to you. By accepting the persona of one of its lowliest residents you’re taking on-board a role that is not just a chance to explore the mysteries o...
kingbroccoli's avatar
FIFA Soccer 2002 (PlayStation 2)

FIFA Soccer 2002 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Soccer is a big bloody game, undoubtedly the biggest our world has today. Although some people may argue that the on-field action is comparatively tame when measured against the hustle and bustle of basketball or hockey (or even the actions of its own spectators), there’s no doubting that this is a sport with widespread appeal.
kingbroccoli's avatar
Escape From Monkey Island (PlayStation 2)

Escape From Monkey Island review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Wanted: Swashbuckling adventurer to perform seemingly pointless tasks. Must have experience in handling miscellaneous objects and continuously making light of past exploits. One-liners a necessity. Job may involve undead zombies, voodoo witchcraft, and ducks. Apply within.”
kingbroccoli's avatar
Davis Cup Tennis (TurboGrafx-16)

Davis Cup Tennis review (TG16)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

In a genre primarily dominated by the kerfuffle that is American sports, Tennis has often been grossly overlooked and ignored. The excitement of a good hard game of grid-something-or-other has proven so alluring that classics such as the NES’s “Tennis” and the TG-16’s “Davis Cup Tennis” don’t get the recognition they deserve. If recreated correctly, a game of console Tennis is one of the greatest things in life, and Davis Cup Tennis has a lot of good things going for it.
kingbroccoli's avatar
Lion King (SNES)

Lion King review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

I have oft been mistaken for a lion. Who could blame the perpetrators though? It's perfectly understandable! With my flowing mane of golden hair, my animal-like voraciousness and my liking for the subtle tenderness of gazelle meat, I’m more lion than man. These characteristics would normally be enough to convince most people that a game such as The Lion King is right up my alley. For a virile, powerful man-killer like myself this little cartridge should be an absolute pushover! How wrong you all...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Rival Turf! (SNES)

Rival Turf! review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Hi. It's King Broccoli here, and as a king I have all kinds of women at my disposal. To me they're little more than temporary playthings (I'd never dream of using one more than once, how revolting), or decorative pieces that talk and spend too much. This lifestyle of mine offers me a little more copulation than the average man, and that might just explain why I find games like Rival Turf so utterly confusing.
kingbroccoli's avatar
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)

Disney's Aladdin review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

The blue genie lies dormant in his lamp. There is no sound. There is no movement. For decades – god knows how many – he has waited inside his lamp for a new owner, waited for freedom. Luckily for genie, that day has come!
kingbroccoli's avatar
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)

Super Mario 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Ah, to be a plumber! To wake every morning, the sun swimming lazily through a cheery blue sky, and know that somewhere out there is a sticky brown blockage with your name on it! These lucky folks have the privilege of doing a job that the less fortunate of us would gladly do for free, and get paid exorbitant rates for that privilege! To be a plumber! To unclog! To tighten! To show alluring portions of one’s buttocks!
kingbroccoli's avatar
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Snap review (N64)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

My first foray into Pokemon Snap was intended as a stepping stone, a mere platform into the more fruitful pastime of photographing naked ladies. The Rasputin-like fellow who was to be my boss assured me as he handed over the sticky cartridge ''There's no better practice than snapping pictures of fuzzy, strange looking little things.'' My, how we laughed. I relished the feeling, for my mission was indeed a serious one, and there could be no laughter.
kingbroccoli's avatar
Wall Street Kid (NES)

Wall Street Kid review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Wall Street Kid is an intriguing little NES game that puts you in the shoes of one Mr. Benedict, a blonde haired, 20 something, hot-shot with a dazzling smile. It turns out that this Mr. Benedict had some kind of male relative, who also had the name Mr. Benedict, and an obscenely large collection of money. This relative has unfortunately passed away as the lawyer tells our hero (whos dazzling smile doesn't even flinch at the upsetting news) and he stands to collect $600 Billion dollars, of cours...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Totally Rad (NES)

Totally Rad review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Totally Rad is a ''gnarly'' little platformer that has quite a few RPGish options much in the style of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night. It put you in the role of Jake, an up and coming magician who must face off against mysterious enemies who kidnap his girlfriend and her parents. With a few tips from your local magic man you must discover the power deep inside you and SAVE THE DAY! Sounds corny? Well it is....
kingbroccoli's avatar
Tetris (NES)

Tetris review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Playing Tetris for the first time can change a gamers life forever. Squaring off against those blocks is one of the magic moments of gaming. Play the game for half an hour and you can be hooked for life. The addictiveness that Tetris contains is almost scary, it's like a drug that you just can't get enough of. Turn this game off and you'll have falling blocks imprinted onto your eyelids, once it's taken a hold of your mind it'll never let go. Tetris is one of the greatest games of all time, if n...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

Super Mario Bros. 3 review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

First up there was the absolute classic Super Mario Bros., it was a game that delighted NES owners here and NES owners there, it delighted pretty much everyone! The next game to pop out of course was Super Mario Bros. 2! It strayed off the path from everything normal and sane, giving the gamer a far more abstract look at all things Mario, despite all the quirkiness it was still a lot of fun. It would have been pretty silly to have just stopped there, so naturally Super Mario. Bros. 3 got a relea...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Snake Rattle 'N Roll (NES)

Snake Rattle 'N Roll review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Snake Rattle 'n Roll is a fun little NES game that will leave most of you scratching your heads after playing it, this isn't because the game will give you head lice, it's because it's such a strange little game you'll question the sanity of those that developed it. You take the roll of a snake, actually it's just the head of a snake, and you must build up its tail, make it really heavy and then get out of the level you're in. There might be a story attached to this, but if there is I just don't...
kingbroccoli's avatar
RoboCop 2 (NES)

RoboCop 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

I had high hopes for Robocop 2. Upon first encountering the cartridge – a bloodthirsty Robocop emblazoned on its front – images cascaded in front of my eyes. They were images of a sleek, titanium machine lunging onto the screen, chasing down enemies with fearful speed and filling them up to their eyeballs with lead. I would be this machine. I would be unstoppable.
kingbroccoli's avatar
River City Ransom (NES)

River City Ransom review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

River City Ransom (given the rather masculine name of ''Street Gangs'' in Australia) is perhaps the most enjoyable NES game you'll ever play. At a quick glance it may appear to be your run of the mill, scroll this way and that way and beat up a person or two type of game, but it has a surprisingly large amount of depth to it. You can choose to play as either Alex or Ryan, they both fight the same and only look slightly different. It turns out that Ryan's girlfriend has been kidnapped by same bad...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Rampart (NES)

Rampart review (NES)

Reviewed on April 25, 2004

Rampart is a simple little NES game with only one objective given to you, shoot anything that belongs to your opponent! The game puts you in charge of a castle and a few cannons and lets you take it from there, the only problem is that everything is extremely repetitive, you'll find yourself doing the same things over and over (which is actually what you're doing) and getting bored in quite a big hurry. It's not the ideal way a person would want to spend their well-earned spare time.
kingbroccoli's avatar

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