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Available Reviews
Sensei 2 (PC)

Sensei 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 12, 2006

How’s this for a defining moment? Shuichi Nakayama stands face to face with a crushed woman. She’s been horribly victimized throughout her life, a fact that he has parlayed into a variety of racy but lifeless sexual acts. To thaw her frozen exterior, he needs a powerful hook. And he finds it in her elementary-aged daughter, who has fallen into the sights of a pedophile. Shuichi can save her. If you force him to help out of whatever goodness is left in his heart, then his reward is the same...
woodhouse's avatar
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach (PC)

Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach review (PC)

Reviewed on October 12, 2006

It has been a little over seven months since the relase of Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach and during that time, there has been quite a few updates. But, on to the show and on to what you want to know.
lilith's avatar
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse review (NES)

Reviewed on October 10, 2006

Everyone recognizes the gaming brilliance that is Castlevania III – which is why I’m not going to bother reviewing it.
sho's avatar
Tsuki ~Possession~ (PC)

Tsuki ~Possession~ review (PC)

Reviewed on October 10, 2006

No one, and I repeat, no one said anything about urine, adult diapers, or enemas and their *ahem* forceful outbursts.
pup's avatar
Caesar IV (PC)

Caesar IV review (PC)

Reviewed on October 09, 2006

If Caesar IV is better because it focuses on the smaller details, then it’s also true that it’s better because it forces you to do the same. You have to worry more about things like hygiene now. More importantly, you understand why that is in a tangible sense. When you neglect the bath houses, you’ll see filth spreading through your city.
honestgamer's avatar
Pippa Funnell: Stable Adventure (Game Boy Advance)

Pippa Funnell: Stable Adventure review (GBA)

Reviewed on October 09, 2006

You'll jump a lot of gates in Pippa Funnell: Stable Adventures.
EmP's avatar
Children of Mana (DS)

Children of Mana review (DS)

Reviewed on October 08, 2006

So, I just finished my first of two imports for my DS. The name of the game, as you should know, is Children of Mana. I'm not one for introductions most of the time, so let's just cut to the actual review.
rabix's avatar
Night Slashers (Arcade)

Night Slashers review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 06, 2006

I’m a beat-‘em-up enthusiast.
dogma's avatar
NBA 2K7 (PlayStation 2)

NBA 2K7 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 06, 2006

Yes, NBA 2K7 looks eerily similar to the previous game. That's the biggest thing that critics have about this game. We all know that the Xbox 360 version of this game is much prettier and has more features than us PS2 owners can ever imagine. However, the PS2 version still has a lot to offer. There are new additions and improvements that you can never tell unless you pick up the game. Although its face is the same, the game has matured into something smoother and better, and I'm here to c...
strawhat's avatar
Just Cause (PlayStation 2)

Just Cause review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 05, 2006

When all these elements come together, you might actually be fooled into thinking Just Cause is a decent game. Don't. All is not what it seems.
lasthero's avatar
Parasite Eve (PlayStation)

Parasite Eve review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 05, 2006

The main problem is that whenever Aya gets into a fight, the game has to load in the monsters, which takes a couple of seconds. During this time, the screen freezes and turns gray, essentially screaming, “Hey stupid! You are going to be in a fight. Gird those loins and start shooting!”
overdrive's avatar
Haunted Castle (Arcade)

Haunted Castle review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 03, 2006

Don’t hate Haunted Castle just because there aren’t any candles to whip, the sub-weapons are totally lame, and Simon has blue hair. That would be silly. No, you should hate it because it’s a sadistic monster that feeds off your suffering (and pocket change).
sho's avatar
MechAssault: Phantom War (DS)

MechAssault: Phantom War review (DS)

Reviewed on October 01, 2006

Welcome to the 32nd century. Mankind has developed new technology, allowing them to delve deep into the vast emptiness of space. Many of the planets are brimming with civilization, including an interstellar communication system with gigantic satellite dishes. However, such advancements don’t stop people from being power-hungry warmongers. In a bid for the dominance of the cosmos, nations have raised their own armies of elite mech pilots and trained them to become Mechwarriors. Tons of battles an...
disco's avatar
Enzai: Falsely Accused (PC)

Enzai: Falsely Accused review (PC)

Reviewed on October 01, 2006

I definitely enjoyed my time with Enzai. I actually played through every scenario and bled the story dry, because the dialogue and characters were so well-conceived.
zigfried's avatar
Cooking Mama (DS)

Cooking Mama review (DS)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

All that Cooking Mama has to offer is cooking, cooking, and more routine cooking. The only real goal is to get perfect 100’s, but even then, the reward is yet another dish that utilizes the same cooking techniques and a little gold medal.
pup's avatar
Amped 3 (Xbox 360)

Amped 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

You'll also find yourself hired by a Canadian sock-puppet to hunt down a yeti. After being filled in by your odd employer (who uses a sock puppet of his very own to characterise the yeti!) you'll have to chase the abominable snowman down a particularly treacherous slope, outscoring him as he pulls mad tricks on his own snowboard to secure his capture. He'll backflip off an icy ramp and land precariously on a rail which he'll grind down, popping off stunts as he goes. Do the same or be shown up by the missing link!
EmP's avatar
Mega Man X: Command Mission (GameCube)

Mega Man X: Command Mission review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

This isn’t the first Mega Man RPG, but it is the first Mega Man RPG that hasn’t used weird some weird card system or had grids to move around on or wasn’t a blatant Pokémon knockoff. In Command Mission you play as X, robot fighter extraordinaire, hunter of the rogue reploids known as Mavericks. If you’ve been playing Mega Man X games for a while, you probably have this history memorized; from what I can tell, it’s just a continuation of the main series. I wouldn’t know because, again, I’m not good at the games and haven’t dug deep into the storyline. And, again, I don’t really need to. Command Mission’s plot is extremely linear and self-contained.
lasthero's avatar
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (PC)

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 review (PC)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

A lot of advertisements for games emphasize team-based combat. In countless games, you are supposed to be able to command an elite squad of soldiers who will execute your every command flawlessly and respond as adeptly as a human would. Typically, first-person shooters brag about this high level of team unity, but most of the time, they fail terribly at living up to their promise. The AI just isn’t smart enough, or the programming just wasn’t good enough, or the feature just wasn’t worth using. ...
asherdeus's avatar
Phantom Brave (PlayStation 2)

Phantom Brave review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

Phantom Brave follows the Nippon Ichi tradition for strategy RPGs with a twist - or a dozen twists, as it happens. The basics of the genre are recognizable - characters walking across a map, turn based, to kill their enemies with a variety of regular attacks and special skills - but that's about where all the usual expectations go out the window. This formula worked out great for Disgaea and to an extent, it still does; but at a couple of points, the game comes off as too experimental for its ow...
sashanan's avatar
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis)

Streets of Rage 2 review (GEN)

Reviewed on September 29, 2006

And make no mistake — losing the services of Adam was such a crushing blow to comrades Axel and Blaze that they needed to enlist TWO other vigilante crime fighters in an attempt to replace him. Skate is a skateboarder who I’ve never used or even considered using. Just look at the little pipsqueak and you’ll understand. Max is a big, powerful guy who suffers from being the slowest-moving human being in the world. Sure, he can wade through Mr. X’s foot soldiers with ease, littering the city streets with broken bodies and shattered dreams, but put him against nimble, agile foes and things get ugly.
overdrive's avatar

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