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Available Reviews
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC)

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis review (PC)

Reviewed on October 04, 2005

It is with much longing nostalgia that I painfully admit that the golden era of point 'n' click adventures have long passed. I can say without much exaggeration that during the console-starved eighties, the genre reached its peak in popularity, perhaps only eclipsed in the early-to-mid nineties when the fame of Sierra and Lucas Arts were on par to current giants such as Square or Enix. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is one of the finer specimens of adventure games that was born fr...
darketernal's avatar
Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)

Donkey Kong Jr. review (NES)

Reviewed on October 04, 2005

I don’t blame Mario for being pissed. I mean, if a giant ape came up, grabbed my girlfriend and ran away with her under his fat sweaty arm, I’d be pretty cheesed off too. Extracting revenge for this heinous act, Mario has kidnapped Donkey Kong and mysteriously managed to the lock the ape up. He’s also separated Donkey from his only son and when the brave little tyke sets out to rescue is father, Mario tries to kill him by throwing little crocodiles at him. Don’t you think that’s rather harsh?...
goldenvortex's avatar
Tekken Tag Tournament (PlayStation 2)

Tekken Tag Tournament review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 04, 2005

Before committing themselves to a Tekken 4, Namco has released a tag-team variation of its prominent fighting series befittingly entitled Tekken Tag Tournament (triple T, if you will). The concept is quite simple: roundup every Tekken character, render them in 3D-pixelated heaven, and then pit them against each other in teams of two. For all intentional purposes, this semi-sequel compilation is a “Tekken All-Stars” that follows the crossover trend of Capcom’s prolific and seemingly never-ending ...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Rumble Roses (PlayStation 2)

Rumble Roses review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 04, 2005

Are you kidding? This is the same company that came up with classics like Contra and Life force? The same “Konami” that is responsible for modern-day goliaths like Metal Gear and Lament of Innocence? What were they thinking? Oh, that’s right. The joke Robin Williams made about only having enough blood for one thing at a time. No, I’m not going to repeat it; True Baby has more class then that.
True's avatar
Urban Reign (PlayStation 2)

Urban Reign review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 03, 2005

At first, its depth seems marginal. You can only punch, kick, grapple, dodge or run for most of the game’s first half. However, the finer points of each of these moves combine for some real mayhem. Later in the game, you can even pick up or throw weapons. Things really get intense. Finally, the ability to target specific body parts adds yet another dimension. That might not sound so good, but when you experience it, everything changes.
honestgamer's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time review (N64)

Reviewed on October 03, 2005

As Nintendo careens toward a purgatorial stasis, a descent fueled by its irrationality as well as its irrelevance, it's impossible to not lament its better days. For the same company who now relies on portable non-games to keep breath in its collapsing lungs once made the greatest game ever released. That game is Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.
nick_evil's avatar
The Punisher (Xbox)

The Punisher review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 03, 2005

On a wave of blood and bodies, The Punisher hauls the limp corpse of manly gaming back from the brink. Every knife to the eyeballs, every shotgun blast to the face, every circular saw through a criminal's crotch is another CPR thrust to the chest of the old dream of shooting gameplay. The Punisher is a simple game. The Punisher is a God-send of a refreshing game.
nick_evil's avatar
Capcom Classics Collection (PlayStation 2)

Capcom Classics Collection review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 02, 2005

Remember storming fortresses in Bionic Commando, then advancing toward enemy ranks in that cool overhead perspective? Remember swooping into a bay in 1943: The Battle of Midway to customize your plane? Those were some of the great moments of 8-bit gaming, and after that there were the 16-bit ports with their stunning visuals and digitized voices. I expected to relive all of that now, except I knew the games would look even better. The thing is, the games do look better… but they’re not as much fun.
honestgamer's avatar
Kirby's Dream Land (Game Boy)

Kirby's Dream Land review (GB)

Reviewed on October 02, 2005

If you’re looking for a perfect “pick up and play” title then Kirby’s Dream Land will happily fill that role. It’s not rife with challenge nor is it the most complicated game you’re going to play but it sure is something that will pleasantly keep you entertained for over an hour or so. Kirby doesn’t push himself too hard to rival the old retro hotshots that we spent so much time with yesteryear but it still provides a fun and pleasant experience that is rather memorable. Don’t expect i...
goldenvortex's avatar
3 Ninjas Kick Back (Genesis)

3 Ninjas Kick Back review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 01, 2005

There are at least twenty-six people out there over the bloody moon that I'm stuck reviewing this game and they're not!
EmP's avatar
RPG Maker II (PlayStation 2)

RPG Maker II review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 30, 2005

I won’t lie. I haven’t made a single RPG with RPG Maker 2.
lasthero's avatar
Lost Kingdoms (GameCube)

Lost Kingdoms review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 28, 2005

Entitled Rune in Japan, Lost Kingdoms was Gamecube's first true RPG. While it was a welcomed addition to the Gamecube's games library, it didn't sell very well, but that didn't prevent it from getting a sequel. Now that better RPGs came out on Gamecube, The Lost Kingdoms series quickly faded into gamers' memory. Can't blame them though, as Lost Kingdoms is a very forgettable game. Its short length, shallow storyline and non-intriguing quest give a bad first impression of it. It's clearly obvious...
wishingtikal's avatar
Zero Tolerance (Genesis)

Zero Tolerance review (GEN)

Reviewed on September 28, 2005

The new enemy introduced here, a bug-like humanoid, followed the same pattern as the skittering aliens and attack dogs (running straight at me), but seemed even more inept. Countless times, these critters would run right by me and freeze. I’d turn around, see it suspended in place and get a quick and lethal shot off before it would start moving again. Now that’s some quality programming!
overdrive's avatar
Def Jam Vendetta (PlayStation 2)

Def Jam Vendetta review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 28, 2005

Once upon a time, I was a gangsta.
lasthero's avatar
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (Animated Clips) (PSP)

Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (Animated Clips) review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 27, 2005

Given that I am about to review what is essentially a UMD music video for a gaming website, a little exposition is obviously required. You see, with the stunning disappointment of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex for the PSP, I was left with a fanboy sized hunger and not much to fill it. Of course, the how's and why's are a story for another day, but let it be said that some tepid first person action and laggy controls were enough to kill any and all interest.
midwinter's avatar
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PlayStation 2)

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 27, 2005

Legacies are hard to come by in the gaming world. Few franchises can claim that they have stood the test of time by lasting over a decade or have kept up with the constantly changing hardware by producing profitable sequels on more then one next-generation system. Castlevania—much like its Nintendo counter parts Metroid and Zelda—is one series that can boast such things. Eighteen years later and its mark left on more then four systems, Castlevania is still a legend in its own right. However, the...
True's avatar
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Game Boy Advance)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 27, 2005

Mario vs. Donkey Kong is an attempt to recreate the traditional part platform, part puzzle classic, but fails doing just that. Adding too many new elements that have appeared in each icon’s own titles leave it a bit more unbalanced than it probably had originally planned. I guess you can have too much of a good thing.
destinati0n's avatar
Himitsu: Tadagaita Natsu (Dreamcast)

Himitsu: Tadagaita Natsu review (DC)

Reviewed on September 26, 2005

Himitsu tried my patience like few others. Following gal game tradition, the "introduction" consists of female photos scrolling across the screen while music plays. Himitsu's unique qualities are its amateurish character designs and a horrendous non-vocal intro song. It's some of the most abrasive MIDI I've ever heard, and no, I haven't forgotten AdLib.
zigfried's avatar
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault (PC)

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault review (PC)

Reviewed on September 26, 2005

This is the third time I’ve tried to write this review. This either means that Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Pacific Assault from here on out) is a very challenging game to review or that the nasty cold/sinus infection that I have is reducing my already limited attention span to new, all-time low, making it hard to focus on writing. I’m voting for the latter. Pacific Assault is certainly an interesting game, no doubt about it. Pacific Assault is definitely better than its console counterpart,...
asherdeus's avatar
Skies of Arcadia Legends (GameCube)

Skies of Arcadia Legends review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 25, 2005

Nevertheless, with time I soon realized, had I given up on it, I would have missed out on a refreshing adventure that has something that many generic role-playing games lack. Heart. Throw some innovative physics on into the fray and you have something special. Aye, my faith in pirates have again been restored.
destinati0n's avatar

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