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Available Reviews
Hummer Badlands (Xbox)

Hummer Badlands review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 22, 2006

It’s not difficult to rush to the front of the pack, but the first curve you round will drop you back into the rear as your opponents navigate each turn with a professional combination of steering and acceleration that will leave even the best players green with envy. Even if you manage to build up a significant lead—say, half a lap—fumbling your way through one corner is enough to put you in fourth place.
honestgamer's avatar
Full Auto (Xbox 360)

Full Auto review (X360)

Reviewed on April 21, 2006

I love explosions. Explosions are one of the best things to come out of the 80s. Fuck the big hair bands; give me the explosions of Rambo and Predator and I’m satisfied. And that my friend is what Full Auto gives us. Explosions abound in Full Auto. It’s the whole point of the game. You strap yourself into the seat of some generic vehicle that’s completely loaded with guns and mines and grenades and all sorts of other weapons, and then you take to streets and blow the ...
asherdeus's avatar
Monster Party (NES)

Monster Party review (NES)

Reviewed on April 21, 2006

Most disturbing of all, the head of an Egyptian pharaoh greeted me with the gleeful exclamation, “OH BOY! MARK SOUP!” Trust me....when you knock on a stranger’s door, that is NOT what you want to hear.
overdrive's avatar
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (GameCube)

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 19, 2006

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody clearly is not for everyone. I already mentioned it, but I’ll say it again: the visuals here look like something out of Animal Crossing. I know some people who refuse to play that game primarily because it doesn’t look mature enough. They’re afraid their image will suffer or something. Well, the same applies here.
honestgamer's avatar
Street Supremacy (PSP)

Street Supremacy review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 18, 2006

Street Supremacy isn't just average, it's average without inspiration. You might wonder what it feels like to blast down a Tokyo expressway, grinding the slick, rain speckled concrete under tyre as a blind corner sends the back-end sliding out... well, keep wondering. This isn't the game for you.
midwinter's avatar
BloodRayne 2 (PlayStation 2)

BloodRayne 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 18, 2006

A sky filled in a murky red haze, as if the sky bleeds. Barren and twisted trees littering the landscape. Bodies, decapitated, eviscerated, mutilated, desecrated, and perforated, blood strewn all around. Screams in the distance, bellowing roars following them, then silence. Deep atmosphere, supreme stuff, captures the mood of a raped world.
lasthero's avatar
Nanostray (DS)

Nanostray review (DS)

Reviewed on April 17, 2006

Nanostray definitely sets out to accomplish a number of things. As you fly your particular aircraft over expansive jungles, towering space stations, and rocky canyons, you will begin to see that the game’s developer had hoped to cater to a plethora of people. From the retro gamer who knows his classic shooters to a tee to the types of players who always love that adrenaline filled challenge, developer Shin’en knew just what they wanted.
destinati0n's avatar
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PlayStation 2)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 16, 2006

As a guy who broke his teeth on the old-school games of past generations, I was ecstatic to learn that Konami included two Metal Gear games originally released for the eight-bit MSX computer gaming system. The first game (featuring Snake's trip to a three-building compound enticingly named "Outer Heaven") was somewhat altered for release on the NES, while the second had never before been released in America.
overdrive's avatar
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (Xbox)

Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 16, 2006

After I played the original "Silent Hill", I was left wondering what direction the storyline would take in its sequel. I didn't expect a direct continuation, because the elements of that storyline were so conclusive. But I did at least expect it to take place within the Silent Hill Township, and more importantly within the mythos of the first game. In that first story, a child and her father feel compelled to go to the Silent Hill resort town to resolve a preternatal past that is haunting her. T...
m0zart's avatar
Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack (Game Boy Advance)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack review (GBA)

Reviewed on April 16, 2006

The Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack is a bit more engaging than the cartoon. For one thing, it's definitely more fun to play than to watch (even if the real-world rules have been drastically over-simplified). For another, even though it uses the English names (like Jonouchi Joey), the game's two stories -- adapted from the Battle City arc -- aren't as childishly censored as the cartoon. When "duelists" lose a match, they're no longer banished to a mythical Shadow Realm -- in the Double Pack, losers are chopped up by spinning buzzsaws or tied to anchors and hurled into the ocean!
zigfried's avatar
From Russia with Love (PSP)

From Russia with Love review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 15, 2006

You hold the “L” button and watch as the auto-aim hairs pinpoint him. Once they do, you can hold the ‘square’ button, which lets you use the analogue stick to aim with more precision. You can use this cool trick to score head shots or to fire around crates, pillars and shields your adversaries might use to aid in their defense. It conserves ammunition, but there’s a more important reason to aim manually: it’s fun!
honestgamer's avatar
Condemned: Criminal Origins (Xbox 360)

Condemned: Criminal Origins review (X360)

Reviewed on April 15, 2006

Poor Ethan Thomas, he got screwed over big time. Upon investigating a crime scene in a rusty, broken-down building, he and two police officers discover that the killer is still in the place. Sounds like a simple job, right? I mean, it's three armed men against one, they'll have the dude pinned down by the end of the first chapter. Well, a couple of dead hobos later, he witnesses the two police men get shot by the serial killer with his own gun. Sucks, right? It gets worse. Ethan gets framed for ...
dementedhut's avatar
Space Harrier II (Genesis)

Space Harrier II review (GEN)

Reviewed on April 14, 2006

Space Harrier is not a game. Space Harrier is an idea. I can envision a programmer at Sega fiddling around with some code during his spare time and creating a functional 3D checkerboard field. Cue the proverbial light bulb.
phediuk's avatar
Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2)

Resident Evil 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 13, 2006

The Resident Evil games never really changed that dramatically over the course of the series (up to recently). They never ventured very far beyond the boundaries of standard survival horror, even if the series had itself invented a lot of what now defines the genre. However, as the games progressed, they appeared to become more and more monotonous. There's only so many moaning zombies and skinless dogs a person can take before they begin to ask for something a little different. In the fourth gam...
harvester's avatar
Second Sight (PlayStation 2)

Second Sight review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 12, 2006

Do you like bald men? Yes? Like men with hair? Yes? Well then a person like you must be in a bit of a dilemma over which third-person action/adventure games to invest in. Well, for all those who base their purchases on the state of the characters hair (you know who you are), Second Sight may be the game for you.
harvester's avatar
Kingdom Hearts II (PlayStation 2)

Kingdom Hearts II review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 11, 2006

Once in an extremely rare while, you’ve got exceptions. Mission Impossible II kicks the first’s ass. Aliens is arguably better than Alien. And Kingdom Hearts II is an improvement in every conceivable way.
lasthero's avatar
Darkwatch (PlayStation 2)

Darkwatch review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 11, 2006

Jericho Cross, an outlaw in the wild west, holds up a train one night in an attempt to rob it of any treasure it may hold. However, he soon finds out that what is in the train is slightly more than he bargained for. By holding up the train, he unwittingly released a vampire lord, who curses the west, filling it with blood-hunting demons and monsters. was a bad move.
harvester's avatar
Pac-Man (Atari 2600)

Pac-Man review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 10, 2006

I remember Christmas 1981 so well. It was a season of anticipation for one of the few gifts I wanted that year -- a copy of the Atari 2600 port of "Pac-Man". That game had literally dominated the arcades since it arrived, and I was weary of having to stand in line for a chance to play a game that might only last five minutes. Games of speed and skill like "Pac-Man" took time to master, and it seemed like the ration of time I received in respect to other gamers just wasn't enough to develop the n...
m0zart's avatar
Merge Marginal (Dreamcast)

Merge Marginal review (DC)

Reviewed on April 10, 2006

Marginal is unusual because the women are actually animal spirit maids. Sure, Tail Tale and Legend of Fairies featured animal spirit girls, but no developer has ever crossed that sacred line in the sand and mixed the "maid" and "animal spirit" genres. It's a daring combination that defies the bounds of traditional gal gaming. Either that or it's an excuse for the girls to squeal cute (read: annoying) NYAN! and UNYA! noises.
zigfried's avatar
Facade (PC)

Facade review (PC)

Reviewed on April 09, 2006

Questioning whether Façade is a game would be to overlook its importance in game design. In fact, to rant on this independent-party, low-budget, one-gigabyte download would be a failure to admit its inherent production value. Façade does not intend to be a masterpiece. It intends to be an experiment in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, allowing you to type a short sentence of dialogue at any time during a conversation. And what better place to interrupt a con...
draqq_zyxx's avatar

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