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Available Reviews
Super Princess Peach (DS)

Super Princess Peach review (DS)

Reviewed on November 06, 2005

It's taken almost 160 years of women's suffrage for video games to arrive at this moment in time. Princess Peach, perhaps the most insufferably vague ditz ever to grace the Mushroom Kingdom has finally been empowered, and with her parasol in tow, she's looking to set a new benchmark in 2D, action gaming.
midwinter's avatar
Doom (Game Boy Advance)

Doom review (GBA)

Reviewed on November 06, 2005

More secret doors have slide upon, but this time they have done so on floor levels. From one of these doors comes a swarm of Lost Souls, pesky flying skulls that swoop towards you with unpure intentions. From the other comes a stampede of Bull Demons, physically dominating beasts that see you as nothing more than snack sized. These new threats surge towards you with impossible speed, biting and tearing chunks out of your life. It's then you start to realise that you probably won't make it out alive.
EmP's avatar
Disruptor (PlayStation)

Disruptor review (PSX)

Reviewed on November 05, 2005

Instead, level your Phase Repeater -- a rapid-fire, tri-barrelled instrument of piercing death -- at them. It emits an unstoppable wave of laser fire which cuts your robot aggressors down with little troubles. The lone survivor of your onslaught will cock his shotgun once more to try and avenge his fallen brethren, but you've already cut him clean in half with your Plasma Lance.
EmP's avatar
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (PlayStation 2)

The Operative: No One Lives Forever review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 04, 2005

I've slowly come to the realization that everything deserves a second chance. Cheaters, liars, thieves and even sardonic FPS like No One Lives Forever. Bringing out the lighter side of a very violent genre this game is a complete 180 from anything else. You may scoff at the obvious attempt to break precedence but after years and years of demon hunting and Nazi blasting I think it's a welcome change.
True's avatar
Gradius Galaxies (Game Boy Advance)

Gradius Galaxies review (GBA)

Reviewed on November 04, 2005

So, what did Konami do to ramp up the difficulty? If you answered, “Throw in a few obstacle course sections WHILE botching up your ship’s hit detection ever-so-slightly!” you get full credit. I, on the other hand, received nothing but frustration from the mass number of cheap deaths inflicted on me.
overdrive's avatar
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 review (GEN)

Reviewed on November 03, 2005

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog may be a perfect example of a follow up that takes the already impressive foundations and builds a more concrete structure over it. The original Sonic game had a few minor problems with level originality and variance but it still provided us with a solid platform adventure that is still enjoyable today. Sonic 2 takes up the similar speedy style that the first game brought forth and adds in shorter yet more creative levels, a spunky new sidekick and a hand...
goldenvortex's avatar
Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox)

Halo: Combat Evolved review (XBX)

Reviewed on November 03, 2005

Ironically, I only purchased Halo because I’d played Munch’s Oddysee to death and picked it up because it looked “ok.” OK? If I had heard myself say those words a month after my sceptical purchase, it would’ve probably led to some deserved self-harm. However, they had some justification as Halo sat in line up of the Xbox’s mostly putrid launch title selection along with a few morbidly bland titles like Azurik and Nightcaster. Halo shined out as the firs...
goldenvortex's avatar
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi (PlayStation 2)

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 03, 2005

In the end, Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi comes out as an average brawler with the shift still in neutral.
destinati0n's avatar
Lords of Thunder (Turbografx-CD)

Lords of Thunder review (TGCD)

Reviewed on November 01, 2005

When you first play Lords of Thunder, it’s necessary that you increase the volume on your television considerably. Don’t worry about what your mommy and daddy down the hall will think, turn it up LOUD!! It’s the only way that you can possibly appreciate the 21-guitar salute that assaults your ear drums the instance the game is booted up. And with all the grinding and mashing going on, you would think these axes were having sex; it's a beautiful thing.
nemo's avatar
Rocky (PlayStation 2)

Rocky review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 01, 2005

“Dead meat.”
lasthero's avatar
Hitman: Codename 47 (PC)

Hitman: Codename 47 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 31, 2005

So, you wake up, lying on a bed you were previously strapped to, in a mental hospital no less, have no idea who you are, get up, and put on a suit. You then proceed to go through a mini obstacle course, learn close combat, shoot off a couple of rounds from various guns, kill a male nurse, take his clothes, and sneak out of the place in a matter of minutes. What do you do next? You join an agency and become an assassin. Duh. Ok, so that's not exactly a normal, everyday occurrence, but that's the ...
dementedhut's avatar
Halloween (Atari 2600)

Halloween review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 31, 2005

When a vengeful (aren't they all?) maniac named Michael Myers escapes from the mental hospital just in time for the holidays, it's a pretty safe bet that pumpkins won't be the only things getting carved up tonight.
sho's avatar
Tsukiyo no Saraba (PlayStation 2)

Tsukiyo no Saraba review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 31, 2005

Originality nowadays is few and far between - The likelyhood of seeing something fresh and innovative is novel, so ideas that are based on existing features of today's acheivements are abundant. The Matrix's bullet time feature is of no exception and this has been used beyond comparison, arguably having been the most utilised mechanic from a movie since maybe Aliens and creeping-down-corridors-and-shooting-monsters.
jinn's avatar
Ginga Fukei Densetsu: Sapphire (Turbografx-CD)

Ginga Fukei Densetsu: Sapphire review (TGCD)

Reviewed on October 30, 2005

Sapphire doesn't need deep weaponry. It just needs to ROCK . . . and with spotlight effects, smooth rotation, spinning polygons, lightning storms, and an unforgettable soundtrack by T's Music, it succeeds. But for all its explosive energy, Sapphire never matches the controller-gripping intensity of Gate of Thunder.
zigfried's avatar
The Rub Rabbits! (DS)

The Rub Rabbits! review (DS)

Reviewed on October 29, 2005

What I can tell you however, is that XY/XX 2 hasn't evolved all that much. You're still going to play the role of a hapless fool in love, and you're still going to tackle a range of mini-games that are as exciting as they are tedious... though fans might appreciate the thought.
midwinter's avatar
Phantasy Star II (Genesis)

Phantasy Star II review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 29, 2005

This isn't a game that holds your hand. You won't be eased into battle against easy foes that happily run into your weapons so you can garner the experience and cash they possess. Always remember: here there be monsters! They roam the planet with not only the desire to rip you to shreds, but the means too.
EmP's avatar
Shining Force Neo (PlayStation 2)

Shining Force Neo review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

In less than a year, Sega has released two brand new games for its already impressive “Shining” franchise—Shining Tears and Shining Force Neo. As the saying goes you can’t get enough of a good thing and even though Shining Tears left me slightly disappointed Neo comes out swinging, reminding me that this series is not only salvageable but one hell of a contender for strategy supremacy.
True's avatar
X-Change (PC)

X-Change review (PC)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

Amongst H game fans, no title polarizes opinion like X-Change. It’s purportedly the top seller in Peach Princess’ catalogue, an assertion supported by the company’s willingness to fast track the localization of its sequels and spinoffs. Many people will shell out good money for these subsequent efforts because they so enjoyed the premise of the first - to see how the other half lives. They love this gender switching adventure, seeing the illusion of a male’s sexual promiscuity grafte...
woodhouse's avatar
Medal of Honor: European Assault (PlayStation 2)

Medal of Honor: European Assault review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

I don’t just like Medal of Honor: European Assault. I respect it.
lasthero's avatar
DDR Extreme 2 (PlayStation 2)

DDR Extreme 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 28, 2005

7:30. The crowd shuffles out beneath the dimming lights. The booths at the DigitalLife convention begin to empty as Sunday closes upon DDR NYC 2005. Long, long faces stare blankly where the competition once stood, where a mere video game enraptured in flashing lights and metal led its followers on a stepwise dance that held an audience mesmerized. Yet beneath this memory of flowing color, of wonder and rebirth, a worry creeps from behind. It whispers from the shadows cast by the towering arcade ...
draqq_zyxx's avatar

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