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Available Reviews
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (PlayStation 2)

Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 13, 2006

I enjoy fighting in Episode III, and I couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised. But the fighting wasn't what I came for. I came for solid characters and a solid plot held together by a solid science-fiction setting, something that the first two episodes delivered in spades. The finale doesn’t simply meet expectations; it exceeds them in every way.
lasthero's avatar
Jak II (PlayStation 2)

Jak II review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2006

Jak II is the product of a long line of cartoony platformers produced by Naughty Dog. Unlike the first game in the series, Jak II tweaks the formula by implementing GTA-esque design. Playing as both Jak and his sidekick Daxter, you'll have an entire city to explore filled with bustling crowds, anxious police officers, and a fair share of futuristic hover cars to take advantage of. Jak II doesn't scrap its roots entirely, though, because most of its missions take place outside the city in setting...
korubi's avatar
Rule of Rose (PlayStation 2)

Rule of Rose review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2006

Jennifer's about as comfortable (and skilled) with deadly knifes and other weaponry as one would expect the average teenage girl to be. Put a powerful lead pipe in her hands and watch as she swings, misses and takes what seems like an eternity to regain her equilibrium. Using short-range weapons like the assorted knives found throughout the game might solve that problem, but getting close enough to foes to make contact isn't always a good idea.
overdrive's avatar
Time Pilot (Xbox 360)

Time Pilot review (X360)

Reviewed on September 11, 2006

The year is 1982.
destinati0n's avatar
CivCity: Rome (PC)

CivCity: Rome review (PC)

Reviewed on September 11, 2006

With your first attempts at construction, you can only make tiny huts barely suitable for habitation. Residents demand a well, but they’ll only travel so far to reach it (apparently, crossing the entire city is just too much of a hassle and will prompt them to move to a city other than yours for the sake of eventual convenience).
honestgamer's avatar
Bee 52 (NES)

Bee 52 review (NES)

Reviewed on September 10, 2006

Some things in real life aren't made to be fun, but video games can mold them into something exhilarating, something worth wasting your free time to do. Video games can make you want to farm, or want to take the role of an old fat guy's life. They have transformed really boring aspects of life into something wild and breathtaking, and there are real gems out there. Bee 52 is not one of them.
strawhat's avatar
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Game Boy Advance)

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 10, 2006

I came into this game as another one of those guys who only knew Fire Emblem because of Marth and Roy from Super Smash Bros Melee. So basically, I didn't really know much about the game other than the fact that it's kinda similar to Advance Wars. After playing through the first few minutes of it, I was completely sucked into the world of Princess Eirika and her comrades.
strawhat's avatar
Sly Spy (Arcade)

Sly Spy review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 10, 2006

There is a glee about Sly Spy, a maniacal urge to so blatantly steal and simultaneously disrespect the source material it pays cynical homage to, the wonderful 007 canon, that makes it a grotesque spectacle, somehow both irritating and intriguing at the same time. I’ve always appreciated poorly made side-scrolling action games that are in obvious replication of the James Bond saga (I’m one of six living fans of the campy and tedious Rolling Thunder), and I couldn’t help but ...
dogma's avatar
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PlayStation 2)

Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 08, 2006

While Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was fascinating because of its frank discussion about silly subject matter, the sequel tries for a darker and more mature tone. Its attempts at humor seem almost half-hearted, and not just because of Adell. While it’s true that there are plenty of times you’ll smile at some of the jokes, they’re just not the focus they were previously.
honestgamer's avatar
Mug Smashers (Arcade)

Mug Smashers review (ARC)

Reviewed on September 08, 2006

Mug Smashers, though devastatingly threatening by name, is more of a womanly slap across the cheek than any truly bruising smash. It isn’t as good as Final Fight or Streets of Rage, and certainly doesn’t appear to be too worried about it. It’s bad, and surprisingly content with that.
dogma's avatar
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Bone: Out from Boneville review (PC)

Reviewed on September 08, 2006

While Bone: Out from Boneville lasts, it's an engaging and humorous experience that manages to entertain a wide spectrum of audiences.
bside's avatar
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Bone: Out from Boneville review (PC)

Reviewed on September 07, 2006

The comic's appeal was widespread, and, to a point, so is the game. The younger audience will enjoy the goofy characters, the vibrant colours and cartoony graphics whilst older players will enjoy that everything is just a little bit more complex then it seems. Behind the childish presentation lays a strong collection of characters that are a joy to interact with. From the sleepy-eyed Red Dragoon who takes a minimalistic approach to helping the cousins on their way to the triplet of playful possums that bicker for Fone's attention and take an immediate dislike to Phoney, there's an energetic world to explore. But before you can get lost in it, it's over.
EmP's avatar
Lock On (SNES)

Lock On review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 06, 2006

Vic Tokai's Lock-On is a game that'll really get your adrenaline pumping. After all, barreling through waves upon waves of hostile fighters, dodging missiles left to right, and pulling off sick aerial stunts are all in a day's work. Of course, that's not to say it doesn't get old seeing the same palette-swapped polygons zooming around the screen launching rockets at you. Lock-On may be pretty fun from the get-go, but the levels slowly turn repetitious and drab as the game carries o...
redemption's avatar
Terranigma (SNES)

Terranigma review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 06, 2006

Meet Ark, just another mischievous teenager enjoying his easy life in the small town of Crysta. Since the day he was born, his childhood has been limited to the gates of this mysterious village. The Elder seems to be the only soul around who has an understanding of life outside the boundaries of Crysta, but no one dares to ask him what may be beyond the walls. One day, a curious Ark decides to break down a mysterious door that had always remained shut. Inside the dusty room, he releases an evil ...
redemption's avatar
Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka (PlayStation 2)

Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 05, 2006

Because of its crazy atmosphere, diverse weaponry, and deep grappling system, 99% of delinquents agree: Dynamite Deka was, is, and always will be one damn fine brawler. I doubt Sega would have remade the game if it were a notorious ass-sucker. However, the game always suffered from two flaws: it was too short, and it was too easy. Fortunately, Sega's remake does more than replicate past success with fancier graphics.
zigfried's avatar
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PlayStation 2)

Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 04, 2006

As the sun rises over the land of Veldime, a young man named Adell is preparing for the battle that will determine his future. His goal is simple: defeat Lord Zenon, the absolute ruler of the land. Should he manage to bring the dark lord to knees, the curse plaguing the land will vanish, turning his now-demonic family back into the humans they once were. He’s got the unparalleled might befitting of an RPG, sheer willpower, and more than enough moxie to get the job done. Unfortunately, that’s ...
disco's avatar
Bomberman - Act: Zero (Xbox 360)

Bomberman - Act: Zero review (X360)

Reviewed on September 04, 2006

Despite all of its (well-intentioned?) efforts to give the series a fresh, hardcore coat of paint, it just doesn’t do enough things right for the aesthetic focus to mean anything more than that you’ve just dropped a wad of cash on a $10 game. The carefully-rendered backgrounds do a great job of slapping you across the face with the notion that this world is desolate, but they don’t add anything to the play mechanics.
honestgamer's avatar
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS)

Feel the Magic: XY/XX review (DS)

Reviewed on September 04, 2006

Stylish. Entertaining. Creative.
goldenvortex's avatar
MVP Baseball 2005 (Xbox)

MVP Baseball 2005 review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 04, 2006

Americas pastime - baseball. Oh what great memories you bring. Going out to the ballpark with one’s dad, the sensation of catching a foul ball...steroids. Okay, maybe the latter isn’t something to reminisce, but who doesn’t love a good hot dog and ball game? The MLB has been plagued by recent accusation, but that’s not apparent in a virtual simulation. So why not try out the alternative of MVP Baseball 2005? The game may seem as though it’s on performance enhancing drugs, but that’s not the case...
amlabella's avatar
Yanya Caballista City Skater (PlayStation 2)

Yanya Caballista City Skater review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 03, 2006

As dawn approaches San Francisco, the city awakens from its slumber and begins its morning routine. The fog slowly creeps out of the streets and into the bay, revealing countless one-way streets and sprawling neighborhoods. A street-sweeper is churning down an avenue, a bell clangs as a cable car lurches forward, and the smell of baking sourdough bread wafts through the breeze. A lone car travels cross the Golden Gate Bridge, the first of hundreds of thousands of daily commuters. The fishermen h...
disco's avatar

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