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Available Reviews
Micro Machines (Xbox)

Micro Machines review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 16, 2005

All in all, if this latest version of Micro Machines proves anything, it is that games cannot live on nostalgia alone. Perhaps some excuse can be found in the fact that it was Infograme's first shot at the series that CodeMasters did so well for so many years, or perhaps it is just another case of a series finally running out of steam. Either way, sadly, Micro Machines is to bare thread for fans of the earlier games, and suffers from too many flaws to draw people new in.
EmP's avatar
Yoshi Touch & Go (DS)

Yoshi Touch & Go review (DS)

Reviewed on October 16, 2005

Admit it. When you bought your DS, you looked at the plastic stick thing, and wondered just how much use it was actually going to be, didn't you? Oh, sure, the rec room in Super Mario 64 DS was good fun, particularly the catapult Wario minigame. And maybe you even played Wario Ware : Touched too, but you probably thought that was about as far as touch-screen gaming was going to develop on this new console. A nice gimmick, a lovely extra, but ultimately not really an evolution in g...
cheekylee's avatar
FIFA Soccer 06 (Xbox)

FIFA Soccer 06 review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 15, 2005

Frankie doesn't do this. Instead he gift-wraps the ball and gives it to Roy Keane. Football fans: think on this a little. Frank Lampard -- Frank bloody Lampard -- making an error so basic that I'd blush about doing it for my local Sunday league team. Despite hefty price tags and huge collection of stats, Fifa lets the best players in the world sometimes play like pre-schoolers.
EmP's avatar
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 (Dreamcast)

Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 review (DC)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

I can't believe I bought this compilation over Cannon Spike back when they were both new. I guess the allure of owning 12 "classic" Sega games got to me. I figured I would have more fun with a collection of mostly old-school games than I would with one title going for the same price. I was wrong. And here I am, four years later, writing a review of Sega Smash Pack Volume 1, and regretting overlooking a game that is now hard to get and probably going for twice its original retail pr...
dementedhut's avatar
Breakdown (Xbox)

Breakdown review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

I love Guilty Gear as much as the next guy, but there's just something more viscerally thrilling about actually flying across the room and knocking some poor sap in the gut rather than just watching your fighter of choice do it from the side.
bluberry's avatar
Tecmo Classic Arcade (Xbox)

Tecmo Classic Arcade review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

Tecmo Cup tries to make soccer exciting, but it plays like a crippled Blade of Steel (NES) or NHL Hockey (Genesis), although I have to admit I was pretty excited when my very first kick scored a goal against the opposing team. Senjyo is an exercise in 3D innovation that doesn't really work, and Pinball Action is so boring that Tecmo had to put the word "Action" at the end to try to trick you into thinking it's exciting.
zigfried's avatar
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (PlayStation 2)

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

The rest of it rules, save possibly the atrocious vocals in the background music (TO TAKE ME DOWN YOU MUST FIGHT LIKE A MAN!), but the lacking opposition is a flaw that can't possibly be understated. Most every battle in the original was refreshing thanks to the constantly-changing yet consistently-excellent lineup of monsters; in stark contrast, I was almost bored with many of this one's fights by the time I'd worked my way through a few hours of "guy with scythe".
bluberry's avatar
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (PlayStation 2)

Ys: The Ark of Napishtim review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

Although the character models have changed, the music and locales are as gorgeous as before. Every room in the Temple of Memory is infested with skittering insects that drop from the ceilings, sometimes on Adol's head! With angler-like antennae lighting their way in the dark, these bugs crawl along the floors and ceiling as water flows down the walls into shallow ruts around each chamber's periphery.
zigfried's avatar
Katamari Damacy (PlayStation 2)

Katamari Damacy review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

Fortunately, the gameplay takes itself about as seriously, featuring diverse wackiness ranging from haddocks that flop about inside of your doom sphere to innocent bystanders that run away screaming as if they'd just seen Godzilla. Who knows, maybe they did... you just never know what's inside your katamari!
bluberry's avatar
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox)

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

The volleyball action itself can be pretty intense. Your opponents behave differently depending on their confidence level — "unwilling" foes are like those girls in Phys Ed class who always let the volleyball fall at their feet because they think hitting it might fracture their forearm. "Confident" opponents are like the Volleyball team captains — hyperkinetic, long-legged beauties who block even the jocks' spikes with ease. The nice bit is, you can actually predict the oppositions' attitude before a match based on their character portraits!
zigfried's avatar
Body Harvest (Nintendo 64)

Body Harvest review (N64)

Reviewed on October 14, 2005

You’re just one man, so you’re outnumbered. You’ve just got one gun, so you’re outmatched. You’re Marty McFly with a laser pistol, and you’ve got to do what all the armies of all the nations on the entire planet couldn’t do in a hundred years’ time: Stop the aliens.
lasthero's avatar
Silent Scope 3 (PlayStation 2)

Silent Scope 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 12, 2005

Transitions can be a wonderful thing in the gaming world. Making the jump from Arcade to home systems can mean not having to drive all the way to the mall in the snow because you need a Mortal Kombat fix; it means no longer pumping quarter after quarter into Tekken because some punk kid manages to barely scrape a win past you every time. Domesticating decent arcades can pay off, but sometimes transitions can completely ruin a good thing.
True's avatar
Guilty Gear XX #Reload (PSP)

Guilty Gear XX #Reload review (PSP)

Reviewed on October 11, 2005

Borrowing the best elements from many of its contemporaries, #Reload's own brand of one-on-one violence feels every bit as familiar as its port status may suggest. From the now standard projectile attacks to a dozen, quick-off-the-wrist dragon punches, the game presents itself as a beautiful, amalgamation of the genre's best. Even the high flying combo strikes of Marvel vs Capcom get a look in, asking players to juggle their opponents way up the screen as the various, cartoon-esque backdrops erupt into flames.
midwinter's avatar
WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! (Game Boy Advance)

WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! review (GBA)

Reviewed on October 11, 2005

WarioWare Inc. is a drug. Don't mess with it, kids, or it'll mess with you. It might seem 'cool' or 'hip,' but you'll enjoy the pretty pictures and catchy sounds at the expense of your sanity, dignity, and smug sense of moral superiority. It's like a white-frocked mind doctor, dangling rudimentary aptitude tests in front of your gaping eyes and rewarding you with funny pictures whenever you respond as hypothesised. And you'll obey, giggling and drooling like the witless goonchild that you...
autorock's avatar
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow review (DS)

Reviewed on October 11, 2005

Amoebic sludge balls, armor shelled warriors with axes, shape shifting walls, and lightning powered phoenixes -- these are the things a Castlevania game is made of.
destinati0n's avatar
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow review (DS)

Reviewed on October 10, 2005

A wooden puppet master whose chamber is lined with several iron maidens for you to be trapped in and a clawed wall-hopper eerily reminiscent of Street Fighter 2's Vega are two of the many highlights within Dawn's impressive bestiary.
bluberry's avatar
Sonic Gems Collection (GameCube)

Sonic Gems Collection review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 10, 2005

Gems Collection picked up where Mega Collection left off. The original compilation featured four of the top Genesis titles and a slew of not so great games. This one changes things by collecting some of the lesser-known games as well as a small selection of the better Game Gear titles. With the first ever console ports of the superb Sonic CD and the surprisingly entertaining Sonic Championship, this collection proved to me a lot more valuable than the previous Mega Collections, due to the fac...
goldenvortex's avatar
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut (GameCube)

Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut review (GCN)

Reviewed on October 10, 2005

DX takes the original Dreamcast title Sonic Adventure, mixes it with some basic graphical brush ups, some old Game Gear games and a new mission mode to help ensnare gamers who missed out on the original adventure in 2000. Those who finished it back then will be disappointed, unless you really enjoyed it.(Emphasis on the “really.”) Truth be told, it does take the original game and adds on a heap of extra playtime by throwing all of these missions and Game Gear. It just sucks that n...
goldenvortex's avatar
Atari Anthology (Xbox)

Atari Anthology review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 09, 2005

Damn, now THIS is a collection! 18 arcade classics and 67 Atari 2600 titles for a grand total of 85 games to choose from? INSANE!! They could've stopped there, but oh no, the developers went the extra mile; you'll also get a crap load of extras like scans of all the game's instruction manuals, promotional flyers, an interview with the creator of Pong (PONG!), and much, much more. And it's all yours for the super, duper low price of $20!!
dementedhut's avatar
Indigo Prophecy (Xbox)

Indigo Prophecy review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 09, 2005

And then it's over; the mental images cease. A revolted Kane looks down at the corpse he's still kneeling over and at the bloody knife still clasped in his soiled hands. What just took place defies explanation, but the more pressing fact is that corpse laying on the bathroom floor. A corpse that's not getting any less dead. What do you do? This isn't for Lucas to decided; this choice is entirely yours.
EmP's avatar

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