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Available Reviews
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (PlayStation 2)

Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Where brothers and sisters are concerned, nothing says unfair quite like being compared to your older sibling. Try as you might to match their achievements, invariably you're left standing in the corner as the dark shadow of someone else's success begins to fall across your life. "Why can't you be more like him?" your parents ask. "He knows what life's all about, you're such a disappointment to us all!" they claim. Yes, yes, I know how much I've let you both down. Now go away would you I'm tryin...
midwinter's avatar
Splatterhouse 3 (Genesis)

Splatterhouse 3 review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Arising from the mediocrity that was Splatterhouse 2 came a sequel with that packed a little more punch and bled a little more blood. Namco picked up the rusty and cranky gameplay and polished it up a lot creating not only the best in the series but a great fun beat-em-up that was absolutely crammed to the full with challenge, a ton of unforgettable action and most importantly a pile of unnecessary violence and gore.
goldenvortex's avatar
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (Xbox)

Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

In the beginning there was Interplay. Interplay begat Capcom, and Capcom begat Konami... between them, these 3 software giants were directly responsible for the creation, development and refinement of one of the world's most popular genres, survival horror. If it wasn't for the ground breaking release of Alone In The Dark for the PC, survival horror as a genre would never have been born. If Capcom hadn't pushed ahead with Resident Evil 1 and 2, the genre would have never reached the masses. And ...
midwinter's avatar
Freedom Fighters (Xbox)

Freedom Fighters review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Russians weren't always the jolly, vodka swilling people that we know them to be today. Not so long ago they were the Red Menace, as feared as they were ruthless. For decades, the fear of communism and the Soviets drove America and its western allies into a near constant state of paranoia, as a deadly game of brinkmanship drove the world to the very edge of nuclear Armageddon. Then one day, quite out the blue, something unexpected happened... they became our friends. With the collapse of the Sov...
midwinter's avatar
RahXephon (PlayStation 2)

RahXephon review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Something funny is happening to the world of anime licensed gaming. Whereby once the phrase ''based on the hit anime series'' spelt certain doom for a game, these days things are not so clear cut. While it may be true that there is still a fair amount of licensed crap polluting store shelves, the chances of happening upon something that's reasonably playable have been slowly increasing. This is partly in thanks to the efforts of Bandai Entertainment who, for the past 12 months, have taken some m...
midwinter's avatar
The Suffering (Xbox)

The Suffering review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

23 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This will be your new home. A concrete cell no more than 6 feet across by 9 feet deep. It is going to be your future, it is going to be your hell. Locked away for your heinous crimes, all you have for company are your thoughts and a conscience that betrays you. For an hour each day you are let out of your cell to feed, exercise and shower... but this is no reprieve from the monotony... it is much worse. What should have been a celebration of freedo...
midwinter's avatar
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Xbox)

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Since the advent of CD based gaming technology, insiders in the know and armchair experts alike have been predicting an ultimate merging of Hollywood and the game industry. This long sought after goal has been something of a Holy Grail for developers, and one that until recently may have seemed impossible to achieve. But just as surely as the sun inevitably rises each morning, so is new gaming hardware developed. The recent rise of the DVD format combined with the increased power offered by mode...
midwinter's avatar
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (Xbox)

Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

If there's one thing that the average Japanese person fears more than the strange faced foreigners they sometimes see wandering their streets, it would have to be their demons. These faces of evil are so deeply entwined in local mythology and superstition that there would seem to be a demon for every occasion. From the mountain dwelling Tengu that torments lost travelers, to the Kappa water demons that drown hapless swimmers, there's a single universal constant that binds... a total and utter ha...
midwinter's avatar
Spider-Man 2 (Xbox)

Spider-Man 2 review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

There was a time when the summer movie season was all about the cinema experience. Sight, sound, and spectacle were the keywords to judge by as some of our biggest childhood fantasies were brought to life on the big screen. Inevitably however the movie would end and we would return to our dreary lives with a yearning for more of the good stuff that, oh so briefly, sated our lust for adventure. And while in the past we may have turned to our video games in order to keep that spirit alive, these l...
midwinter's avatar
JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)

JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Originally debuting on Sega's now defunct Dreamcast platform, Smilebit's Jet Set Radio brought urban street culture into the home for those of us too lazy to get off of our sofas and find it ourselves. It's controversial anti-establishment message worked so perfectly with the graffiti-spraying-grind-fest style gameplay that Jet Set Radio quickly became the talk of the town. Gamers applauded JSR's original approach to roller blading action, while politicians lamented it for it's morally lax value...
midwinter's avatar
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death (Xbox)

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Of all the great comic book characters created during the 1970's, perhaps 2000ad's Judge Dredd is the least recognizable to mainstream America. The comic's hard edged sci-fi setting mixed with liberal doses of black comedy and social commentary make it more than suitable for American tastes. But still for reasons unknown it has continued to languish in relative obscurity. So why has this erroneous situation occurred? Some may choose to blame the woeful 1995 Sylvester Stallone movie for driving (...
midwinter's avatar
Katamari Damacy (PlayStation 2)

Katamari Damacy review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Katamari Damashii is a typically Japanese game. And by that I don't mean to infer that it features school girls. Actually for that matter there is also absolutely zero tentacle content and the mandatory giant robot action is mysteriously absent. There are no hard working maids, no panty flashes, no sailor suited defenders of the universe, nada. Heck, there isn't even a single fireball, be it a sho-ryu-ken or otherwise! That Katamari Damashii has forgone these tried and true staples of Japanese p...
midwinter's avatar
Pocket Fighter (PlayStation)

Pocket Fighter review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

There has never been nor will there ever be again another fighting game quite like this. For you see, Pocket Fighter is unique. Pocket Fighter is special. Pocket Fighter is whacked out Japanese lunacy pumped up on 'shrooms and put through a fanboy themed blender. It's everything that a true Capcom fanatic could ever want in a fighter, and nothing anyone else would even come close to understanding. At first glance, you may think that you get it. It's a 2d one on one fighter isn't it? As close as ...
midwinter's avatar
Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 (GameCube)

Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

In a world where the majority of anime licenses produce software specially breed for the bargain bins, the Naruto name would appear to be something of an enigma. As if born under a lucky star, it has spawned a veritable cross-platform franchise of praise worthy games where so many other licenses have simply crashed and burned. From Bandai's outstanding Playstation2 entry to Tomy's range of Nintendo exclusives, the formula for success has always been universal. In fusing the innovative 3d fightin...
midwinter's avatar
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC)

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind review (PC)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

Not often does a game come along that simply knocks you off your feet. A game so massive and involved that it hooks you from the word go. A game that you can't get enough of, one that makes you sit back and just go 'whoa'.
karpah's avatar
Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VIII review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

The ocean looks calm, as the tide moves inward. Suddenly, the tranquil beach scene transforms into a flower field, as a lonely girl in a blue cape walks across. She holds a golden feather in her hand, which floats up into the sky. Then, a brown-haired young man in a black jacket grips his gunblade by the hilt. Enter Squall Leonhart, a lone wolf at a military school known as ''Garden''. He goes through life routinely, ignoring almost everyone and having numerous struggles with his rival Seifer Al...
eoib's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on August 27, 2004

The Legend of Zelda. You've all heard of it, and most of you love it. It's the tale of a boy who, against all odds, fights courageously against the forces of evil to rescue the princess and recover the Triforce. Every Zelda game seems like a masterpiece, from the very first NES game to the stunning A Link to the Past to the legendary Ocarina of Time. But Nintendo, the geniuses behind these games, have been through hell and high water just because the next Zelda game would be...
eoib's avatar
Pokemon Red (Game Boy)

Pokemon Red review (GB)

Reviewed on August 25, 2004

This game needs no introduction. It started as a little Japanese game, and then became a worldwide phenomenon. Eventually, the games became so popular that even the figurative “guy on the bus” knew the difference between Pikachu and Blastoise. Hell, even the Pope took notice! Unfortunately, the original Red and Blue games have shown their age with the news of GBA remakes, but they still have their joy and nostalgia. Maybe it’s because it’s an innovative RPG with animal catching built in, or beca...
eoib's avatar
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (GameCube)

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ review (GCN)

Reviewed on August 25, 2004

Happiness comes in small doses folks. It's a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. That's it, ok... - Denis Leary (No Cure For Cancer, January 12th 1993)
midwinter's avatar
Breakdown (Xbox)

Breakdown review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 25, 2004

The problem with modern gaming is that for most of the time, developers aren't given the opportunity to innovate. Once the life blood of the industry, innovation has since gone the way of dodo with many new releases now consisting of sequels, remakes, licenses or remade licensed sequels. The risks are always great, but when something new comes along that breaks from the mold and dares to be different, the rewards can be immense. Of course, the exact opposite can be said to be true as was evidenc...
midwinter's avatar

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