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Available Reviews
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (PC)

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien review (PC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2005

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien really comes alive in the second half. While the prologue always stuck Takayuki with Haruka, you can match him up with any of seven girls here, although some — like Haruka's really cute little sister Akane — are a lot tougher to catch than others.
zigfried's avatar
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PlayStation 2)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 28, 2005

"There's a saying in the Orient: Loyalty to the end."
eoib's avatar
Chaos Legion (PlayStation 2)

Chaos Legion review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 28, 2005

Love. Betrayal. Vengeance. Richly artistic cinematics explore the depths of the human psyche and emotional repression . . . or something. Capcom gives these stylish but laughably-voiced cinematics the treatment they deserve by making them skippable and shoving them between levels so they don’t interfere with the action.
lilica's avatar
Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)

Doom II: Hell on Earth review (PC)

Reviewed on January 28, 2005

Doom is probably the only first person shooter that you can never grow tired of. It defined it’s genre back in the early 90’s and was possibly the most popular PC game of the time. Doom made FPS games what they are today, without the popularity of this gem back then I truly believe that games like Half-Life and Halo wouldn’t have been successful as what they are now. Doom 2 stands out in the crowd as one of the greatest first person shooters available and even today, the classic charm and da...
goldenvortex's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 28, 2005

If ICO is one thing, it's underrated.
autorock's avatar
T&C 2: Thrilla's Surfari (NES)

T&C 2: Thrilla's Surfari review (NES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

If the first few stages are frantic, the ones that follow are downright overwhelming. Soon you’ll find yourself weaving down a raging river as hippo heads and rocks threaten to knock you into the soup. Soon you’ll find yourself careening wildly through a desert, dodging scorpion venom and snakes and rocks that all conspire to knock you into pits. And those are just the easy parts.
honestgamer's avatar
Wild Arms (PlayStation)

Wild Arms review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

Filgaia wasn't always the sparse, barren landscape you'll now find it to be. Once it was a hospitable and green land, filled with life of all sorts. The world’s desolate dunes were once lush hills, the uninhabitable deserts previously great forests that stretched out serenely into the horizon. Then there was war. Nothing apocalypses up a place more than a good war.
EmP's avatar
Final Fantasy Anthology (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy Anthology review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

Being a crazed fanboy can cause people to do stupid things. Take me, for instance. I should really have no reason to own this game. I already play FF6 regularly, and FF5 isn't good enough for me to want to own a copy. But my Playstation was sitting there all lonely and this game was really cheap and, well, here it is. And thus that little urge I get to replay one of my favorite games of all time became irresistible, and I popped the FF6 disk in. Twenty minutes in convinced me that I should...
mariner's avatar
Final Fantasy III (SNES)

Final Fantasy III review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

What do you think you’ve found, here, in this dying world? - Kefka, FF Anthology
mariner's avatar
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland (NES)

Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland review (NES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

In the sequel, it seems a secret admirer has invited you to visit him at the fun house in an amusement park. Before you can get in, though, you must collect tickets from rides. You gain these only by successfully completing the rides. Things still don’t seem so bad. Then you try the different attractions and you realize something awful: they all suck.
honestgamer's avatar
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PlayStation 2)

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

There are hidden bosses galore, including The Forgotten One, a boss that has to be seen to be believed. The abominable creature has been locked far, far beneath the castle, hidden down and around swirling castle steps streaked fearfully with the scent of doom--the ultimate embodiment of that which should not be.
Masters's avatar
The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (NES)

The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy review (NES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

Fortunately, there are plenty of reasons to keep trying, even when you find yourself dying more than you might like. For one, the levels themselves are quite pretty. Sure, they don’t boast a lot of polygons or even colors, but the artists rendered them in a quaint style that can cheer you as you travel through them. Dense jungles somehow seem cheerful thanks to vibrant colors. An undersea level oozes charm, as does a distant island resort you’ll visit late in the game.
honestgamer's avatar
Final Fantasy III (SNES)

Final Fantasy III review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 26, 2005

Three Imperial soldiers advance upon the mining town of Narshe in search of an ancient being of pure power — just the thing to help their liege, Emperor Gestahl, solidify his tyrannical hold on the world. Two are mere lackeys of the corrupt ruler, but the third, a young female named Terra, is different. Far greater than her companions, this lady possesses a beauty that far transcends mere appearances. She is destined to help save the world from its corrupting influences — and it will be beautif...
overdrive's avatar
OutRun2 (Xbox)

OutRun2 review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 25, 2005

Hey, remember OutRun Europa, Battle OutRun, and *gulps* OutRun 2019?......... Well, AM2 seems to have forgotten them. Or at least they want to forget, which is made more obvious with the latest sequel's title, OutRun2. And who would blame them? I mean, the quality of those previous games ranged from mediocre to just plain sucking balls. So, of course, it's no surprise they want the game to be the followup to the original classic, OutRun. And trust me, af...
dementedhut's avatar
Idols Galore! (PC)

Idols Galore! review (PC)

Reviewed on January 25, 2005

Kuro Miyabi stands at the top of his field. Place him in charge of any enterprise, no matter how anemic, and he'll turn a quick profit. Although he possesses a little skill, his success is not a result of any refined entrepreneurial acumen, but because he's willing to do whatever it takes. Blackmail and intimidation are his methods of choice, but really any scheme will do, the dirtier the better. Kuro is a goon, and damn proud of it.
woodhouse's avatar
Paperboy (NES)

Paperboy review (NES)

Reviewed on January 24, 2005

Of course, there are threats to your little newspaper empire. That cute little dog you see cowering in his home on the front lawn may very well bite you in the butt if you don’t toss a paper at just the right moment. And there are rumors that the Grim Reaper himself frequents the neighborhood from time to time. Add runaway lawnmowers, tires, go carts and disillusioned customers of times past and you have the formula for a rather dangerous job.
honestgamer's avatar
Doom II (Game Boy Advance)

Doom II review (GBA)

Reviewed on January 24, 2005

The pillars in front of you open to display a veritable cornucopia of hellspawn, and you are quickly made aware that the ones behind you are doing the same. You are standing in the very centre of a rapidly closing circle of death: imps scream furiously at you as they unload a torrent of fireballs in your direction.
EmP's avatar
Captain Skyhawk (NES)

Captain Skyhawk review (NES)

Reviewed on January 24, 2005

To play the game well, you’ll have to adapt to the rapidly-changing environment. Glide left past one hill, then quickly rebound to the right as an imposing rock wall threatens to turn your aircraft into a charred stain. The whole time, you’ll have to keep an eye on the surface. Alien vehicles fire shots from the ground, star-shaped projectiles that will cause you to burst into flames if you should happen to collide with them.
honestgamer's avatar
Half-Life 2 (PC)

Half-Life 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on January 24, 2005

You know, it’s truly a testament to great game design when you beat a game and feel sad that it’s over. Sure, I can always go back and play through Half-Life 2 again, and I will. But will it have that same "magic" like it did my first time? That “what are they going to throw at me this time” element of surprise; where I constantly anticipating what’s around that next turn or in that building? I know it will still be awesome, and I'll still love it and all that jazz, but is it possible to ...
asherdeus's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 24, 2005

Ico was born with horns on his head. It may look like he’s wearing a helmet, but those two buggers are rooted to the bone. Although such an unfortunate devil-horned child would today undergo scientific study and vivisection, Ico lived in less tolerant times. Local villagers shunned the young boy, believing him cursed; his kin fervently waited for the day he would die. On his twelfth birthday, Ico was carried off by dark horsemen to an enchanting but ominous castle built atop a wave-washed cl...
lilica's avatar

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