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Available Reviews
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess review (WII)

Reviewed on December 08, 2006

Zelda is a franchise that has captivates fans like few, if any other series can. The very title being dropped, without any screenshots or movies, is enough to steal the floor at game expos. Originally announced at E3 in 2004, Twilight Princess was no exception; and fans were immediately interested. The game faced delay after delay however, with promises from Nintendo that it would allow them to improve on the game. News of the delays consistently upset fans, but the delays were worth it. Nintend...
sayainprince's avatar
WarioWare: Touched! (DS)

WarioWare: Touched! review (DS)

Reviewed on December 08, 2006

The DS started Nintendo's incredibly irritating use of pathetic innuendos. While people are now ecstatic about playing with their Wii's and the Wii's of others in public, a year ago, they were obsessed with “touching”, “stroking” and “blowing” the DS. Did you find those last sentences funny? Of course you didn't. In fact, every time I hear a DS joke or an ever increasing Wii joke, it puts me off going near any of them, which is a shame because they both have the potential to redefine the way we ...
goldenvortex's avatar
Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Gears of War review (X360)

Reviewed on December 08, 2006

You'll be surprised how much you can do with so little buttons. Take control of Marcus Fenix, and marvel at how easy it is to throw him around the battlefield. Within minutes, you'll have him hurling himself behind cover, popping around the sides to take shots at any available targets and even reaching over his protective barrier to fire blindly at any foe foolish enough to charge him. You'll have him diving from one safe haven to the next, sniping around corners to bull-rush unprepared Locust and hurling spike-encrusted sling-shot-inspired grenades right down their scaly little throats.
EmP's avatar
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights (Xbox 360)

N3: Ninety-Nine Nights review (X360)

Reviewed on December 08, 2006

As you fight off a rather small group of goblins with your infantry unit in the middle of a stream, you have this feeling something isn't right. It's too easy. Around that point, you suddenly get a short cutscene of a giant troll with his huge army of orcs charge down a hill towards your position. You quickly get rid of the goblins, and with your troops behind you, charge up the same hill to greet them midway. You know it's not gonna be an easy fight, because one of their orcs can easily ...
dementedhut's avatar
Cartoon Network Racing (PlayStation 2)

Cartoon Network Racing review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 05, 2006

There are a few problems with Cartoon Network Racing, all somewhat typical of hastily-designed games within the genre. The first of these is a tendency to rely on items rather than good courses to provide the bulk of your experience. That translates to a lot of frantic rocket firing and oil slicks. At first, it’s kind of fun. It quickly grows tiresome, however, when you spend half your time spinning cookies after rebounding from an attack you couldn’t avoid.
honestgamer's avatar
Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 (PlayStation 2)

Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 05, 2006

Basically, the games here are the lion’s share of memorable titles you might have missed from the first collection. There’s no Ghouls ‘n Ghosts here, because that was already done. There’s no Trojan or Final Fight for the same reason. What you get instead are a collection of brawlers and shooters, along with Strider and Super Street Fighter II Turbo to round things out.
honestgamer's avatar
Online Chess Kingdoms (PSP)

Online Chess Kingdoms review (PSP)

Reviewed on December 04, 2006

Sometimes you play your best and the computer does the same and when all is said and done, you’ve won. The congratulatory screen comes and goes like it should. Then the next match is another inexplicable stalemate, or the disc freezes again. You just never know with this game, which is frustrating because of all the things does right.
honestgamer's avatar
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles (PlayStation 2)

Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 04, 2006

After Uzumaki Chronicles has done its best to drive all but the most diehard Naruto fans away, it actually gets interesting. Strong recurring villains appear, a dire plot involving genetic manipulation is unveiled, and Naruto's friends are consistently thrust into dire peril.
zigfried's avatar
Jump Ultimate Stars (DS)

Jump Ultimate Stars review (DS)

Reviewed on December 04, 2006

Shonen Jump is back. No, not the ever-so-popular Japanese magazine. I’m talking about the animated reality in which Shonen Jump characters exist. The place is inhabited heroes like Goku and Piccolo from Dragon Ball, Monkey D. Luffy and crew from One Piece, and the elite ninjas of Naruto fame. Any of those names sound familiar? If you’re a fan of current anime, a devout reader of its respective mangas, or just watch primetime Cartoon Network, these characters ou...
disco's avatar
Company of Heroes (PC)

Company of Heroes review (PC)

Reviewed on December 03, 2006

Your boat arrives at the sandy shore, but what awaits for many is death. Every enemy is ready, guns at their side. The crashing of waves is drowned out by immense fire, bullets flying everywhere. What was once your best friend is now a blood ridden corpse. But you and your comrades push forward with determination. Your infantry uses all the tricks up their sleeves - flanking from various directions, calling in artillery fire. What seems like days of fighting finally ends, and you are victorious....
amlabella's avatar
Master of Weapon (Genesis)

Master of Weapon review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 03, 2006

If that didn't make things easy enough, then reveal in the hailstorm of power-ups that drip from the screen every time you manage to shoot down one of the many lime-green penile-shaped ships that explode upon the merest of bullet grazes. These power-ups will literally outnumber enemy projectiles and offer you the substandard upgrades such as making your standard laser suddenly fire in double or triple spread shots.
EmP's avatar
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (Game Boy Advance)

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 02, 2006

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends is rather large, a few winding staircases stacked on top of one another with doorways that connect to long hallways and still more doors. At first, it’s easy to get lost in all the options, and it’s only by the end of the game that you’re likely to know your way around the building. That’s because by then, you will have wandered rather aimlessly about for hours on end, grabbing little trinkets and starting to wonder why things have to be so monotonous.
honestgamer's avatar
Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Gears of War review (X360)

Reviewed on December 02, 2006

If you take a look at the ol' recipe for success in the video game cookbook, you'll be sure to find excessive violence, chaotic action, and incredible graphics. Gears of War of manages to include all of these ingredients, from blood splatting across the screen to intense battle sequences against a horde of foes. And the graphics...well, they speak for themselves; anyone who doesn't think the game looks impressive needs to get their eyes checked. Along with these key elements, Epic Games throws i...
amlabella's avatar
Dance Dance Revolution: Ultramix 4 (Xbox)

Dance Dance Revolution: Ultramix 4 review (XBX)

Reviewed on December 02, 2006

Ultramix 4 features a variety of interesting step charts that sync well to the background music, and while few stages are difficult enough to challenge those who have mastered the hardest songs in past DDR releases, beginners and intermediate-level players will find a lot to like here.
sardius's avatar
Lumines II (PSP)

Lumines II review (PSP)

Reviewed on December 02, 2006

For each moment where you’re groaning as things pile so high that you don’t stand a chance, you’ll find moments where you sneak that piece in place just in time and watch a combo clear half the screen out of your way. Playing a single round for very long is difficult when you’re new, but there are definite rewards if you take the time to get better. Only by surviving a good long while can you hear all of the music and unlock the available skins.
honestgamer's avatar
Sonic Rush (DS)

Sonic Rush review (DS)

Reviewed on November 30, 2006

I don't play Sonic anymore.
hmd's avatar
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic review (XBX)

Reviewed on November 30, 2006

A lesson in morality. Plus lightsabers.
EmP's avatar
Sprung: A Game Where Everyone Scores (DS)

Sprung: A Game Where Everyone Scores review (DS)

Reviewed on November 29, 2006

I wasn't around during the glory days of text adventures, but I would expect it to compare slightly to Sprung. This game isn't really a "game" itself, but a dating sim comprised of different choices you pick to beat levels. You don't actually play anything since you only pick choices throughout the game. It definitely won't improve your chances of picking up chicks in the future(good try, though), but the game does have its bright spots where it'll send you tearing up from laughter.
strawhat's avatar
Three Sisters' Story (PC)

Three Sisters' Story review (PC)

Reviewed on November 28, 2006

For an instant, the photograph appears to exude happiness. A father embraces his sons, an arm around each young man, and smiles light up their faces. Their eyes, however, remain obscured in ominous shadow. The Three Sisters’ Story prologue immediately reveals the family’s unfortunate fate. The proud patriarch, facing financial ruin and public shame, takes his own life. The mother, not even pictured, insignificantly fades into death, unable to bear any of her newfound burden. And the...
woodhouse's avatar
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (Xbox 360)

Tony Hawk's Project 8 review (X360)

Reviewed on November 27, 2006

It’s definitely nice to see the franchise returning somewhat to its roots. The humor is more reminiscent of Ollie the Magic Bum than it is the days when Bam Magera terrorized the gameplay (though his fans will be happy to know that he is here again). Another change I loved is the lack of an enforced tutorial mode.
honestgamer's avatar

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