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Available Reviews
Vampire Night (PlayStation 2)

Vampire Night review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 13, 2005

I came across Vampire Night at an old arcade in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. I could tell that the arcade unit had seen some use over the years, but now, it was moved to a far corner, pushed aside and replaced with a fancier, brighter, properly working Time Crisis 3 machine. That Vampire Night game, with its calibration that was more than a hair off and a screen that was a little too dark, still seemed to cry “play me!” I only gave that unit a few of my quarters, but it gave me...
asherdeus's avatar
Suikoden (PlayStation)

Suikoden review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 13, 2005

Once upon a time, when I first bought a Playstation, one of the initial games I purchased was a Konami role-playing game by the name of Suikoden. At first glance, spending money on this game seemed to be a bit of an error in judgement. The graphics looked more suited to a game on the Super Nintendo. More damning was that the plot seemed to be anything but original, as it revolved around a young man beginning his service under the local emperor....only to find out that corruption’s afoot! Yes, th...
overdrive's avatar
Lumines (PSP)

Lumines review (PSP)

Reviewed on January 12, 2005

What makes all this such a standout success however is how Mizuguchi-san has played with established genre concepts in blending the puzzle based action with his own particular passion for synaesthesia style music. The more squares you match up and cancel out the more interesting the tunes get, the faster you'll play, the deeper Lumines takes you. Catch 22, and now we're hooked!
midwinter's avatar
Bloody Roar (PlayStation)

Bloody Roar review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 11, 2005

Bloody Roar, a 3D fighter released during the modern glut of 3D fighters, relies on style over gameplay. I believe you can make the connection here. Fond memories of the title crop up every now and again, but when I yearn to play a PSX fighter, I find myself reaching for Soul Edge instead.
zigfried's avatar
Cosmic Carnage (Sega 32X)

Cosmic Carnage review (32X)

Reviewed on January 11, 2005

One of the few fighters created just for the 32X was an obscure game called Cosmic Carnage. Unlike the majority of those on the system, this one was actually an original game and not a port of an overused arcade title like Mortal Kombat or Primal Rage. It was released only on the 32X, so it is virtually unknown due to that add-on’s failure (it wasn’t the only game to suffer such a fate). A beat-em-up with little innovation or any special qualities to make it stand out in the crowd Cosmic Carnage...
goldenvortex's avatar
Kolibri (Sega 32X)

Kolibri review (32X)

Reviewed on January 11, 2005

Novotrade is barely known in the gaming world nowadays. The company themselves may not be known but their classic game “Ecco the Dolphin” probably will. Another game by Novotrade that didn’t become as popular as the Ecco series was “Kolibri” a game similar to Ecco in many ways but had a few original concepts. It was only released on the Sega 32X, the failed console that Sega probably don’t want to hear about ever again. It hit the stores 1995 which was when the gaming world was slowly changing f...
goldenvortex's avatar
Dragon Knight II (Turbografx-CD)

Dragon Knight II review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 10, 2005

Enter the realm of Phoenix and take a brief look at your surroundings. You’ll see them hanging around the town cemetery, serving drinks at the crowded tavern, standing by idly as transactions take place within the local shops. Girls with blonde hair, girls with blue hair, and girls with green hair. Girls dressed elegantly and girls dressed in bunny outfits. Cute girls. Sly girls. Vivacious girls. Beautiful girls. And not a man in sight.
darkfact's avatar
Cotton Boomerang (Saturn)

Cotton Boomerang review (SAT)

Reviewed on January 10, 2005

As you play the game and a vicious spitting flytrap smacks Appli down, Needle will zoom in and take her place, in King of Fighters fashion. If Needle bites it too, your third character will take the creepy critters on — all by herself!
zigfried's avatar
Comix Zone (Genesis)

Comix Zone review (GEN)

Reviewed on January 10, 2005

Traditionally, the side-scrolling beat-‘em-up takes place in the filthy metropolises where transgression prevails. Youthful but careless boyfriends team up with musclebound mayors in efforts to retrieve kidnapped girlfriends and to send crime lords to justice. Along the way, they face four hundred fellows named “Bred” and eat the radioactive ham that they find crammed into dumpsters to replenish the ultimate determiner of possible success: the energy bar. An inestimable number of thugs stand bet...
dogma's avatar
Ai Cho Aniki (Turbografx-CD)

Ai Cho Aniki review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 09, 2005

If you've played Forgotten Worlds, you have some idea what Ai Cho Aniki is all about. Basically, I'm talking an airborne Contra, with multi-directional attacks and hand-to-hand combat . . . and naked bodybuilders.
zigfried's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time review (N64)

Reviewed on January 09, 2005

There's no way I can make an introduction to this game that doesn't sound melodramatic, but I really don't care. No matter how sappy it might sound, to be completely honest this game changed my life. It shocked me out of complacency about videogames (or, to use the overused and irrelevant phrase, my casual gamer status) and led me to realize that games can and should be far greater than mere time wasters; far more important than something to do for fun. It grabbed my life, dominated my though...
mariner's avatar
Silpheed: The Lost Planet (PlayStation 2)

Silpheed: The Lost Planet review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 09, 2005

Silpheed: Playstation 2’s shooter that fell short?
Sclem's avatar
Parasite Eve (PlayStation)

Parasite Eve review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

It's the night before Christmas, and the visage of the Statue of Liberty is solemn. A panning camera slides briefly across the New York cityscape, but pauses to contemplate this peculiarity. A sparse snow is falling, and Liberty's lips are puckered in a pout, her head tilted downward looking worryingly at the ever-present hustle below, a thin blotch cascading from the melancholy right eye and down the cheek. Is it a tear?
dogma's avatar
Dragon Warrior (NES)

Dragon Warrior review (NES)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

Step outside the castle and you might make it fifteen or twenty steps. Or you might make it one step. Or two, or three. Suddenly, that village a half-screen away can seem almost out of reach. This is compounded by another problem: the hero is a wimp for the majority of the game.
honestgamer's avatar
World of Warcraft (PC)

World of Warcraft review (PC)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

It is an MMORPG at its finest and the first of such to intrigue me in such a fashion since Asheron's Call. As previously mentioned, it is the obsession you have while playing the hero or villain you have created in these games, that overshadows the pre-defined protagonists of its single player predecessors.
destinati0n's avatar
X-Men Legends (PlayStation 2)

X-Men Legends review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

If X-Men Legends was a Diablo expansion pack, would anybody care? What if it was named Final Fight 4? For all the allure provided by the possibility of controlling a squad of X-Men, X-Men Legends comes up amazingly short with tired game design and an overall lack of excitement. This is a cardinal sin for an X-Men game, a comic book series which is anything but tired.
sgreenwell's avatar
Ys Book I & II (Turbografx-CD)

Ys Book I & II review (TGCD)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

No other game opens quite like Ys.
lilica's avatar
Breath of Fire III (PlayStation)

Breath of Fire III review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

Cue two miners innocently going about their jobs when they stumble across a rather rich vein of chrsym ore. Overjoyed, the anxious two set their explosives, planning to blast free their latest find, but instead of the deceased fossil they expected, out pops a rather lively baby dragon.
EmP's avatar
Deus Ex (PC)

Deus Ex review (PC)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

Is Deus Ex set in the real world, or a fictional one?
autorock's avatar
Shadow Hearts (PlayStation 2)

Shadow Hearts review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 08, 2005

As the camera pans down on the street corner outside a church, we see the bloodied and scattered remains of a body strewn all over the cobbled street. This gruesome collection of bloody flesh and bones is all that remains of a priest who was murdered here by something that couldn’t possibly be human. The body is desecrated beyond recognition. And to make matters worse, the preist's daughter, Alice, is missing. It looks as if she may meet a similar fate. Shadow Hearts establishes a very da...
jerec's avatar

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