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Available Reviews
NCAA Football 07 (PlayStation 2)

NCAA Football 07 review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 25, 2006

Once in a while, a game comes around that totally redefines video gaming forever. Personally, I have experienced this with a few titles, most notably Super Mario Brothers 3 and Final Fantasy 7. NCAA Football 2004 was the last game to do this for me, as the game was simply phenomenal and one of the most addicting games ever. Then, NCAA Football 2005 came around and disappointed many, including myself, with its focus on defense being the major flaw. NCAA Football 06 tried to fix the flaws, and suc...
psychopenguin's avatar
Pocket Fighter (PlayStation)

Pocket Fighter review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 23, 2006

It finally happened. After years of selling Street Fighter II, slightly modifying it half a dozen times, re-releasing it onto various consoles, creating a prequel trilogy, three versions of a sequel, crappy movies, cartoons, action figures, and dominating the 2D fighting genre, the beloved Street Fighter series franchise jumped the shark. Of course, Capcom wasn’t ready to part with one of their most lucrative series just yet. They needed something different, something that not only captur...
disco's avatar
NFL Head Coach (PC)

NFL Head Coach review (PC)

Reviewed on July 22, 2006

My first year coaching the Oakland Raiders was definitely a successful one. I crushed the team’s goal of finishing with an 8-8 record not only by going 11-5, but by making it to the wildcard and greatly improving the team’s running game (and placed fifth in the league in rushing yards). I don’t know if I was due to my outstanding work ethics or my unmatched play-calling ability, but this success earned me several lucrative coaching offers from practically every team, as well as comparisons to th...
Halon's avatar
U.N. Squadron (SNES)

U.N. Squadron review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 22, 2006

U.N. Squadron is a phenomenal shooter, bearing very impressive visuals and challenging gameplay (with emphasis on challenging). Though there are some very specific battle flaws (if flaws is the proper word in this case) that'll surely frustrate many a player, the good manages to greatly outweigh the bad, leaving U.N. Squadron with a tremendously positive mark.
redemption's avatar
Kid Icarus (NES)

Kid Icarus review (NES)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

Kid Icarus was released on the same day as another Nintendo game: Metroid. The big selling point for both games was that they were "Password Paks"--that is to say, a password could be input at the start of the game so you didn't have to go through everything all over again after turning the system off. The two games have many other similarities: they use the same engine, the same team developed both games, their level designs are highly similar, they utilize the same concept of upgrading your ch...
phediuk's avatar
Jaws Unleashed (PlayStation 2)

Jaws Unleashed review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

But once you get past its beauty, once you stop admiring and start playing, the problems come. Jaws was a movie about a shark that ate people in the 70’s. Jaws: Unleashed is a game about a shark that eats people in the modern day, targets chemical plants, destroys oil platforms, and sinks ships by hurling torpedoes at them, making him the shark equivalent of Captain Planet.
lasthero's avatar
Guardian Heroes (Saturn)

Guardian Heroes review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

It is a sad fact that time renders many once-excellent games virtually unplayable, as games superior in both gameplay and technical prowess replace them. Sometimes a game can last for awhile before being replaced while a game may last only a year or two before losing its luster yet with a few exceptions, most games don’t carry their same superiority over a decade. This brings us to the game of this review, Guardian Heroes, which is entering its 10th year since its first release for the doomed Se...
magicjuggler's avatar
Arcus 1-2-3 (Sega CD)

Arcus 1-2-3 review (SCD)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

Wolf Team often waxes philosophical in their games, and Arcus is no exception. This time around, they've crafted a story about the evils of war: Rig Veda doesn't like how humans indiscriminately slaughter their own kind, so he's going to kill EVERYONE. It's an unusually reflective journey that often seems more concerned with exploring the nature of humanity than with saving the world.
zigfried's avatar
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PlayStation)

Star Ocean: The Second Story review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

The first time I played Star Ocean: The Second Story, I was duly impressed by the large number of spaceships (I quite like them) in the title screen cinematic. Intrigued, I started a game.
viridian_moon's avatar
Grandia III (PlayStation 2)

Grandia III review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

A sense of serenity permeates the night air, blinking lights lining the makeshift runway providing a fitting opposite to the sea of stars above. A blue-haired boy, Yuki, is sitting at the controls of what looks like a boat with wings, and his companion makes sure everything is in working order. The final checks are completed, and soon the engine of the odd boat-plane roars to life. With a slight lurch it starts forward, picking up speed on the downward slope of the runway until it jumps graceful...
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse review (NES)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

In Castlevania III, Death still is a brutal opponent (and making it a two-part battle doesn’t help), but a number of blocks are strategically placed in his room, so a skilled player can chase the reaper from one corner to the next. Trevor might have no safe places to hide, but neither does his undead foe! It might not seem like a big deal, but trust me — the odds are a lot more even here than in Castlevania.
overdrive's avatar
Arcus II: Silent Symphony (X68000)

Arcus II: Silent Symphony review (X68K)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

Arcus II is clearly not like other RPGs. I've played some streamlined games that worked, such as Riviera, but this one is so minimal that it's pointless. By skipping cutscenes and using the "run and only kill bosses" method, it can be completed in about an hour. Yes, this is a roleplaying game that you can beat in ONE HOUR!
zigfried's avatar
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PC)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion review (PC)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

Entering into the bright, open world of Tamriel from the dark, gloomy sewers you are introduced to a stunning display of the massive landscape. An exciting experience filled with intense sword fights and mystical creatures awaits you. Become a thief, killer, mage, hero, become whatever you want, there is only one thing that is certain: you are going to enjoy your stay in Tamriel. Oblivion is filled with remarkable discoveries that will keep you intrigued for a long time By just walking throughou...
madskillet's avatar
Gunstar Super Heroes (Game Boy Advance)

Gunstar Super Heroes review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 18, 2006

Gunstar Heroes. At this point, simply mentioning the name brings gamers to their knees, much in the same way a former quadriplegic does when Pastor Benny Hinn slaps them in the face. Treasure crammed as much awesome as they could for the little Genesis game that tried.
hmd's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 17, 2006

We find our young hero sleeping upon a lofty perch, overlooking the sparkling sea. He’s suddenly jarred from his slumber by his younger sister, Aryll. She then reminds him that today is his birthday, and he needs to speak with his grandmother. Once at the house, his grandmother gives Link his birthday present. New clothes? He is then told that the outfit is worn to commemorate the Hero of Time. Now, our hero, donning his new green garments, makes his way back to the island lookout to talk with h...
shinryu's avatar
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (PlayStation 2)

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 17, 2006

Attempting to do something unique, EA ships its players out to the Pacific to battle the Japanese in Rising Sun. Fighting on Japanese soil is a nice change of pace, but Rising Sun smacks you with brain dead AI, blocky environments, and flat out boring gameplay. Instead of shooting through some of the most intense battles from World War II, you are placed in a peaceful and exotic location to do extremely dull objectives. Rising Sun also fails to deliver a good plot with characters that you care a...
madskillet's avatar
Wild Arms 4 (PlayStation 2)

Wild Arms 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 16, 2006

That might be the greatest thing about Wild Arms 4: Accessibility. The puzzles are tough enough, the battles take enough strategy and the plot has enough depth any deep-thinking gamer. But the frenzied gamer gets platforming action, a superior battle system and a story that never stops moving forward.
lasthero's avatar
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (PlayStation 2)

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 16, 2006

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is the cash-in game derived from the final addition to the George Lucas movie series, which uses the story and characters from the movie in an action-adventure setting. It’s disappointing to find out that the quality of recent Star Wars games, like Battlefront II and the Knights of the Old Republic series, don’t come with the name, causing Revenge of the Sith to be a brutal experience. At its core, it’s nothing but a bland, mindless, and pointless butt...
ghostyghost's avatar
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology (PlayStation 2)

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 16, 2006

Once upon a time, Street Fighter II dominated the gaming world. If you had any interest in the fighting genre during the last decade, this legendary brawler had the power to grab your attention, keep your eyes glued to the screen, and play an untold amount of hours against friends and computer-controlled enemies alike. There were tournaments to win, characters to master, and plenty of other in-game aspects that made this fighter pure bliss. However, Street Fighter II couldn’t hold ...
disco's avatar
Tomb Raider: Legend (PlayStation 2)

Tomb Raider: Legend review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 15, 2006

After Angel of Darkness disappointed thousands of Tomb Raider fans with its clunky controls and uninspired action, most did not know what to think when Legend was announced. The earlier Tomb Raider games were so exciting and adventurous, that their sequels seemed to fall into a shadow. After Tomb Raider III and Angel of Darkness, the series began to lose the popularity and fan base that it once possessed. However, Legend attempts to revive the series by bringing back the fresh and entertaining g...
oddballtech's avatar

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