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Available Reviews
Ice Climber (NES)

Ice Climber review (NES)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

As I was playing through Super Smash Brothers: Melee the other day, the thought occurred to me on just what game the Ice Climbers were from anyway. It seemed like they were the only characters from the list I had never heard of. On further inspection I found out they had their own game on the NES, so I got me a copy and had a go. Now Ice Climbers is a very innovative approach at the platform genre, with its one unique trait of moving vertically, rather than horizontally. Your point...
destinati0n's avatar
Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty (PC)

Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty review (PC)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

The sun fades beyond the Mountain of Lethe, as the darkness of night sweeps over the land. The ethereal wisps can be seen fluttering throughout the night sky and the twin moons gleam a powerful glow on the cities around the world. A group of travelers leave the pub and grab their swords, shields, wands, and bows, and prepare to venture into the wilderness. As the fellowship continues on, their power can be sensed by nearly every being in the area, and enemies fall before them. As the regions get...
destinati0n's avatar
Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox)

Otogi: Myth of Demons review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

The moon ascends and illuminates the dark and barren wasteland. Spectral ghosts and demons can be seen fluttering around the ruins of past temples. The whole region is barren with the presence of the undead and haunting screeches can be heard echoing from the farthest cave. There seems to be no hope in such a hopeless land, however, there is one presence that keeps the land in check. He is the eliminator and purifier of demons and undead, but he is among the dead himself. Being deceased he is ke...
destinati0n's avatar
Wario World (GameCube)

Wario World review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

Better luck in Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mr. Wario.
destinati0n's avatar
Pikmin 2 (GameCube)

Pikmin 2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

They are multicolored beings with the power to do anything they set their mind to. Though small and vulnerable alone, in groups they can overtake even the mightiest of creatures. They obey orders from their respective captains and will work tirelessly to get the job done, even if it means sacrificing themselves. From collecting treasures and digging their way through the deepest caves, to fighting enemies ten times as great, they are always working. This work comes through their dedication to Ca...
destinati0n's avatar
Metroid Prime (GameCube)

Metroid Prime review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

What is the first thing that usually comes to mind when one thinks of bright or luminous. There are many things that would come to my mind: the Sun, the stars, a lamp, or maybe even my TV that goes on the fritz every couple of hours. However, there was one game that brought illuminating to a whole new level and that game is Metroid Prime. The "2002 Game of the Year" certainly deserved its title in my eyes when I got the chance to play it a while back. I was always familiar with the Metro...
destinati0n's avatar
Galaga (NES)

Galaga review (NES)

Reviewed on October 05, 2004

The biggest commodity of games in arcades has been then and still is shooters. From their wonderfully quaint and simple graphical nature to the pleasant concept of trying to get the best score, shooters have always been there to challenge us. Now how many of us today have heard of Galaga? Well, if you have been around for a while, you would know that it goes back a long way, especially in the arcades. Ah, the memories, I remember spending quarter after quarter, hoping to finally beat my f...
destinati0n's avatar
OutRun2 (Xbox)

OutRun2 review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 04, 2004

The Beautiful Journey... that's what it means to play OutRun2. It's not just blasting down the highway in a red Ferrari Testarossa, the wind in your hair and a power slide on every corner. Nor is it the cross platform journey through time the franchise has made, from its 1986 arcade origins all the way up to its modern home on the fun loving Xbox. No, as relevant as these possible definitions may be, I like to think of the Beautiful Journey as referring to the inner voyage of nostalgia that lays before you.
midwinter's avatar
Burnout 3: Takedown (Xbox)

Burnout 3: Takedown review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 01, 2004

The minute you’re free to go, all the cars start bashing into each other while moving down the road. Some guy comes from your left and swings you right so that your acceleration takes you straight toward a rail. You weave wildly and watch with satisfaction as your car t-bones your aggressor, then sends him skyward as you pass underneath. “Takedown,” the screen flashes, and suddenly you know where the game got its name.
honestgamer's avatar
Run Saber (SNES)

Run Saber review (SNES)

Reviewed on October 01, 2004

At first glance, Atlus Super Nintendo platformer Run Saber has just about everything I’ve ever wanted in a game of its ilk. You have tons of bosses, beautiful graphics and some fun levels that combine beating on subordinate enemies with skillfully maneuvering past indestructible obstacles. Unfortunately for me, it lacks two crucial elements that really would tie those positives together — length and challenge.
overdrive's avatar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 30, 2004

Konami’s Turtles in Time was a pleasant surprise for the owners of the SNES Christmas of 1992. Based on the then outrageously popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles license, it was the SNES’s second most visually pleasing game as of 1992, next to Final Fight.
yamishuryou's avatar
Exed Exes (NES)

Exed Exes review (NES)

Reviewed on September 30, 2004

Back in 1985, Capcom released Xevious-inspired shooter Exed Exes in the arcades. I’ve never played it, but from the pictures I’ve seen, I can guess that at least a tiny amount of effort was put into that product, as it looks reasonably decent for that era.
overdrive's avatar
Amazing Island (GameCube)

Amazing Island review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 29, 2004

Entitling a game Amazing Island is not a matter to be taken lightly. Although most of us have a concrete notion of what an "island" is, definitions of "amazing" vary from person to person. What is amazing to you may be horribly mundane to me, and vice versa. Of course, you can't please everyone all the time, so it's inevitable that Amazing Island will disappoint many people by default by providing action that clearly does not pass the standards of amazement that many people have cemented ...
snowdragon's avatar
Tetris Worlds (Xbox)

Tetris Worlds review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 27, 2004

For the last fifteen teen years, Alexey Pajitnov's classic puzzle game has seen countless remakes and copycats. Most of these renditions fail to even breathe new life into the simple game of tetris and Tetris Worlds is no different. Armed with a little flash and some techno beats, Tetris Worlds attempts to turn tetris's casual gameplay into a long lasting adventure by telling the story of the Minos.
evilpoptart937's avatar
Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Arcade)

Pachinko Sexy Reaction review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 27, 2004

Are Japanese games of chance and peeks into the dressing rooms of changing women your two greatest passions? Then it just so happens that Pachinko Sexy Reaction is an arcade game that you should invest some time in. It's about as deep as a child's wading pool, and stays in that shallow territory for the entirety of the experience. If you like cheap little table games like pachinko and pinball, here you go. If you like buxom animé women who like to conveniently "forget" that they're not un...
snowdragon's avatar
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Game Boy Advance)

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 27, 2004

What comes to mind when someone says "RPG"? Some may think of the good ol' days playing D&D, while others see colorful Final Fantasy worlds with chocobos, airships and enormous weapons. Still, the picture is generally the same: swords, magic and random battles are almost always an integral part of the role-playing genre, right?
eoib's avatar
Viewtiful Joe (PlayStation 2)

Viewtiful Joe review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 26, 2004

No problems dude! Old Captain Blue is on the scene and he's more than willing to train "young, dumb, dysfunctional" Joe in the Viewtiful arts of combat. With the action blasting across a series of side scrolling, 2D multi level stages, players will need to punch, kick and sweep their way towards certain victory. Simple it is, but hold onto your helmets people, Viewtiful Joe is one tough hombre!
midwinter's avatar
DoDonPachi (Arcade)

DoDonPachi review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 26, 2004

Do Don Pachi is packed with ecstasy, not the brain rotting drug but the mixed feelings of apprehension, excitement and anger. The three combined create an unknown emotion that seems to be locked inside the human system, until one plays Do Don Pachi. Once you have experienced the ride that is Do Don Pachi you will never forget it, the firing of the ships cannon, the array of tanks and planes as they surround the one solitary ship floating over the wrecked world. There is no going back, it’s ...
goldenvortex's avatar
Advance Guardian Heroes (Game Boy Advance)

Advance Guardian Heroes review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 26, 2004

Just don't let the other reviews dissuade you by constant talk of slowdown. It's hardly as omnipresent as they'd have you believe, even in the multiplayer modes. Advance Guardian Heroes is an essential part of any GBA library, whether you're a die-hard fan of the original or haven't even held a Saturn controller in your life.
bluberry's avatar
ESPN NHL 2K5 (PlayStation 2)

ESPN NHL 2K5 review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 25, 2004

When you say hockey you think of a few things. Fighting, toothless Canadians, and organ music playing the chicken dance are the first things that come to mind. When talking about hockey in terms of video games only one thing comes to mind, Sega Sports.
espnking2002's avatar

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