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Available Reviews
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (Game Boy Advance)

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 19, 2006

Craftsmanship is one of the few rewarding aspects of our lives. It comes in many forms, be it writing, drawing, solving jigsaw puzzles, furniture design, or just about an other hobby that you can pick up. Despite differences between these various pastimes, they all have one thing in common: the need for skill. The amount of effort you put into your work will reflect in the results; a writer can convey his or her ideas with passionate words, mere sketches can be true works of art, and even the to...
disco's avatar
Drac's Night Out (NES)

Drac's Night Out review (NES)

Reviewed on August 19, 2006

Slipping on these soles will allow Dracula to run faster and jump higher than any vampire has ever dreamed before. It’s gotta be the shoes! But just like real Reeboks, his Pumps will only last for a few seconds before disintegrating into dust.
sho's avatar
Animaniacs (SNES)

Animaniacs review (SNES)

Reviewed on August 18, 2006

Animaniacs looks and sounds just like the show, but the similarities end there. This is clearly just another attempt by executives to cash in on the fans’ loyalties.
pup's avatar
Burnout Revenge (Xbox)

Burnout Revenge review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 18, 2006

Right in front of you a car blocks your way, you slam on the gas, sending it flying. The next rival is only inches away you swerve to get onto there side. You’re even with him with only one way to get ahead of them. You slam hard into the car’s side sending it flying over the cliff. With one racer out of the way you floor it, and pull into victory lane. This is the world of Burnout Revenge. It’s the fourth game in the Burnout series, which is renowned for its satisfying car crashes and amazing s...
ghostyghost's avatar
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology (PlayStation 2)

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 18, 2006

Do we really need another Street Fighter compilation? Capcom certainly thinks so. After the hunk of detritus that was Capcom Fighting Evolution, you would think that we wouldn't see anymore zombified mishmashes of Street Fighter. Yet the raid in the graveyard continues. This time, we unearth the arcade brethren of the Alpha family - Alpha, Alpha 2, Alpha 2 Gold, Alpha 3 - and Super Gem Fighter. Eh, never mind that last one. Let's just slap ...
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation 2)

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

Unbeknownst to the public, hidden within the ruins of Midgar, a malevolent organization known as Deepground seeks to rectify the failures of Sephiroth. Their goal is simple; to awaken the power of Omega and destroy all life.
pup's avatar
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting (Xbox 360)

Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting review (X360)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

Yet, to my eventual disappointment, it is the online mode itself that represents all that is wrong with this port. Sure some will gripe about the difficulty of the AI, or go into the small inaccuracies of the sound and visual quality, but the true monster lies on the other side.
destinati0n's avatar
Robot Alchemic Drive (PlayStation 2)

Robot Alchemic Drive review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

The movie Godzilla is probably one of the most well known titles of all time. This isn't because of the fact that it was good, or even because the majority of the people who mention it have even seen it. Rather, Godzilla's notoriety stems from the fact that it was so gloriously bad that one couldn't help but be amused. With campy visuals, an oddly realized plot, and a downright off translation, the movie as remained the butt of jokes for over 50 years.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

Be wary. This review assumes you already know the basics of Symphony of the Night. Let this not be your first review. Instead, read another review and, if at all possible, play the game first. Come back afterwards and then read on.
marurun's avatar
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PlayStation 2)

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

Among the desert weeds and radiation of post-apocalyptic California live the last remnants of humanity. Jaded and cynical, they wallow in poverty, their run-down settlements small outposts of civilization in the midst of the all-encompassing nuclear wasteland – but underneath the dirt and grime lies a devilish brand of humor and the utter freedom to make whatever you want of yourself and the world. This is the premise of Fallout and Fallout 2, two incredible CRPGs that have enchant...
viridian_moon's avatar
Garfield and His Nine Lives (Game Boy Advance)

Garfield and His Nine Lives review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

So, suppose you get almost to the end of the stage and you just can’t seem to get in a good position to kick that squirrel. He throws one acorn to many or a bird dive bombs you when you’re not expecting it and you take one hit more than your stamina can withstand. Garfield collapses to the ground and goes to sleep. That’s about as violent as the game ever gets, and what it really means in gamer terms is that you’ve just lost a life.
honestgamer's avatar
Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

Illusion of Gaia review (SNES)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

Enix/Quintet's Illusion of Gaia is an action/RPG which aspires for philosophical greatness yet only achieves base mediocrity.
marurun's avatar
Jade Empire (Xbox)

Jade Empire review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

The teammate that tags along fails to help matters much; their only use on the battlefield is to draw opposition away from you while they get sliced to ribbons and inflict miserable damage -- even if this appears to be completely contradictory. Take Black Whirlwind, a huge muscle-bound psychopath who lives for mindless violence, a search for the perfect wine and bragging rights. The plot would have you believe that this shaved bear of a man is an unstoppable homicide factory, yet when it is time for his twin axes to be tested, you will often see him being smacked about by even the weakest of foes, leaving you alone to plough through targets unaided.
EmP's avatar
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney review (DS)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

The concept of Phoenix Wright is simple: you are a lawyer. Or, to be more specific, a defense attorney. Your job is to save your client from conviction--they're always innocent of the crime--and invariably find the real perpetrator, who is always caught during their own testimonies declaring the defendant's guilt. The game becomes predictable in a hurry. But it's entertaining, it has some inspired moments, and there's no other game quite like it. Until Phoenix Wright 2 is released, that is.
phediuk's avatar
1943: The Battle of Midway (Arcade)

1943: The Battle of Midway review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 17, 2006

1942 sucked. A lot. Piloting a P-38 through thirty-two stages of the same exact crap is not my idea of a good time. So, I wasn't really going into 1943: The Battle of Midway with high hopes. I read that it has quite a few upgrades that make it better than its predecessor, so I was willing to give the game a shot.
dementedhut's avatar
Prey (Xbox 360)

Prey review (X360)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

Prey was supposed to be a monster of an FPS that was going to rock our socks off. It was going to be a huge FPS. It was going to do for gravity what Half-Life 2 did for physics. Prey was an early contender for a dozen magazines and websites game of the year. Now, the game has been released and there are a bunch of reviews out there for it. It didn’t get the gleaming reviews that it was supposed to, but every review score is still too high. It’s almost like the reviewers were...
asherdeus's avatar
Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun! (Game Boy Color)

Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun! review (GBC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

Before picking up some games, you know that it's going to be bad. I thought that Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun was going to be a boring children's game that entertained kids in a way that older folks won't understand. But instead, I was smacked across the face with something so vile that insulted the minds of children and left a scar in my brain.
strawhat's avatar
Civilization IV: Warlords (PC)

Civilization IV: Warlords review (PC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

When you get a warlord, you then get to decide which available unit you’d like to associate him with. So, let’s say you have a few groups of chariot-riding fiends. He can join them and their power will be boosted accordingly. But they’re hardly invincible, or else the game would be too imbalanced. No, they’re just the slightest bit stronger.
honestgamer's avatar
Wild Arms 4 (PlayStation 2)

Wild Arms 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

Wild ARMs 4 is the latest entry in the Wild West RPG series, though you'd never know it from all of the changes that were made. Though a few new gameplay elements have been added to the mix, WA4 fits solidly in the console turn-based RPG genre. You control a small, rag-tag group of youngsters that takes on a horde of monstrous enemies. Each character specializes in a different area, like fighting, magic, or support skills. As you beat enemies, you level up your power, gain new abilities, get mor...
skrutop's avatar
1942 (Arcade)

1942 review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

I've played 1942 a couple of times before, and each of those times, I didn't really get into the game. With a grand total of thirty-two stages, I just didn't have the time. But I was willing to give the game another shot when I decided to do a review for it. I made sure I had plenty of time to waste, so I can attempt to make it through the entire title.
dementedhut's avatar

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